You know, some of us don't even own any Sony console. Some of us just want the video game market to stay something competitive unlike, for example the PC operating system market? This e-mail is just a proof they want to do the same with the video game market. So yeah stay in your baby shilling warfare, most of us here aren't about this shit.
See this is what people aren't looking at. Microsoft didn't become a $2.5 trillion dollar company by being nice to other businesses. Quite the opposite. They either go into something and succeed at being the best or they put a stop to it when it is no longer feasible. In this case Microsoft clearly link gaming into their software business and won't stop at anything less than number one. It's what they do. It's what any business with the power and inclination that Microsoft do.
It's like Auto CAD. Very little competition. Why? Because when some one releases a half decent product, it gets acquired and features merged into Auto CAD. Microsoft are no stranger to monopolising and certainly no stranger to anti trust court.
Allowing this deal to go through sets a precidence that would allow further industry consolidation and Microsoft to continue to acquire, effectively with the goal of PlayStation's foreclosure.
Whilst PlayStation have been very bullish in the past, they forget that Nintendo have succeeded regardless of their competition and SEGA fucked themselves with stupid decisions from CEOs that liked cocaine and cars more than longevity. PlayStation for all its success has done a lot for this industry and on a scale of balance the industry would be much worse without it.
Microsoft could have persuaded me to buy an XBOX if they started developing great first party content which is what Sony had to rely on for the majority of the PS3 and PS4 era. I personally, I believe a lot of these timed exclusive deals were to fill a gap in their portfolio due to interruptions from COVID. They clearly want to partner with some deals further.
Microsoft could do this too and have in the past. But buying the industry is a poor way to succeed and will only give me the inclination not to buy an XBOX in future. Not that it would massively affect the situation anyway but it is what it is.