Axios: Adviser says it's finally dawned on Trump: "People really fucking hate me."

When my hardcore repub co-workers start complaining about Trump then perhaps there's a small glimmer of hope for him.

If he want's to really impress people start with single payer healthcare with lower premiums, student loan reform (like if you payed into it for ten years regardless of profession or not, the remaining balance is forgiven AND dischargeable in bankruptcy with a reasonable penalty so people won't borrow irresponsibly.) Trump want's to be popular, if he really wants this start with these. Go against the crooks who want to charge crazy rates, don't give in to their shady lobbying.

Stop listening to the hard right wingers, the evangelicals, and the racists would also help.


It's truly funny how little anything matters to him. Policies or views or goals mean nothing to him, he has zero attachment or real interest in these governing matters.
He only cares about his personal ego and feeding it with affirmation from others.
With how horrible and malicious his policies and appointments have been so far, the bar is incredibly low. He could announce a paper bag full of dog shit for his next appointment candidate and folks would see that as an improvement, holding on to hope that he was changing for the better.
Gimme dat liberal heel turn

Dude's still garbage either way tho


Nothing can save a Trump presidency.

The guys is still a fuck up that acts on his emotions and instincts. I'm not going to start praising his shitfuck activities just because he's trying to go to the other side.


Guy is tricked into doing one thing that isn't completely evil -- someone writes an op-ed about a miraculous heel turn.


This term of the Trump presidency will run its course in full, investigations like Mueller's take time. In the meantime why not play Cheeto Benito into passing better policies?
This term of the Trump presidency will run its course in full, investigations like Mueller's take time. In the meantime why not play Cheeto Benito into passing better policies?

That's where I stand as well. Milk him for all he's worth and then throw him to jail.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Man, the liberal media fucking sucks.

Although it would be pretty funny if Trump really did free himself from McConnell and didn't bother appointing any more federal judges.


Neo Member
Trump is a void, pure emptiness desperate to fill himself up with positive emotion. He exists only to have his ego stroked. Politics will become who can stroke him off better.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Fuck trump. I don't care how good he pretends to be, he's been too much of a piece of shit to get me to like him. I'd be willing to make it a soft dislike if he resigned from office.


Junior Member
He's worked to destroy free speech and the press, spread (often racist) lies and misinformation for personal gain, and protected nazi terrorists as they tried to murder Americans.

He will always be scum IMO.


Its potentially possible as the dude is clearly not all that stable. Is it likely, don't think so but I wish and hope hes right. If he says fuck you to the GOP and actually does something potentially useful or beneficial to the public than that's fine by me. That whole cutting deals bit was the game plan he sold in the campaign but couldn't deliver. If Chuck S. can squeeze stuff out of the dude, lets keep that train moving.


Reading through this thread I feel like I have no idea what people are even talking about. The article doesn't say anything about people suddenly liking Donald Trump. Like, I truly have no idea where people are getting this. Most of the responses in here feel like it's commenting on an entirely different article or something


I disliked the dude after a marketing professor suggested read Art of the Deal. I've always knew he was an arrogant asshole.. He'd have to play super double agent in order to get one ounce of respect from me, even then....


Not Wario
You guys have a hard time separating things. It is possible to be positive about this bit of news without being pro-Trump. We can "celebrate" this news as a potential indication of Trump doing less stupid stuff/more reasonable things in the future while still despising the dude and wanting him gone.

Separately, heel turn is an unfortunate phrase, as it intuitively works either way for those without knowledge of the wrestling background. If you spin on your heels, you end facing the opposite direction regardless of what orientation you had to start with.


Even if he was sincere & didn't have a history of backstabbing one group to the most immediate source of positive reinforcement, he's still one of the worst human beings in recent history.

That said, he's only good for being used by others, so I think it's fine for Dems to use him while they can. if he does some good, it doesn't matter if he did it for the wrong reasons. Just so long as we remember what his motivations are, & how much he's proven that since, like... his birth.


People already forgot about daca huh?

The media digging for a story will talk about the new Trump, but no actually left-of-center person is going to forgive his racist shit. Dude could become a crusader for single-payer and total forgiveness of student debt and whatever else and no one's going to bite so long as he still wants a wall and deportations and Jeff Sessions running the Justice Dept

You guys have a hard time separating things. It is possible to be positive about this bit of news without being pro-Trump. We can "celebrate" this news as a potential indication of Trump doing less stupid stuff/more reasonable things in the future while still despising the dude and wanting him gone.

Separately, heel turn is an unfortunate phrase, as it intuitively works either way for those without knowledge of the wrestling background. If you spin on your heels, you end facing the opposite direction regardless of what orientation you had to start with.

I'm glad that Schumer and Pelosi successfully used Trump's desire to "make deals" to scam him into an awful deal, and I hope they continue to do so, but I don't want to see that leading to actual compromise with Trump on areas where there's real difference. This deal is great because Trump got rolled. It was win-win for Dems. If they start talking about trading Dem priorities for wall funding or something like that, then there's a problem.


Its potentially possible as the dude is clearly not all that stable.



Trump's dilemma:

Keep doing what he's doing - >50% of the population will hate him, which is poison for his soul.

Do the right thing - GOP turns on him so fast his head will spin.


If he wants to turn public opinion of him boy does he have an uphill climb. He's spent the last 8 months being an absolute asshole. A few positive bi-partisan deals ain't going to wash that all the negative away overnight like that.
It's really fucking annoying that literally EVERY TIME trump doesnt absolutely shit the bed, there are legions of journalists just waiting to talk about how "presidential" he is, and how he "turned a corner." EVERY. TIME.

Then days or a week later he does some Nazi shit and everyone realizes, once again, he is actually a jackass.

Also, no idea why they think one tiny deal erases all the other bad shit he's done:

  • Equivocating Nazi's & Charlottesville protestors
  • Travel Ban
  • Travel Ban Redux
  • Pardoned Joe Arpaio, a man who literally bragged about how his tent cities were like concentration camps
  • fired his FBI director for investigating his ties to russia
  • appointed Betsy Devos as education secretary
  • secretly met with Putin at G20
  • thanked Putin for expelling diplomats from Russia
  • held an open air classified meeting at Mar a Lago when NK launched a missile test
  • revoked an EPA regulation against a pesticide that harms childhood development
  • appointed Scott Pruit, a climate denier, head of the EPA
  • appointed Rick Perry, a complete fucking idiot, head of DOE

those are just the things I can remember right now. I'm sure I could look some up, but fuck it. He's terrible and journalists need to stop sucking his dick the instant he accidentally does something not-insane

Edit: how could I possibly fucking forget, rescinding DACA.


I don't give a single flying f*ck what Trump says, he can't be trusted in any meaningful capacity. Why do people keep forgetting all the terrible shit he's done and keeps trying to do almost every day? Why? Goldfish-esque memories, maybe?

Use him to accomplish good if possible, but never forget he is and always will be a pile of sh*t who will try to get away with anything he thinks he can. Never feel sorry for him, never give him the benefit of the doubt, and for f*ck's sake, never trust him. He hasn't earned it.
I love how quickly people will support a racist misogynist if he says one thing that they might agree with.

Yup. This changes none of what he has said and done before, during and after the campaign. For a second, I was able to sympathise with Republicans supporting him because he (looked like he) was pushing their agenda, but nah; as someone who leans a little bit left, if Bernie or HRC acted like him during the campaign, I wouldn't have supported them either.

I hope his changes ends up helping people, but he's still a lying, inhuman, egotistical scumbag.


Trump is never going to change. He's never going to pivot. This whole thing is only temporary and was probably done just to spite McConnell and Ryan. Good on Pelosi and Schumer for taking advantage while they could, though.

It's really fucking annoying that literally EVERY TIME trump doesnt absolutely shit the bed, there are legions of journalists just waiting to talk about how "presidential" he is, and how he "turned a corner." EVERY. TIME.


those are just the things I can remember right now. I'm sure I could look some up, but fuck it. He's terrible and journalists need to stop sucking his dick the instant he accidentally does something not-insane

Edit: how could I possibly fucking forget, rescinding DACA.

With all the excuses journalists make for Trump, it honestly seems to me like they want him to succeed at all the terrible things he's doing (or they just don't care about who he hurts) as long as they still have access to him. I don't know why else a bunch of people he constantly attacks and threatens would keep falling for this same routine over and over and over again.

It's like they really, really want to be able to write comeback stories about him or something.


Trump is not to be trusted and he is certainly not to be forgiven.


If Democrats can manipulate his well known personality flaws into passing good legislation, they should do it.


You only have a fraction of a grain of sands understanding of how hated you really are, Trump. Fuck believing this piece of shit has any good in him.


I don't think I've ever seen responses so completely disingenuous from the actual article contents. I'm literally stunned at some of the stuff that is being said in this thread. I mean, this article doesn't even really praise, what is happening here?
I don't think I've ever seen responses so completely disingenuous from the actual article contents. I'm literally stunned at some of the stuff that is being said in this thread. I mean, this article doesn't even really praise, what is happening here?

I assumed most were in response to the last line of the article that ask if it will stick, and follows with "who knows?"

That's going to get some rather emotional "no's" :)


I assumed most were in response to the last line of the article that ask if it will stick, and follows with "who knows?"

That's going to get some rather emotional "no's" :)

Almost every post in here is acting as if this article is praising or glorifying Donald Trump in some way, which it very clearly is not. Even the positive thing he's done with the debt ceiling is basically framed as a narcissistic desire to not be as hated as he currently is. It's like 99% of the replies in here are to an entirely different article than the one in the OP. It's super weird.


Maybe he will actually put people in charge of departments who actually care for them now instead of getting people who seem like the villains from Captain Planet to be in charge.
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