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Ballmer: Xbox 'can take Sony'


The ghost of Dreamcast past
MS can afford to push this investment further before needing to see the return. Eventually, Sony will need to find a way to differentiate themselves if they want to stay relevant in a MS-dominated market.


Deg said:
lol, they are losing money and arent anywhere near Sony. The must be kicking themselves in private.

Actually WSJ and major investors are doing that in public. Ballmer's statements are only throwing salt in the financial wounds.


Apparently the dealers up that way are selling some gooooooooodd crack. I need to smoke me some of whatever he's smoking. lol.
jarrod said:
Saturn wasn't the first 32bit platform on the market, and it had a neglibible release lead over PlayStation. A limited release 4 months early is hardly the same as Genesis Vs SNES or DC Vs PS2.
The 3DO was dead and buried by the time the industry was "ready" for 32-bit just as the DC was pretty much dead by the time the PS2 hit (officially starting the 128 bit gen or whatever the hell you want to call it). I think just about everyone here keeps skipping over my point to nitpick about useless details when I keep clearly stating....

"FIRST DOESN'T MEAN WINNER" and really never has been when you look at this industry's history. I don't understand how rushing the Xbox2 to the market sooner than the PS3 or Nintendo's new console is really going to benefit MS, especially if it means trimming back support for their own current (old) damn platform.
drohne said:
if sony falters in japan, that isn't automatically a victory for nintendo -- it's entirely possible that the market will simply contract rather than turn towards the "revolution."
Oh, sure, if the entire Japanese market goes to the bathroom then it won't be good for either company. I'm saying that if Sony falls out of first place in Japan, it'll be Nintendo who assumes the crown, not Microsoft.
Mama Smurf said:
The platform that's losing them money constantly? Can't think why they'd want to move on from that.
Now how does this benefit the Xbox market then? They've worked hard to build themselves a userbase simply to drop them prematurely and jump onto their next new machine which will be A) most likely non-BC and B) a lot more expensive.
"There is an advantage to launching first" is only part of it.

There is an advantage to launching first with a quality product that you will follow through on.

Which kind of eliminates the Saturn and Dreamcast from this argument. Considering the people who were at the helm of the company, both systems were doomed before they hit stores.

Saturn and Dreamcast did have an advantage that came from launching first.

Sega just squandered it.


And even i am moderately surprised
i'm thinking that MS will be taking gains in the US and EU.

How many americans will be able to resist a significantly improved Madden on the Xbox2 if the console price is right?

I don't see the situation changing in Japan unless they really do start throwing big cash at the Japanese companies or absorbing a couple of them.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Mr_Furious said:
Now how does this benefit the Xbox market then? They've worked hard to build themselves a userbase simply to drop them prematurely and jump onto their next new machine which will be A) most likely non-BC and B) a lot more expensive.

Well it will have been four years, which isn't an inconsiderable amount of time even if it is a bit short of the usual. And it's not like they're just after Xbox owners. They're after PS2 owners too, and for them it's been five years since the start of the generation. They might think it's about time they saw a new system.

I think it's a risk for Microsoft though. If they'd launched alongside the PS3, that would have been playing it safe. I think they would still have gained ground on Sony as there would be no huge lead this time, only not as much as they'd perhaps want to. It'd be a step though which would perhaps pay off the generation after. Apparently they've decided to gamble instead. They've gone for launching early, which could well screw up, but could also gain them a huge leap in terms of marketshare.

I guess you can do that sort of thing when your company's so wealthy.


Sucks at viral marketing
DCharlie said:
i'm thinking that MS will be taking gains in the US and EU.

How many americans will be able to resist a significantly improved Madden on the Xbox2 if the console price is right?

I don't see the situation changing in Japan unless they really do start throwing big cash at the Japanese companies or absorbing a couple of them.
Define "significantly improved." With the current generation's versions of Madden 2006 being released 3 months prior to the XB2 version, I don't see that 1st year having much impact. Madden 2007 is a different story, but I still don't see the 2 million people who currently buy the PS2 version jumping ship.


And even i am moderately surprised
well, i guess it just depends on how long EA have had dev kits etc...
If it's highly polished, with amazing visuals, very tight tv style presentation, with GOOD online play - then the PS2 version in comparison may show people why it's a good idea to make the switch.

Alternatively - this could back fire hideously, and the average person just looks at the two games and see's no noticable difference between the two , then no one cares.

I agree - i don't see 2 million people jumping ship - but i do see XBox 2 having a bigger share of the market than they do now when PS3/Xbox 2 are head to head. Definitely not in the way Balmer see's it, that's for sure.
Well expect Sony to do MS just like they did Sega.

As soon as Xbox 2 the first games come out. There will be big prominses about how much better PS3 games will look. :)
DCharlie said:
well, i guess it just depends on how long EA have had dev kits etc...
If it's highly polished, with amazing visuals, very tight tv style presentation, with GOOD online play - then the PS2 version in comparison may show people why it's a good idea to make the switch.

I think someone brought it up, but I think the promise of a better PS3 version could put a real dampener on that. Doesn't help that Madden's put out on every platform under the sun.

I think the only thing that's going to get a large enough proportion of PS2 owners to go with MS next gen is if MS steal a good chunk of PS2 franchises and gets them onto the system before the PS3 launches.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Lazy8s said:
MS can afford to push this investment further before needing to see the return. Eventually, Sony will need to find a way to differentiate themselves if they want to stay relevant in a MS-dominated market.

Lazy can you please give me the next 5 World Series winners while you're at it?


And even i am moderately surprised
"I think someone brought it up, but I think the promise of a better PS3 version could put a real dampener on that. Doesn't help that Madden's put out on every platform under the sun. "

Depends on when that PS3 version is coming and whether it will actually be better or not (and if so , by how much) i guess.
I'd said promise of a better version, doesn't actually have to be a reality. Just a promise long enough to stop people biting on the Xenon, before PS3 launches.


BeOnEdge said:
errr....against the NES with like barely any 3rd party support? try again.
Not entirely, they had decent Japanese support from Namco & TecnoSoft plus great western support from EA (among others). Also Sega made deals with Capcom to convert their arcade hits early on, not to mention Sega themselves being an established arcade force. Besides, NES was winding down... people were ready for the "next big thing" in 1990 and Genesis delivered a (near) arcade experience at home for an affordable price.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Lazy can you please give me the next 5 World Series winners while you're at it?
Microsoft's persistence with MSN is telling.

And Dodger blue all the way.
A HUGE selling point for the PS2 was the fact that it can play DVDs right out the box.

No console next gen will sell as near as many units as the PS2 sold.

The masses are just going to want another console to get their yearly imput of Madden and GTA. I can easily see Sony losing ground next year. As people who currently only own PS2s might "shop around" next generation and with the whole "There is no power greater than X" boasting this generation, they can easily be swayed to buying Xbox 2.

Because even though Xbox 2 might not be more powerful than PS3 and N5, it can still be seen as that.

I fully expect that the current Xbox fanbase will remain loyal while PS2's huge fanbase goes around. Sony will lose ground, for sure, and if they aren't careful, their CELL-equiped console could easily end up like the n64.


Date of Lies said:
No console next gen will sell as near as many units as the PS2 sold.

I'm sure many people said that about the PS1 too but the PS2 is clearly on the way to surpassing its sales totals.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Date of Lies said:
A HUGE selling point for the PS2 was the fact that it can play DVDs right out the box.

No console next gen will sell as near as many units as the PS2 sold.

The masses are just going to want another console to get their yearly imput of Madden and GTA. I can easily see Sony losing ground next year. As people who currently only own PS2s might "shop around" next generation and with the whole "There is no power greater than X" boasting this generation, they can easily be swayed to buying Xbox 2.

Because even though Xbox 2 might not be more powerful than PS3 and N5, it can still be seen as that.

I fully expect that the current Xbox fanbase will remain loyal while PS2's huge fanbase goes around. Sony will lose ground, for sure, and if they aren't careful, their CELL-equiped console could easily end up like the n64.

I've heard this conversation before.... oh now I remember... LAST generation...


Look at what we have done with Xbox. We may still be losing money, but we have gone from nowhere to a significant player with a whole different approach. We've generated something brand new. I bet we can take Sony next generation. I am betting we can take Sony in the next generation.

So what, Sony did the same thing last generation. And they became the most significant player AND profitable.


The Sony fanboys want the Microsoft to take their Xbox console and go crawl in a hole somewhere and die. Why?? Because the Xbox is their #1 threat and everyone knows it.
open_mouth_ said:
The Sony fanboys want the Microsoft to take their Xbox console and go crawl in a hole somewhere and die. Why?? Because the Xbox is their #1 threat and everyone knows it.

The Microsoft fanboys want the Sony to take their Playstation console and go crawl in a hole somewhere and die. Why? Because the Playstation is and will be the #1 console and everyone knows it.


Lazy8s said:

Microsoft's persistence with MSN is telling.

And Dodger blue all the way.

Persistence doesn't equate to success. They've been "persistent" with WebTV/MSNTV for years, and it's gotten them where, exactly?


BeOnEdge said:
the snes was also selling for like 2-3 years after the genesis era ended. i was playing sf alpha 2 on saturn while one of my friends had the SNES version.

Well the Genesis didn't do well in Japan so that's why the SNES is winning.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
open_mouth_ said:
The Sony fanboys want the Microsoft to take their Xbox console and go crawl in a hole somewhere and die. Why?? Because the Xbox is their #1 threat and everyone knows it.

...how hard is it to not be the #1 threat in this industry?


I could be wrong, but I thought that both MS and Nintendo made predictions that they have not come close to matching. I think Nintendo wanted to sell like 50 million Gamecubes, but conceding that they would not outsell Sony and I think that MS claimed that they would actually overtake Sony within a few years because of the power of their system and it's ability to go online.




Queen of Denmark
P90 said:
Not for Nintendo. Not for Sony. Not for Sega even.
Sega, yes it did, as the Master System was not terribly successful, but Nintendo and Sony are pretty much spot-on.

The interesting thing is, the reason Nintendo, Sony, and Sega all succeeded is that they were able to cater to markets that were ignored/untapped; the NES was the first truly mass market console; the Genesis appealed to those looking for more "mature" games and a bigger emphasis on sports; and the PSX picked Sega's market after Sega fumbled it with confusing add-ons and mismanagement, as well as injecting the same mass market flavor into the whole thing that Nintendo had in the 80's. Now, in this generation, we have two console makers whose sales stem directly from past legacies (Sony, the market leader from the prior generation, continues their tradition because they haven't done anything to mess it up, while Nintendo coasts along by selling already-proven franchises from years before to already-existing fans), and one console maker who, unlike the other previous serious challengers to the crown, has not done anything to differentiate themselves. They are aping Sony. The most you could say is that they are catering to PC gamers-gone-console, which clearly is not that big a market to tap into, as Xbox sales have shown.

IMO, this is the biggest challenge Xenon will have in the next generation: if Sony continues on their path, and Nintendo keeps chugging along with its core fanbase, what is left for Xenon besides a handful of PC gamers and those who bought the Xbox for Halo, or because it was the most powerful? Where is their identity? And how much more money will Microsoft spend before they have one?


Queen of Denmark
sonycowboy said:
Hello, Atari 2600 anyone?
Did the Atari 2600's sales come even marginally close to the NES'? It was a successful console in its day, but I don't think it could be qualified as the mainstream success that the NES was.
human5892 said:
Did the Atari 2600's sales come even marginally close to the NES'? It was a successful console in its day, but I don't think it could be qualified as the mainstream success that the NES was.


"The Atari 2600 Video Computer System was ultimately the true pioneer of the home gaming industry. Not only did they create the industry with the Atari 2600, but they dominated it as well, producing millions upon millions of Atari 2600 units, making the 2600 the best selling game system in history, even outhanding the Nintendo Entertainment System in total sales."

Which is even more amazing given that the 2600 came out 8 years before and had more total competitors (Intellevision, Colecovision, Vectex, Fairchild, Odyssey)


SolidSnakex said:
Well Nintendo is #2 now, right? So technically speaking, they're Sony's number 1 thread right now.

I've never been to Sony's forums, so I wouldn't know which thread is #1 there, but I'll take your word for it...

As for this case, I think at least 9 out of 10 sane people would agree that Microsoft is Sony's biggest threat right now and in the next few years...


Queen of Denmark
sonycowboy said:

"The Atari 2600 Video Computer System was ultimately the true pioneer of the home gaming industry. Not only did they create the industry with the Atari 2600, but they dominated it as well, producing millions upon millions of Atari 2600 units, making the 2600 the best selling game system in history, even outhanding the Nintendo Entertainment System in total sales."

Which is even more amazing given that the 2600 came out 8 years before and had more total competitors (Intellevision, Colecovision, Vectex, Fairchild, Odyssey)
It outsold the NES? Really? Wow.

In that case, my statement about the NES should be amended to read, "The NES was the first truly mass market console (post North American videogame market crash)." ;)


Queen of Denmark
open_mouth_ said:
I've never been to Sony's forums, so I wouldn't know which thread is #1 there, but I'll take your word for it...

As for this case, I think at least 9 out of 10 sane people would agree that Microsoft is Sony's biggest threat right now and in the next few years...
Depends on where you are. If we're talking US and some of Europe (UK, for example), Microsoft is definitely Sony's biggest threat for now (by "now", I mean the rest of this generation). If it's Japan and other regions of Europe, Nintendo is next in line after Sony.

And if it's worldwide, it's still Nintendo at this point, albeit by a very slim margin.


Nintendo's market is vastly different from Sony's target, while Microsoft's target is MUCH closer to Sony's. Online, Sports, Mature, Fighting, Action, Third-Party support, etc. are all areas that Microsoft and Sony compete directly in and areas that Nintendo pretty much avoids (for the most part).
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