Linux User
Embrace extinguish.
Dude, I'm just pointing out what you've said. Do I really need to go back through your posts and quote you? Because I can't be bothered doing that.What are you talking about, I am not defending shit. Ive literally said I bet the exec did say it. I wouldnt be surprised in the slightest if an exec said they want to kill the competition, literally like how SOny talks about microsoft as shown above.
Can you not accept that or something?
Pretty much, come back when you can link it to $80B worth of acquisitions.
Honestly, as bad as it sounds, it didnt translate to Sony making any dick move to anyone.
They minded their own business and succeeded, fortunately.
The same cannot be said about the purchase of Activision.
Yes. A giant publisher is not the same than one franchise. Keep spinning it as you want.There's only 20 odd years of paying to keep big AAA games off other platforms, but I get's not buying a publisher so it doesnt count.
I'm looking forward to playing FF XVI on my PC tomorrow.
Maybe read the thread againNo-one here is defending Sony.
Absolutely no-one here is trying to cast Sony as a corporate white-knight here to save gamers from the evils of monopolies.
The only difference is the reality of how it looks right now. Xbox brings their games out on console and PC day one and that's what they are doing.
I'm looking forward to playing FF XVI on my PC tomorrow.
Who is it you "work" for again?
PsygnosisPretty much, come back when you can link it to $80B worth of acacquisitions.
Quote them. Prove me wrong.Maybe read the thread again
No?Dude, I'm just pointing out what you've said. Do I really need to go back through your posts and quote you? Because I can't be bothered doing that.
I mean, if you think I've mischaracterised something you've said, let me know. If I'm wrong, I'll apologise. But as it stands, yeah, you're shilling for MS by defending those practices you talk about up there.
Nothing,DenchDeckard ?
You can’t even defend your own damned words?
You’re not just a shill, you’re a coward.
Oh, fine by me. None of his responses are worth a damn, and everyone else can still see him get called out for what he is.Careful, he'll put you on ignore for calling out his bullshit.
Just know that everything he says is a lie and he'll twist himself in knots on behalf of Microsoft. Once you see everything in that light it all makes sense.
Nothing,DenchDeckard ?
You can’t even defend your own damned words?
You’re not just a shill, you’re a coward.
Being first doesn't mean you have to eliminate the competition. Seems that meme about its not that I succeed , everyone else must fail is a mantra for some folks.And??? Idk any competitor that says .. okay let’s go and be second! Okay everyone in on 3 …
Not only do those folks think competition means letting the other team catch up, it also means literally puting the other team out of business. Competition, amitite?So the new narrative is that Sony wants to do that too? But does Sony has enough money for that? Just ask yourself this simple question Microsoft zealors.
Yes because sony didn't go on a money hat world to remove games from xbox to hurt their marketshare and get their last competitor out of the marke. People are just pissed playstation has finally lost a major 3rd party studio games after a decade of getting everything. Its cool if sony removes content to hurt xbox. Its bad when Microsoft removes content from playstation is hypocrisy around here.So the new narrative is that Sony wants to do that too? But does Sony has enough money for that? Just ask yourself this simple question Microsoft zealors.
Being first doesn't mean you have to eliminate the competition. Seems that meme about its not that I succeed , everyone else must fail is a mantra for some folks.
For all the ppl that said MS doesnt have to be first selling consoles as long as they have success elsewhere in gaming....I'm surprised ppl are just hand waving this away.
Next ppl are gonna tell me sport teams that play each other want the other team to go out of business. What type of competition do some of yall want.....damn. Again, being first doesn't mean the other team needs to disappear.
Not only do those folks think competition means letting the other team catch up, it also means literally puting the other team out of business. Competition, amitite?
I cant with these ppl.
Reminder that MS also "moneyhats" exclusives and they could do more but they'd rather buy the cow then pay for the steak. Another reminder that paying for exclusives is not remotely the same thing as buying the largest third party publisher in history.Yes because sony didn't go on a money hat world to remove games from xbox to hurt their marketshare and get their last competitor out of the marke. People are just pissed playstation has finally lost a major 3rd party studio games after a decade of getting everything. Its cool if sony removes content to hurt xbox. Its bad when Microsoft removes content from playstation is hypocrisy around here.
Oh and I notice the "buyout = moneyhatting some exclusivities" is back, so let's just bring back the fact Microsoft began that trend on Xbox 360 and the loop is complete.Yes because sony didn't go on a money hat world to remove games from xbox to hurt their marketshare and get their last competitor out of the marke. People are just pissed playstation has finally lost a major 3rd party studio games after a decade of getting everything. Its cool if sony removes content to hurt xbox. Its bad when Microsoft removes content from playstation is hypocrisy around here.
So the new narrative is that Sony wants to do that too? But does Sony has enough money for that? Just ask yourself this simple question Microsoft zealors.
Fucksake.What are you talking about, how old are you? what do I need to defend? I aint defending shit?
Im saying I bet the guy said something along those lines as I see it every other day in business. I also said I am not going to take some "gamers" legal statement as gospel until there is more info so I dont show my entire ass, like so many seem to be wanting to do right now.
You seem like a crazy person to me, are you ok?
This email was sent before Bethesda or Activision even had a thought of selling themselves....
Are you implying Matt Booty walked into those publishers with a gun and forced them to sell?
They even come up with "fun" names to express their business plan such as "operation kill...said competitor"
It's just their way of driving themselves to entertain themselves i guess, to come up with plans to take marketshare.
...this, to my reading, means you see no possible harm to the industry from MS's actions. I assume here, of course, that you care about the industry - within that context, you would give at least one flying punanni about the possibility of the acquisition establishing a monopoly.I couldn't give one flying punanni if these deal went through
Isn't that the reason any business does anything? To get rid of their competition?
He totally has a closet full of collarless leather jackets and xbox t shirts and does this every morning.
Don't forget the comments that Sony will do it too with Bungie even when both companies explained that Bungie is independent in platform choices [I imagine the only caveat is Sony must be one of the platforms].So the new narrative is that Sony wants to do that too? But does Sony has enough money for that? Just ask yourself this simple question Microsoft zealors.
Because when an exclusivity deal to create a game is made nobody goes to a regulator and says "it's not our intention and we have no incentive to partially foreclose a competitor" then have an email possibly expose the truth. When trying to acquire a company however... I'm sure I don't need to explain it.Anyway why is this news? Of course the purchase is made to put Sony out of business. Do we all think Sony signed a deal to keep FF16 off of Xbox just for shits and giggles?
When they have a history of playing foul to the point that entire teams are removed from the competition due to the physical injuries that they inflict, then yeah, it probably does.When you are about to play a game of football against another team and the coach says “alright! let’s go destroy them !‘.. they doesn’t mean to destroy them literally.![]()
Fine. Since you asked for it, I will explain what your own fucking words mean for you. Honestly though, I can't believe I actually need to do this.
Just so you know, if you get to needing someone to hold your hand when you cross the road or tell you which end of your cock to piss out of, you're on your own.
I said you: "will accept Microsoft's response to it as gospel"
You said:
This can only be based on MS's response to the email at hand. I see now that I was being generous in giving you the benefit of the doubt - your response here actually reads into that response to presume what MS's PR-bot only hinted at. You take their implications as gospel. Where, for instance, do you get such certainty that the email was sent "before Bethesda [...] even had a thought of selling themselves"?
I said you: "defend their predatory language as meaningless"
You said:
I even gave a long list of well-known predatory practices MS have engaged in, which you oh-so conveniently ignored. You defend their language as "fun" even in the face of literal decades of irrefutable evidence that this is exactly how they do business.
I said you: "dismiss any possibility of harmful consequences of their actions."
You said:
...this, to my reading, means you see no possible harm to the industry from MS's actions. I assume here, of course, that you care about the industry - within that context, you would give at least one flying punanni about the possibility of the acquisition establishing a monopoly.
So... yeah, you are defending MS and you are a shill.
If you write anything else that you need me to explain for you... fuck off. Grow a pair and own your own fucking words.
edit-- I misspelled "punanni".
Lol.Dude, my comment about people coming up with fun names was talking about the business I work for and partners we work with, not Microsoft. I'm not defending shit. I'm saying this is what businesses do and talk like internally.
Let me ask you a question, do you think MS are the only business that discusses other businesses internally and in meetings in this manner? Using language like "destroy the competition" etc?
Im not defending them, what is there to defend? they want to buy the biggest publisher on the planet to strengthen their business and weaken another. It's exactly what they want to do.
yep if anything that just gives further fuel to the FTC saying Microsoft lied during the Bethesda acquisition and thus they can’t be trusted nowWhen they tell you that the email was sent in 2019 but don't realise that makes it worse.
Oh, I will respond to this edit.You seem absolutely crazy over this information, why are you so angry?
You actually seem really fucking unhinged....
Also, to add.....You talk about predatory language and then write the things you write??? I cant even imagine how you would talk in a meeting room or internal emails for your business....You're god damn crackers mate.
Love Zero Wing, there was a rock club that I used to go to every Friday night and they had Zero Wing, almost every week I'd have to complete that game before starting the night proper (one credit, no deaths of course), ah, fun times, a simpler time.- embrace, extend, and exterminate -
Embrace: Cheap game pass for all gamers.
Extend: Xcloud, you don't need a console anymore.
Exterminate: Buy the biggest studios and release everything on game pass only.
"All your base are belong to us"
The Sega Saturn will be next on the bingo card.Only a matter of time before it gets brought up unironically.
Wow,this is shocking news,shocking......I thought they were buying up all those studios and publishers to help Sony out and grow the gaming industry for everyone.....I can't believe this,lol.
This guy is having a mental breakdown right now. He's doing the classic MS shilling strat. Ignores all the truth bombs from posters who have quoted him while attacking someone else.What are you talking about, how old are you? what do I need to defend? I aint defending shit?
Im saying I bet the guy said something along those lines as I see it every other day in business. I also said I am not going to take some "gamers" legal statement as gospel until there is more info so I dont show my entire ass, like so many seem to be wanting to do right now.
You seem like a crazy person to me, are you ok?
That really is the baffling part, worrying if he's knowingly lying, even more worrying if he actually believes it.Well that's literally what they said:
Our vision for gaming: More choice and more games for people everywhere
Satya has also gone on record in a number of interviews parroting how this deal will "grow" the industry.
Microsoft since literally the 1990'sIt sad when a company is so trash outside it core products, that it can't compete on merit, it has the try to make itself the only shitty choice.
This is some cartoon villainy shit. With henchmen and all.
or, y'know, some people prefer a certain console and don't like it when a MAJOR part of said console is about to potentially be taken away (or at the very least nerfed, because it will be)Wow sony and their fanboys are getting desperate I see. It's kinda sad how pathetic these people are that they have this much love/obsession with a corporation