Evidence of a spherical earth:
1. boats go over the horizon [ "they" have shot video clips going off toward the horizon and when the boat is many miles away, they can look through a telescope and still see the entire boat ]
2. other planets are round [ Earth is special as it was created by a deity ]
3. you can literally sail around the world [ in "reality", you're actually sailing in a circle around the north pole which is the center of the disc ]
4. nothing else explains the sun and the moon [ this is more involved, but basically the sun and moon circle above the disc and they are not visible if you are far enough away from them because "you can't see forever" ]
5. go-pros and high flying balloons [ curved lenses in the cameras distort straight lines ]
6. astronauts. in space. [ faked hoax by NASA and all other space agencies on Earth, including private SpaceX because they are funded by NASA ]
7. video of earth, the sun and other planets. [ faked hoax by NASA and all other space agencies on Earth, including private SpaceX because they are funded by NASA ]
8. thousands of satellites in orbit. constantly being tracked as they orbit Earth [ faked hoax by NASA and all other space agencies on Earth, including private SpaceX because they are funded by NASA ]
Evidence of a flat earth:
1. I can see a city 25 mile away, therefore the earth is flat. [ can see this with your own eyes ]
2. ???