Wreck-It Ralph
Any tips on the first boss of Mar-Uru? This shit seems impossible. There are bullets EVERYWHERE. I can't dodge them, much less dodge and shoot at the same time
Any tips on the first boss of Mar-Uru? This shit seems impossible. There are bullets EVERYWHERE. I can't dodge them, much less dodge and shoot at the same time
Hopefully someone will have some more specific tips for you, but just as a general note for the bosses later in the game, by the time I reached most of them I was so hopped up on health boost pickups that I could basically just stand by taking damage so long as I didn't stop firing. If you're finding yourself struggling with bosses, it might be worth taking some time to go hunting for extra powerups.
Just started this tonight. Coming off Bloodborne, it's a great change of pace. I love how it doesn't even make an attempt to not be Metroid. This is scratching an itch I've had since Zero Mission ten years ago.
is there anything in the upper section of save rooms? Do i need to ocd drone teleport to both sides up there each time?
Any tips on the first boss of Mar-Uru? This shit seems impossible. There are bullets EVERYWHERE. I can't dodge them, much less dodge and shoot at the same time
Any tips on the first boss of Mar-Uru? This shit seems impossible. There are bullets EVERYWHERE. I can't dodge them, much less dodge and shoot at the same time
Any tips on the first boss of Mar-Uru? This shit seems impossible. There are bullets EVERYWHERE. I can't dodge them, much less dodge and shoot at the same time
I thought it was pretty cleverly guided until I beat the third boss and turned on the pump. Now I'm trapped in two areas with no way out.
I'm either faced with impossible jumps or tunnels that seem to require a morph ball.
Use the Kilver to take out the drones, and use the ice shards to rapid fire on the glass tv screen thing at the top. The kilver takes out the drones fast enough that you can usually replenish your health fairly quickly. If you don't have the shards yet, just use some other easy-to-fire weapon.
Any tips on the first boss of Mar-Uru? This shit seems impossible. There are bullets EVERYWHERE. I can't dodge them, much less dodge and shoot at the same time
I thought it was pretty cleverly guided until I beat the third boss and turned on the pump. Now I'm trapped in two areas with no way out.
I'm either faced with impossible jumps or tunnels that seem to require a morph ball.
Anybody know how to get the health node at the place were youin Ukkin-na ?meet the repaired version of Trace
So looking for a quick tip. Trying to get past one of those. I can't get past the fucker, can't dodge him and can't seem to kill him before he does me. Any ideas?green crawly fuckers that stick to you and suck your life as the remote drone
Just completed my first speed run: 2:46:59:10.
Nowhere near a good time, but I'm happy
I got four gold trophies: first speed run, low percentage of items, no deaths, and under 4 hours.
I think that Platinum trophy is attainable. I just need to finish it on hard and hack all of the enemies.
So I just had a glitch happen to me that I'm not entirely sure if it's intentional.
Yes, I picked it up before going up against Sentinel. It didn't really help that much, to be honest.Did you use the flamethrower? The trophies are easier than I thought, other than the glitch everything. Not sure I'll manage no deaths in my speedrun though I don't think I needed a separate run for low %
I'm gonna do the hard run next. Hopefully by the time I've finished there will be a guide with a list of all of the enemies.
When you're, there are a couple of guys in cloaks that "eat you up and spit you out". Can you hack those? I don't think so. I never saw them anywhere else.hallucinating
Yes, I picked it up before going up against Sentinel. It didn't really help that much, to be honest.
It did help with the final boss, though. I stayed on the bottom left corner and hit the white thing with my regular gun. When the drones came to me, I switched to the flamethrower and wiped them out. I continued like that until it went down.
Glitching some enemies turns them into forms that freak me out more than enemies in survival horrors, especially the ones that are rendered harmless and I can walk through. *shudders*
Try and run UNDER them as they jump (they always jump a bit up) and just keep running. Play it like a stealth section. You should be able to kill at least one with the laser, though your health in that section depends on your Power nodes.
Guys, what am I doing wrong here? Why can't I get this thing
How do I get this? I've drilled every single wall and tossed out a glitch bomb, and nothing.
Edit: Also, I got two pieces of health nodes bykilling a couple of glitched enemies. What the fuck? Does this happen in more than one room? Am I going to have to glitch and kill every single enemy in the game now?
Finally beat it, what an amazing amazing game. I dare say, that I enjoyed it better than most of the metroid games. There's certain things that this game does that are just so awesome, and things like the multitude of guns that aren't "needed" but let you just pick which you like. At first I wasn't digging the graphics, but they grew on me
You need a passcode. You'll know it when you see it. Find other secrets first. Be warned it is ALSO in a pretty nasty hiding spot. Hint:very late game area
Could you just tell me where? I've been trying to follow your map to find some of the leftover pickups and I just keep coming up to dead ends, and it's pissing me off.
It's the one in. Explicit hint:Mar Uru, right of SentinelYou need to glitch a purple robot to bring it into the room with 4 laser walls so it shoots the red orb. Then, under one of the tiles is a path you can dash to with a note. Just read the note and I'm sure you'll figure it out
And yeah, there are 4 passcode secrets that will look like dead ends, I only managed to find 1 of them on my own, though they should have been more obvious if I had noticed certain things. The passcodes are marked on the full-spoilers map, right by the areas they're needed.
Put the code in while in the room.Okay, I did that, I got the note, I put in the password, and it's still blocked off. What am I missing?
You never get trapped, the impossible jumps are supposed to be now.. they are telling you that you went the wrong way.
You have the glitch gun, try it on stuff.
Put the code in while in the room.
If the code is already on your list, deactivate it and activate it again while in the room.
Jesus christ. That is the stupidest secret in any game ever. How the hell are you supposed to figure that out?
OK, I'm tearing my hair out over here. I have all items for all areas except Kur. I've checked every resource online many times and I don't know what I've missed.
I have all weapons and 27 notes. It says I have all health too, but could that be because I got some in a glitch world? Anyhow, I've followed sir tap taps map for Kur and spent hours trying to find what I've missed, to no avail. Are there screenshots of the item locations or does someone have a clue?
I did have the game crash on me twice so now I'm worried it's not counting something I already got.
I think there ARE two nodes above the grapple, because I got them. The one you try to reach with the crumbling floor next to it, and one in the ceiling above it.
Also can't find anything in the boss room ceiling, or the rooms directly anove it.
Anyone want to give me a small clue on what area I should be searching in to progress? I just got thedrone.
The guns being optional is really amazing. Collecting items feels so much more impactful. Even the damage/size/range nodes are great upgrades.
Thanks, but HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO FIGURE THAT OUT? Oh my god, that legitimately makes me angry.
Finding stuff through observation and finding places to use your new abilities? THAT'S fun. Finding stuff through obtuse bullshit like this? That's not fun at all.
I was loving this game until I got to the final area with all its annoying enemies and bullshit bosses, but I managed to make it to the final boss and win. I figured roaming the world and picking up things that I missed was going to be fun, but if the rest of them are hidden like this, I might not even bother.
I've also got theThere's now a 49 minute speedrun of Axiom Verge!. Pretty crazy, most of the time save is due to save warps, boss quick kills and otherwise just great skilled play.
Lower Kur. the next item should have more obvious implications
I need help. I'm in E-kur-mah and there's a bit of the map I can't reach. I've looked on youtube and this dude's map was completely different than what mine is. I have no idea what I'm missing. It's the bit where you find the weapon here.
None of it is needed though.. the passcode stuff are secrets.. secrets in games like this are fun.. the fact there's still shit to be discovered is awesome. The passcodes though, there's ways to find why they are what they are if you really look.
It is needed, though, to get 100%. And collecting all the items is half the fun of this kind of game. Only they seem to have found a way to make it not fun in this game.
Obtuse bullshit secrets that don't have any impact on your completion percentage? Yeah, sure, go for it. But don't make it nearly impossible to get 100% without help.
I've been following TapTap's map, and every single room I've visited that's on his map and not mine is blocked off in some way, and I can't figure out why. It doesn't matter where I drill or what I try to glitch. It's infuriating.
Just jump over the purple shots while firing up and most will miss you, some minor left/right movements will be required. ONce it closes up, crouch in a corner...the wavey shots are basically RNG and I'm not sure they can be consistently dodged, but they rarely hit you in the lower corners. Weapon matters, I use thebut I'm unsure what's best.tethered charge
Remember there's general boss/exploration tips in my spoiler free walkthrough. I cover most of the issues that have come up repeatedly in this thread.
Look in Kur. Look UP. Remember the item you got from that boss.
Look down.There's a tunnel for the drone
Try and run UNDER them as they jump (they always jump a bit up) and just keep running. Play it like a stealth section. You should be able to kill at least one with the laser, though your health in that section depends on your Power nodes.
Did you use the flamethrower? The trophies are easier than I thought, other than the glitch everything. Not sure I'll manage no deaths in my speedrun though I don't think I needed a separate run for low %
Yeah tom said he left the slightly-weird collision for some weapons in since it's fun and mostly harmless. Lets you get a few minor pickups early.