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Axios: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal

Trump being in power means America didn't elect Clinton.

America elected Clinton, the electoral college elected Trump based on 100K people across three states.

Just want to remind you that that's irrelevant.

No it isn't, America by majority selected a rational leader, something that's relevant when talking about an entire nation and the actions of a government and blaming the populace for "electing" that government.


Would like to take this moment to say: Fuck off ivanka you piece of shit, fuck off kushner you piece of shit. Don't want to read anymore fluff pieces about how they are a moderating influence.


Do you think the east german government would have caved if their citizens put public pressure on them once a month instead of mass protests every week?

A protest per month with all the shit this administration does is a joke and the GOP won't give a shit about it.

There are so many examples where constant pressure actually changes policy.
Bitching on the internet or protesting once per month will not change policy.

This guy gets it. We need people in front of the White House 24/7.


He's just making sure his name will enter the history books, alongside other great leaders such as Caligula and Idi Amin.


Let's just hope that this doesn't create a precedent for other big industrialized countries like China and India.


America elected Clinton, the electoral college elected Trump based on 100K people across three states.

When election system is build around electoral college system then it's how elections are ran and elected President chosen.

America elected Trump.

And yes, it fucks with my mind big time that in US it doesn't matter what majority wants when it comes to Presidential election.
Coward. Of course he waits until he comes back home from Europe to say this. Can't even say it to their faces, that's how little courage or conviction is his supposed ideals he has. What a pathetic, sad individual.
How about you bring some actual arguments instead of posting this shit


Okay, time to pull out my post about this the other day, when everyone dissed protesting in America.

I feel like a lot of the "outsiders" talking about there's not a lot of protest and stuff aren't really aware of two things.

1) There have, in fact, been many large scale organized protests and there are still many planned.

2) I think think a lot of these "outsiders" don't realize or truly appreciate the sheer size of America coupled with the lack of substantial public state-to-state transport. For instance, if I wanted to take part in a march on the capital, I would have to buy a round trip flight ticket that would cost me between $150-200 at the very least, get an apartment since I don't know anyone in DC, and take at least 3 days off work. If I wanted to save money, I would have to buy a bus or train ticket for around $100, and that trip would take roughly a day (meaning I would have to take at least 4 days off work).

Constant comparisons to South Korea or France aren't the same, since at most you are going to burn a day, even going from the father parts of the country to the capital. It's not that simple in America. I guess you could argue about whether DC residents aren't coming out in mass, and that maybe is more valid. But there's a reason why we have to coordinate protests in the manner that we do.

It's much harder than you realize to just go out and protest for the vast majority of the country, especially among the capital. So, yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Let's just hope that this doesn't create a precedent for other big industrialized countries like China and India.

China is already leading the global transition, and are the main reason global emissions aren't growing. Their coal use has been dropping like a rock. India is more of a wildcard because they are trying to catch up to China and rapidly industrialize and were a sticking point during the negotiations. Even then, India didn't really make much in terms of commitments this round of negotiations.



China JUST built the world's biggest solar farm. They're not going to stop because of a stupid move by Trump.

I know, but even those kind of investments might be temporary. But switching to green energy is pretty much the trend everywhere since it's becoming cheaper by the day.




America elected Clinton, the electoral college elected Trump based on 100K people across three states.

No it isn't, America by majority selected a rational leader, something that's relevant when talking about an entire nation and the actions of a government and blaming the populace for "electing" that government.

Trump is the US President. Trump won the election.

That's the fact. The rest is you trying to feel better about the situation and that's irrelevant.

Go out and protest.


Let's just hope that this doesn't create a precedent for other big industrialized countries like China and India.
China is very much committed to increase green energy. Not only because it makes sense financially but also because they have to do something about the pollution problems that affect everyday life.


Let's just hope that this doesn't create a precedent for other big industrialized countries like China and India.

The U.S. exiting the deal is a huge win for China. Like killing the TPP, this move leaves a big leadership vacuum that China will be eager to fill.


Fucking snowflake, or should I say, water drop...

Even North-Korea signed the agreement. You know you fucked up when even Kim Jong Un is better for the world than Trump.

Yeah this isn't even a discussion. This is akin to there being an incoming meteor impact and the US pulling out of a worldwide effort to stop it to prevent a little taxation.

Ok world, you have a duty to humanity.

Trump is a danger to humanity. You know what to do.

Fuck up his business beyond recognition.

It's the only way he will learn.

Take his golf courses, take his hotels, take all his assets that aren't in the US.

Make sure his name will be synonymous for piece of shit for eternity.
Yeah and then the US will bomb us like Iraq lol, only US citizens can stop Trump.


Well when the gays get married, it makes Jesus cry which causes horrible weather.

It's common sense really.

You should've just posted that picture of the senator with a snowball. It's equally absurd while also being an accurate representation of a sizable chunk of Americans views on climate change.


He's trying to fuck the entire world. It's one thing to leave Murica a disaster, but leave the rest of us the fuck alone. That's the point of the wall, right?


Neo Member
Let's just hope that this doesn't create a precedent for other big industrialized countries like China and India.

It is all about who is in power at the time. It is ultimately up to informing the citizenry of climate change and to combat the false narratives that the fringe peddle to those who are ignorant of the scientific studies and evidence that is out there. We need to actually educate people. China and India have a large amount of people that can be influenced by politicians who espouse lies if it ever comes to that because the rural populations are often very poorly educated, but have great numbers. It is all about who is in power, where the money comes from, and what they want.


Very short sighted policy change for the sake of job creation.

History will look back on this moment with such disgust.



Okay, time to pull out my post about this the other day, when everyone dissed protesting in America.

It's much harder than you realize to just go out and protest for the vast majority of the country, especially among the capital. So, yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Who says you have to go to DC to take part of a protest?

Do you think people in east germany all went to berlin to protest? Go to your local GOP office and protest the shit out of them. If enough people do it the pressure comes to the politicians in DC which in return will put pressure on the president.

You don't need to camp infront of the whitehouse to protest this.

There needs to be constant pressure from everywhere to everyone supporting this. If these people don't feel the pressure nothing will change.
Honestly; this is probably mostly bad for the US economy in the long term. Yes climate change is a massive problem; but if you look at the coverage, something feels different now.

Renewable energy is quickly becoming cheaper than fossil fuels. Once that happens, the transition will be quicker than we think.

Other big economies like China are gonna figure out the tech to clean up the environment. They're gonna clean up all the money in that industry and the US will be caught with our pants down.
It is all about who is in power at the time. It is ultimately up to informing the citizenry of climate change and to combat the false narratives that the fringe peddle to those who are ignorant of the scientific studies and evidence that is out there. We need to actually educate people. China and India have a large amount of people that can be influenced by politicians who espouse lies if it ever comes to that because the rural populations are often very poorly educated, but have great numbers. It is all about who is in power, where the money comes from, and what they want.

It only works when people want to be educated. And I promise you, there is a very large part of America that doesn't want to be educated, especially about topics like this.


Was over my brothers and his wife was complaining about their son learning about global warming and her mother who is a doctor says they will always teach politics in school.
Trumps fans eat this shit up

This is in the wealthiest suburb of PA with the best public school. Which to me proves people don't want to be educated
As edgy as that shit was, she did it to a plastic model and didn't hurt anyone.

What Trump is doing is potentially killing lives.

That's the problem, a large section of GAF thought this was "crossing a line". All while Trump runs roughshod over the entire world. We need to stop playing nice with this guy.


...lacks reading comprehension.
Thanks America.

Well, for what it's worth: A lot of states work hard on reducing CO2 anyway. Just because the orange turd thinks climate change doesn't exist (or doesn't affect him since he is dead in 20 years anyway) doesn't mean California will start building coal power plants again. I think there was word that 35 of the US states have already gone beyond the requirements of the Paris act. Which makes you wonder, maybe it isn't Putin's goal to keep the US small, maybe he wants to outright tear them apart similar to what happened with the Soviet Union.


Green energy is the future. Whoever leads in this will control the world 50 years from now. Trump, like with all of his foreign policy decisions, is wholesale abdicting US influence on the global stage. Worse, he's so fucking dumb he thinks he's more effective at this than Obama.



Okay, time to pull out my post about this the other day, when everyone dissed protesting in America.

It's much harder than you realize to just go out and protest for the vast majority of the country, especially among the capital. So, yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about.

What? That's your reasoning? We have protests "pro Europe" organised over different countries with different languages every weekend! Every single city has probably only up to a thousand protesters at a time, but it's the orchestration that gets noted. The States are big but we are not living in the stone ages anymore.

Snap out of your paralysis and get going

Here, to give you an idea.


It is ultimately up to informing the citizenry of climate change and to combat the false narratives that the fringe peddle to those who are ignorant of the scientific studies and evidence that is out there. We need to actually educate people.

This makes me incredibly sad... We slowly make steps towards a better future and 1 ignorant cunt and he's dipshit party go to undo it all. The world needs the US to take climate change head on but nooooope. It's just an unproven theory.
Trump is the US President. Trump won the election.

That's the fact. The rest is you trying to feel better about the situation and that's irrelevant.

Go out and protest.

Yes, because what I'm saying is trying to make me feel better about the situation by talking about the cultural and political split in this country that is so large it's crippling our ability to govern and take reasonable action. That we have a technology in the internet that has crippled reason and allowed for absolute nonsense to spread like wildfire and create literal fake realities of our world all for the sake of personal bubbles to feel right and entitled to our own facts.

I feel so much better now!


Yes, Clinton won the popular vote by roughly 2.9 million people, which is a lot of people, but as of 2012 the American voter population was about 235,248,000 people.

Going by those numbers that's a 1.2% margin, which is very slim.

What I'm saying is this: a disgusting number of people in this country are fucking us over.

Any way you slice it, half of the voting populatuon made this happen either through ignorance, spite or apathy.


I'm not as gloom and doom as some folks are, but for a "jobs president," this is going to cost us a hell of a lot of future jobs. We're sacrificing a leadership role in clean energy just so president chucklefuck can score some points with his ignorant base.


I wish we had more concrete proof this is happening, I don't really wanna discuss it outside of this board as if it's happening if it ends up not in some bizarre twist of fate.
Green energy is the future. Whoever leads in this will control the world 50 years from now. Trump, like with all of his foreign policy decisions, is wholesale abdicting US influence on the global stage. Worse, he's so fucking dumb he thinks he's more effective at this than Obama.
On the other hand, renewable energy helps countries to be more independent from other countries?
By the end of the century 80% of Florida will be underwater.

I read somewhere that the entire worlds population could fit in Texas so there's plenty of room, but not for nature.

I know, but even those kind of investments might be temporary. But switching to green energy is pretty much the trend everywhere since it's becoming cheaper by the day.

Progress that have been made in this field in the recent decade is pretty astounding and a lot of contries invest heavily now that's both cheaper and more efficient.

---and then we have the US where scientists are silenced and have years of important climate research data deleted to double down on coal and oil.


Who says you have to go to DC to take part of a protest?

Do you think people in east germany all went to berlin to protest? Go to your local GOP office and protest the shit out of them. If enough people do it the pressure comes to the politicians in DC which in return will put pressure on the president.

You don't need to camp infront of the whitehouse to protest this.

There needs to be constant pressure from everywhere to everyone supporting this. If these people don't feel the pressure nothing will change.

People have been flooding the phone lines of local GOP offices and protesting outside since Trump got elected. They don't care because they still see no proof that their constituents won't vote for the person with an R next to their name when they get in the voting booth. Protesting means jackshit. Voting these people out is the only thing that will.
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