Axios: Adviser says it's finally dawned on Trump: "People really fucking hate me."

It's like waking up from a dream when you have realizations like this. Our mind is incredibly powerful at building a world narrative we like.

All I can ever do is hope it improves him.


Fail out bailed
ITT: Democrats and liberals cynically assume democrats and liberals will be impressed by something inherently unimpressive.


He will never be able to redeem decades of bigoted and hateful action and speech, but I'm all for manipulating his ego to get stuff done.


Oh c'mon man. Doesn't this face scream bleeding heart liberal to you?

Fresh from his latest feast on the souls of orphans.
Anyone hoping for him to form any kind of predictable long-term pattern of behavior based on this is going to be disappointed. If anything, his need for approval will keep him returning to the white supremacist well over and over again because they’re the only ones who love him.

This. Expect nothing.
Yeah, Trump is really bringing out the worst in everybody. His presidency is a travesty and I don't know if we'll ever recover from it as a society.


Darkness no more
I always figured he knew people hated him and didn't care. With as much TV as he watches I am not sure how he did not realize he is not liked until now.
You mean when he lost the popular vote by 3m he didn't realize people fucking hate him?

Don't fall for this shit. He's only out for himself.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The words on that worrying (lol) shirt were the title of a radio hit in the early-'90s, lol.


So let's say he does change. He is still a piece of shit who changes positions at the drop of a hat in pursuit of power and adoration. At best, his policy will be less blatantly evil. Without a time machine, he will still be Trump.
He won't change, because his deal with Schumer was nothing more than him spiting the Republicans for not passing his health care law.

Even if he does stay this course, it'll just be because he's throwing a tantrum and trying to undercut the ruling party. Which honestly may be worse from some perspectives than just passing Republican laws.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It doesn't fucking matter with Mueller breathing down the back of his neck at this point. Trying to make friends with the Dem's isn't going to stop what's coming. Not that I think this
"change" will last long as its not like the Democrats are going to listen to him anymore than the GOP did.

Edit: I am more than fine with Trump painting the Republican Party as a bunch of losers and get his zealots to turn on their own.
Surprise surprise motherfucker

Get Chuck, Nancy and Bernie back in the oval office for a public option and watch normal people (read: not Republican congress) congratulate and support you. Piss all over Ryan and Mitch like Russian hookers if you must. They deserve it anyway. This man was seriously blinded for the first few months and it greatly accelerated his seemingly inevitable political fall.


Whatever. The fact that Trump is primarily motivated by vanity won't change. He'll be back to energizing white supremacists from behind the seal of the President soon enough.


He won't change, because his deal with Schumer was nothing more than him spiting the Republicans for not passing his health care law.

Even if he does stay this course, it'll just be because he's throwing a tantrum and trying to undercut the ruling party. Which honestly may be worse from some perspectives than just passing Republican laws.

Considering how he loved the positive coverage over the deal with the Dems, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more of it. This is a man who feeds off of people adoring him and loving him and will do anything if he thinks he will get that reaction from people.


I think this is all bullshit but Trump is so narcissistic that I almost think he'd support nearly an Dem policy if it got him good press and a higher approval rating.


Yeah I don't believe this at all. It's far more likely that he made this deal to piss off a lawmaker for some perceived slight.
as long he holds mcconnel's and ryan's feet to the fire constantly im ok with it.

I legit. believe that he was 'duped' by the GOP to push healthcare first, it seemed like he really wanted to do tax reform first instead. But since Reince and all those fuckers were in the WH, they pushed for healthcare and failed miserably at it. This is why Trump dislikes most of the leaders in the GOP now, they didn't do their fucking job correctly.


Just the other day he posted on social media a picture of him at a Pro-DACA rally wearing tthis shirt and standing in front of a crude sign that basically told all Trump voters to kill themselves.

my dude if wearing a t-shirt with commie signs and saying eat the rich is radical then you need to adjust your question of what is radical cos that is like hot topic levels of radical
Can Trump pivot and best Obama by not dismantling his legacy but besting it?

I doubt it, he'll muller it over a round of golf, then tweet out he's repealing something else, banning something else and interjecting about some great guy he knows


I keep asking myself when we stop with this bullshit "he's going to change" and have real people finally accept that he isn't some random stooge. He's a racist moron and has been far longer than he has been running for public office.

It's not a fucking act.

Stop it


my dude if wearing a t-shirt with commie signs and saying eat the rich is radical then you need to adjust your question of what is radical cos that is like hot topic levels of radical

maybe they mean they're worried that their brother will start skateboarding or something

i'm concerned about how rad the youth are becoming
I just really hope he burns down the GOP before he goes to jail. A video/audio recording of him talking shit about GOP, mconnel and ryan would be a bonus lol.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I keep asking myself when we stop with this bullshit "he's going to change" and have real people finally accept that he isn't some random stooge. He's a racist moron and has been far longer than he has been running for public office.

It's not a fucking act.

Stop it

People keep say stuff like this but I'm having a hard time seeing anyone who is genuinely talking about him turning into a dem and working with us.

What I've seen plenty of and I agree with is that if we can continue to manipulate him to push a progressive agenda then we should.

The only thing happening here with this "deal" is Donnie had a chance to rub Mitch and Paul's faces in shit and he jumped at it because they hate each other.


People keep say stuff like this but I'm having a hard time seeing anyone who is genuinely talking about him turning into a dem and working with us.

What I've seen plenty of and I agree with is that if we can continue to manipulate him to push a progressive agenda then we should.

The only thing happening here with this "deal" is Donnie had a chance to rub Mitch and Paul's faces in shit and he jumped at it because they hate each other.

I mean at least this article alluded that now that Bannon is out, he's surrounded by a bunch of Democrats. Which is pure and utter bullshit.
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