AmirOx, you seem unnecessarily hostile and mean here!?
I think you should have sympathy for people who are ignorant. I know a lot of guys who are not bad people, but who really, really struggle with academia, and I have lil brother who is on ADHD because he can't adjust to school. They are all abysmal failures, and want to get degrees. They have a lot of advantages, but that doesn't make people exempt from not being able to make a good adjustment into a adulthood.
You're right that none of these things have anything to do with women, and boys own failings is there own fault, but making fun of them or calling them out "comically" doesn't help nobody. Boys and men are really losing in education and it sucks.
Lashing out at other people (like feminists), I think, is just a response, people who have bad lives often perform. They see other groups of people winning, and then they become the target of their frustration, because they can't be responsible for their own fuck ups.
Once again, my problem is merely with men who try to use females/feminists as an excuse for their failings.
Some people aren't good at school. Still others thrive in environments that are more hands on. Still some others have talents that school isn't necessary for at all. There is no problem with any of this. I love that human beings are so diverse that a person can be born to any one of hundreds of thousands of potential destinies.
My issue are the people who are trying to claim that the reason they don't want to go to college is because the environment is hostile to men because they're taken over by a gaggle of feminists/women or some shit.
First, it's a factually untrue statement in any event. But also... Sorry, men. Nope. Your ineptitude is your own fault. Stop trying to cast blame on a group of people who have been subjugated for your own insecurities for thousands of years.
There is a distinct difference between "I am dealing with the aftereffects of slavery" and "I am currently dealing with slavery." You seem to be suggesting that nothing has changed. Yes, there are still problems that need to be corrected. But, no, women are not subject to all of the same disadvantages that they once were. At least in Western countries.
Things have changed and nothing in my comment suggested otherwise; women nonetheless are still dealing with the residual effects of thousands of years of injustice and inequality continues to thrive. Nobody is saying that progress hasn't been made. If progress hadn't been made, women would still always be in the kitchen without a vote to their name.
But simply because progress has been made does not change the tragic reality of the continued inequality/injustice that exists today, nor does it change the indisputable fact that women who are alive - whether they overcome these issues or not - are still playing in a field that resonates negatively from thousands of years of painful injustice toward the group.
Women have nothing to do with male education or incarceration rates? What? Women still disproportionately do the majority of child rearing. They are also the majority of educators, especially in elementary. Of-fucking-course they have something to do with the outcomes of their male children and students.
I'm sorry, do you have some actual point to be made about how you think mothering is responsible for the incarceration rates and male education? What specifically are mothers doing wrong that leads to mass incarceration?
Women are not responsible for these failings of men as a group. Individual women just like individual men may make mistakes in the process that may impact individual men or women (protip: women are raised by women disproportionately too, so it still would not explain the difference in any event) but collectively as a group they do not. It would not explain male incarceration or education failings. So unless you can establish some correlation that is supported by any statistic or can propose some theory about what aspect of mothering has changed/failed men, it's simply pontificating on nonsense. It's a theory that is not remotely useful to discuss, because it's not supported by anything concrete. And frankly I'm not interested in your unsupported theories about why things are the way they are.
This is a topic about the problems unique to men and boys in education and subsequent employment. This isn't "but men too." This is a real problem that men face. It's not made up to "combat" the issues that women face. In fact, and as noted in the article, this problem of men is having effects on women too. So it's not just limited to being a male-only problem. Why are you being dismissive of it?
You miss the point. The conversation ended up where it did because certain posters were saying feminists/females have created a hostile environment in college, and that explains some of the failings of men or why some men have lost interest in attending college. Women and feminists are not at fault, period.
You then suggested that a "controversial" opinion you had would be that perhaps feminists are partially responsible for specific male failures, because of how they're framed in their role in society and for continually reinforcing it over and over. To which I said that's fucking nonsense, because you're essentially saying that an oppressed group needs to somehow reduce their cries for change because some men might take that weight on psychologically and fail.
Too bad for those fucking idiot men then that can't face the harsh reality of the environment their gender helped create for women.