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Axios: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal


Details on how the withdrawal will be executed are being worked out by a small team including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt

Environmental Protection Agency. It beggars belief. It's like signing up to be a museum curator just so you can smash up priceless historical artifacts with a sledgehammer. Pure villainy.



This isn't even that. A lot of shareholders will be very pissed off by this.

We are so fucked.

Not quite. This isn't a forever decision, but a temporary one.

It's time for the states and cities to up their game with renewables like China.

So the withdrawal could take 3 years, by which time if there is another President in 2020 they can instantly re-join? Or does re-joining also take another 3 years?

Yep. That's right.


It's time for a global revolution. If we don't do it, us the people, we are toast in the next thirty years.
Why a global revolution?

The only countries not in on this are Syria, Nicaragua and the US.

Even if Trump is gone in 3 1/2 years what stops the GOP from leaving again.

The problem isn't Trump but the lack of climate(or general) education in the US


What happened to that legal case where a large group of children were essentially suing the US government for toying with their future in regards to climate change? Wasn't it supposed to be brought before SCOTUS this year?


Even Frank Underwood wouldn't do this so he can just be evil.


Joke is now over with Trump. USA can pack this shit up and remove him from office already before he does permanent damage to the world and kills us.
I think this is the third time I've posted this, but: as awful as this is, the fact is that Trump was NEVER going to pursue the target goals outlined in the Paris agreement, so whether he keeps us in or pulls us out is functionally the same. The path forward for the U.S. government to take meaningful steps on climate action, for at least the next 3.5 years, died last November.
Definitely, but this withdrawal crystallizes his take on the issue. Symbolically, this is a huge "fuck you" message America is sending to the rest of the world.


Taking "done fucked up" to another level - what a surprise.

Too chickenshit to actually say it to face of his European counterparts as well - sad.

US is really in a tailspin on the global stage at the moment. I mean most countries are struggling with various issues/challenges but US seems to have gone full retard.

I have to feel real sorry for those who didn't vote for this or endorse it. I know how you feel sitting in UK right now.
Understand that this doesn't automatically mean that Trump's going to jack up the CO2 emissions like crazy. Coal still isn't coming back from this and renewables are still the way forward.

This move is just stupid "America First!" posturing. This isn't even popular with big corporations.

We all knew from the beginning what the GOP's priorities were. This is just them showing their disgusting behavior to the world.


So what consequences will there be for withdrawing? Fines? If there are no consequences, what's stopping everyone else from missing targets and withdrawing?
I wish climate change effected those that deserve it more. Maybe the US will suffer more extreme weather but those in power have riches and comforts to weather any storm...


Why a global revolution?

The only countries not in on this are Syria, Nicaragua and the US.

Even if Trump is gone in 3 1/2 years what stops the GOP from leaving again.

The problem isn't Trump but the lack of climate(or general) education in the US
Quite a club you got there. Hahaha
But will they, though? Some states seem all about, but not all of them, with any red states outright shunning the idea

Give them time. The more economically sound it becomes to switch to renewables, the more of a push even red states will have to go for it. Maybe not now, but definetly in the future.


The contempt that I feel for Trump and every single person who voted for him cannot be put into words.


Gold Member
Fuck you, Trump. Fuck you, Republicans. Fuck you, everyone who voted for this ignorant anti-science fascist. This isn't some soft issue we're talking about here, it's the future of our fucking planet.
Give them time. The more economically sound it becomes to switch to renewables, the more of a push even red states will have to go for it. Maybe not now, but definetly in the future.
Politically sound tends to trump economically sound.

In the long run, it might be true, but this is a time sensitive issue.
Give them time. The more economically sound it becomes to switch to renewables, the more of a push even red states will have to go for it. Maybe not now, but definetly in the future.

You really overestimate red states, like severely. Maybe in the future of 50 years or something, when it's way too late to matter
Trump still following the "What would a dick do?" guide I see.

Maybe us Europeans should impeach the idiot? His stupidity is affecting our planet.


Give them time. The more economically sound it becomes to switch to renewables, the more of a push even red states will have to go for it. Maybe not now, but definetly in the future.

I believe I actually saw something on TV the other day, a Republican town major who was all into "green", especially wind energy. Not because he believed in climate change, but because it was economically the best option and because he thought "hey, clean air is nice right?!"
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