Well this thread got shit up after I walked away, jeez.
I always find this women are taking over the world idea laughable. Western men just never realized they actually need to compete at more than just sports.
Bigger problem is backwards men need to realize shit isn't coming them easy anymore. They aren't guaranteed anything anymore, which lines up well with much of what this article says.
Modern western Female culture has ingrained in it an underdog mentality where their recent rights were only earned through effort. Western male culture is 'woman make me a sandwich, I'm watching football. My boss likes me because we chat about the secretary's ass when she's not looking'.
Western Male culture needs to be shaken up. Don't want to be paid shit for working in a sewer? Then start properly competing again. Then you can work other jobs, which will mean a shortage of handymen, which will then push up handymen salaries relative to others. That job you have that pays you nothing can pay you nothing because you practically fell into it.
Women are actively trying to defeat the 'cool to be stupid' culture they used to have. Men aren't trying to nearly as well. Solve this problem of glamorizing stupidity and backwardness and maybe you won't be a bum.
I don't know why I even try and propose solving it, this set of circumstances works fabulously for me. Why? Because it's still true that women still have no idea how to get ahead (afraid of requesting salary bumps, societal views [however incorrect they may be in reality] that they can't be leaders) and are biologically disadvantaged if they want to be mothers (there will be at least a couple months where a man can get ahead if not more, a societal expectation [again, despite how unfair it may be] that they take care of the child more, a culture where employers are afraid of women employees as they may actually use those work-from-home policies HR created, etc. This all adds up and really does matter).
My real competition should be men, but many of them just fuck themselves over from just laziness and entitlement, no effort on my part required.