Axios: Adviser says it's finally dawned on Trump: "People really fucking hate me."

Almost every post in here is acting as if this article is praising or glorifying Donald Trump in some way, which it very clearly is not. Even the positive thing he's done with the debt ceiling is basically framed as a narcissistic desire to not be as hated as he currently is. It's like 99% of the replies in here are to an entirely different article than the one in the OP. It's super weird.

People are paranoid that other people would start to come around to Trump.


This friggin' Axios article trying to cast Cohn, Kushner, and Miller as "moderate to Democratic."

Have to watch for these stealth Kushner puff pieces.

I'm not sure Trump is self-aware enough to invoke this deliberately. The stupider explanation, that he's doing this just to spite GOP leadership, seems like the more likely one. He's mad that they haven't done a damn thing in the last 7+ months and wants them to know it.

Gary Cohn is a registered democrat tho.


One senator recalled Trump saying: "We're going to have so much ... economic growth, that we'll have so much money — more than you imagine."

I read this in my head with Rick's voice burping midways in the sentence. :lol


Junior Member
He can pivot all he wants until he wears it out, but he's still a waste of life, a book from chapter 1 to the end full of lying, cheating, stealing, racism, misogyny, sexism and selfishness.
The Presidency is not a fucking joke and he made it a joke when he ran, and his little band of US-hating voters ran with it thinking it was funny. All for the sake of fucking over the US's first black President because he got his stupid little speech at an airport cut off when President Obama gave another speech at the same time with his (needlessly) proof of his birth certificate.
He sits on his fat ass all day and calls in conservative radios and TV shows saying anything so he can get verification people are giving him attention.
I have yet to refer to him by his title because it's not proper nor accurate.

Trump is and always will be a world class criminal.

But it doesn't fucking matter to his brain dead voters, because he does it for love of his country (despite contrary to the otherwise).
I'll bet you anything you could show them a video of Trump punching kindergartners in the face repeatedly until their noses broke and bled, and their response would be "it just shows how much he loves children"

one america voted him in . two the bolded is taking it way tooo far .

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
It's really fucking annoying that literally EVERY TIME trump doesnt absolutely shit the bed, there are legions of journalists just waiting to talk about how "presidential" he is, and how he "turned a corner." EVERY. TIME.

Then days or a week later he does some Nazi shit and everyone realizes, once again, he is actually a jackass.

Also, no idea why they think one tiny deal erases all the other bad shit he's done:

  • Equivocating Nazi's & Charlottesville protestors
  • Travel Ban
  • Travel Ban Redux
  • Pardoned Joe Arpaio, a man who literally bragged about how his tent cities were like concentration camps
  • fired his FBI director for investigating his ties to russia
  • appointed Betsy Devos as education secretary
  • secretly met with Putin at G20
  • thanked Putin for expelling diplomats from Russia
  • held an open air classified meeting at Mar a Lago when NK launched a missile test
  • revoked an EPA regulation against a pesticide that harms childhood development
  • appointed Scott Pruit, a climate denier, head of the EPA
  • appointed Rick Perry, a complete fucking idiot, head of DOE

those are just the things I can remember right now. I'm sure I could look some up, but fuck it. He's terrible and journalists need to stop sucking his dick the instant he accidentally does something not-insane

Edit: how could I possibly fucking forget, rescinding DACA.

Also forgot booting transgenders from the military, and spending tax dollars to investigate "voter fraud".

The 45 gets no love. #notmypresident


Incompetent people often have that.
Not only that but he willfully insulates himself in a bubble and surrounds himself with sycophants. That'll naturally distort one's world view.
To say nothing of his wealth and the fact that he's never been held accountable for any of his actions.
There are certain politicians and power brokers I'll hold celebrations for on their passing. Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and this motherfucker are but a few of the names on such a list.

This fucking cunt is straight up irredeemable but I will I accept any attempts at trying to become more human.

I wish I did believe in hell so I could be even more comorted when he inevitably croaks. I'm hoping for a ten day brain bleeding hemorrhage like Ailes received by the grace of karma.
Trump is the living proof that we don't have to fear hardcore white supremacists as much as we have to fear inept, stupid and petty morons with money, malleable by hardcore white supremacists.

This guy has no clue, no agenda, no spine. All he ever does and will ever do is to inflate his ego. You can't deal with a person like him. He's too volatile to be reliable. The only chance for Dems to actually salvage anything during his tenure is to appeal to his vanity for their agenda and obstruct everything else.
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