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Banning sport jerseys, sleeveless shirts, backward baseball caps = RACISM!

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Tim West, who is black, said he was asked to leave Fourth Street Live when it opened last month because his shorts were too long and he was wearing a baseball-style jersey. He said he has no intention of returning for special events.

"I'm done until they figure out what they want to do," West said. "If you look presentable, there shouldn't be a problem."

Its called a dress code you stupid fuck, look it up.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
oh, I assumed this was a school dress code... it's a bar/club... pretty stupid.

and I wonder if Ripclawe actually reads his links sometimes before passing judgment.

"If the city is going to turn over a public street to a private entity, they need to make sure it remains open to the public," said American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) of Kentucky executive director Beth Wilson, who wore a cap backwards during a protest Monday in the district.

You can disagree all you want, but any reasonable person can see there's a valid argument there.


Dress code at a Club/Bar...I have no problem with that. Im black, and I would never go to some upper class club looking like a hoodlum.

Enforcing a Dress Code on a city block...Now thats a little overdosed. When im out with my friends walking the streets I wear what I feel is comfortable. 9 times out of 10 thats Baggy Jeans an a Loose fitting shirt. For you to tell me that im not dressed right to walk down your street ?



That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I'm sure you'd be allowed to walk through it, just you might be hurried along.


G4life98 said:
alot of times dress codes like these are just backhanded ways of saying, " no blacks, please"

Or, they're a really up-front way of saying:

"Dress the way we want you to dress if you want any chance of getting into this establishment that we own and profit from."


Junior Member
Especially when said city block has 'block-long stretch restaurants, bars and shops'. Who the fuck makes a dress code for a few shops? Bars? Yeah. Clubs? Yeah. Resaurants? Yeah. But it sounds like a mall and a back handed way to say, no poor people or quote THEM unquote.


Junior Member
bob_arctor said:
Or, they're a really up-front way of saying:

"Dress the way we want you to dress if you want any chance of getting into this establishment that we own and profit from."

If you read the article, it talks about not an establishment but a city block...with bouncers. White Flight is so passe. Now we have bouncers. Come on back white people retake your neighborhoods. /sarcasm

Coleman and his protesters met with representatives of developer Cordish Co. on Monday and offered a compromise that would reverse the ban on many items, except sagging pants, bare midriffs and "gang-related clothing."

So, the Rev has no problem banning crappy looking clothes. Some order is acceptable but team jerseys? Yeah, it screams casual but other than that, what the hell is wrong with it on a city block/public property? That they pay taxes for?


levious said:
oh, I assumed this was a school dress code... it's a bar/club... pretty stupid.

and I wonder if Ripclawe actually reads his links sometimes before passing judgment.

You can disagree all you want, but any reasonable person can see there's a valid argument there.

There is a valid argument for everything, doesn't make it right.

Fourth Street Live, a $75 million project, replaces a former indoor mall that blocked off the street. The area used to be Louisville's central downtown shopping district before the advent of suburban malls, and has been the target of a number of revitalization efforts.

I object to the notion passed along by the rev and the ACLU that wearing jerseys and baseball cap backwards is somehow exclusively a black "thang".

I object to the asshole who says "If you look presentable, there shouldn't be a problem."

its a revitalization effort costing 10 of millions of dollars downtown where on certain nice a dress code for special block long events is necessary, if you can afford a damn jersey, you are not poor(okay, you can be poor but stupid) you can afford clothes that meet up to a standard they developer and city is trying to have.

But I mainly pissed off about the black stereotyping, its insulting and degrading

It's pseudo-racism. A lot like tax/literacy tests, etc. for voting in the 50s.

yes, having black people bitch about not being able to wear jerseys is a lot like what happened in the 50s. sheesh. Unless they can show proof that ONLY black people are banned while wearing such clothing and other races get a free pass, its garbage.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.

"Who told you to buy this brownstone in MY neighborhood?"



For a conservative who is against government control of the individual, this seems an odd stance for you.

They didn't claim it was an exclusive THING (your mocking use of slang is pretty disrespectful, and just shows some of your true colors) just that it was common, and only someone who's naive would not put it together that it's a common strategy to ban something common to a group to effectively ban a group.


bob_arctor said:
Or, they're a really up-front way of saying:

"Dress the way we want you to dress if you want any chance of getting into this establishment that we own and profit from."

yeah i could agree with that if they were more general in their code like, caual, dress casual, or formal.

but when you get this specific about the types of clothing and how they are worn, it is just a little suspect.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Ripclawe said:
yes, having black people bitch about not being able to wear jerseys is a lot like what happened in the 50s. sheesh. Unless they can show proof that ONLY black people are banned while wearing such clothing and other races get a free pass, its garbage.

It was never shown that ONLY black people were affected by Jim Crow laws... get a clue.


Junior Member
Well, why can't they just have a dress code for certain restaurants and clubs along this block? Why the hell do they need bouncers for this block? It's on a city street/property and even if a private corporation paid all this money, it doesn't give them the right to kick people out of public property for wearing the wrong type of clothes.

If it's a mall, what fuckin mall has dress codes? You can ignore all the racial stereotyping all you want but people see past the rhetoric. If it's a selective process, who are they selecting out? Ok, fine, I'll go with less dressed members of the community. And I'll make my inferences in my head. But look what they have...shops, restaurants, clubs. I think most people would have no problem with dress codes in restaurants and clubs but it sounds like they have a bouncer at the beginning of each block with a bunch of poor people looking in. Or fuck if they are poor or not.

Seth C

"The ACLU is objecting to a ban on sports jerseys, sleeveless shirts and backward baseball caps in Louisville's new nightclub district, saying the dress code is biased against blacks and poor people. "

Because professional sports jerseys are cheaper than no-name kahkis and polo shirts?



For a conservative who is against government control of the individual, this seems an odd stance for you.

They didn't claim it was an exclusive THING (your mocking use of slang is pretty disrespectful, and just shows some of your true colors) just that it was common, and only someone who's naive would not put it together that it's a common strategy to ban something common to a group to effectively ban a group.

What government control? Its a stinking dress code on certain nights during certain events, and you cannot get in if you are dressed in a certain way, I will concede its an image they are trying to give off so the area gets good publicity which is normal when trying to bring back downtown, they have the same idea to the fort lauderdale riverwalk, South Beach clubs for the most part have dress codes and that flows into the type of people of all races dressed nice hanging out in the area.

As for my mocking, call me Bill Cosby Jr, my parents grew me up a certain way and using slang like a common language is distasteful and beneath me. I refuse to apologise for that and try to keep myself at a higher level. Its more insulting that you think black people mostly dress in jerseys and this "bans" blacks from going out to enjoy themselves.

It was never shown that ONLY black people were affected by Jim Crow laws... get a clue.

Jim Crow laws were made to target black people, who else was affected as much as black people?


Exactly right Rattler,

The Bouncers arent their to enforce a "Dress Code", but are there to select and choose who is more likely to spend money in their establishment. Using a mall is a perfect example of this. How do you enforce a dress code in a Mall ? Its a public establishment that everyone is allowed to browse though. By having Bouncers and allowing the the power to disallow access to anyone who does not "Look" rich is racist towards though who don't have money.

"But TaleSynz ! If they don't have money they shouldn't be in the mall !! "

Yeah well I was never "Blessed" with the body of a Defensive End. But that dosen't mean I shouldnt be allowed to like and watch football.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
no one, not even the rev. said that most blacks dress like this. The point is, among the people who dress like this, most are minorities... you get the difference?

Slang was not used by any of the quoted blacks.. but you threw it in for what reason?

Again, it's a public street... there will be a compromise.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Ripclawe said:
Jim Crow laws were made to target black people, who else was affected as much as black people?

no one... but as you said, "Unless they can show proof that ONLY black people are banned while wearing such clothing and other races get a free pass, its garbage."


Ripclawe said:
What government control? Its a stinking dress code on certain nights during certain events, and you cannot get in if you are dressed in a certain way, I will concede its an image they are trying to give off so the area gets good publicity which is normal when trying to bring back downtown, they have the same idea to the fort lauderdale riverwalk, South Beach clubs for the most part have dress codes and that flows into the type of people of all races dressed nice hanging out in the area.

As for my mocking, call me Bill Cosby Jr, my parents grew me up a certain way and using slang like a common language is distasteful and beneath me. I refuse to apologise for that and try to keep myself at a higher level. Its more insulting that you think black people mostly dress in jerseys and this "bans" blacks from going out to enjoy themselves.

its like you are in pop-culture denial or something...like it or not jerseys have become increasingly popular in the urban comminity and for the most part urban is black.


levious said:
no one, not even the rev. said that most blacks dress like this.

The ACLU is objecting to a ban on sports jerseys, sleeveless shirts and backward baseball caps in Louisville's new nightclub district, saying the dress code is biased against blacks and poor people.

"When you look at the team shirts, the names on those shirts, it's an urban thing, it's an inner-city thing being restricted," said Coleman, who is black.

Its all there.

its like you are in pop-culture denial or something...like it or not jerseys have become increasingly popular in the urban comminity and for the most part urban is black.

Where did I say they were not popular or urban doesn't mean black? I have a couple of dolphin's jerseys, but I know enough that certain places they are not appropriate and in this case the city and developers have said on certain nights you can't wear certain clothing.

What I objected to is this half ass notion that banning of types of clothing equals racism against blacks. That is stereotyping of an entire race being pushed by the ACLU and the rev up there, its insulting, demeaning and degrading. If white people wearing the same clothing can't get in, then what? Thats racism too?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I disagree... I think you're making a leap.

Like I said before, the implication is merely most people who dress like this are minorities, not most minorities dress like this.


Unconfirmed Member
levious said:

For a conservative who is against government control of the individual, this seems an odd stance for you.

They didn't claim it was an exclusive THING (your mocking use of slang is pretty disrespectful, and just shows some of your true colors) just that it was common, and only someone who's naive would not put it together that it's a common strategy to ban something common to a group to effectively ban a group.
He likes to make fun of people who claim racism still exists/happens to them or may be present de facto in certain actions.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
And for those old enough to remember the early nineties ban on pagers/beepers in many public areas... it's very similar. Arbitrary ban on something to lock out a group. Too bad for those doing the banning that so many professionals used pagers as well (namely doctors). So the ban didn't survive too long. They tried to specify it with, no minors with pagers... didn't work well either.


Ripclawe said:
As for my mocking, call me Bill Cosby Jr, my parents grew me up a certain way and using slang like a common language is distasteful and beneath me. I refuse to apologise for that and try to keep myself at a higher level. Its more insulting that you think black people mostly dress in jerseys and this "bans" blacks from going out to enjoy themselves.

Well im calling you Bill Cosby Jr then. My parent grew up a "certain way" and im one of those black people who didnt have to live in the Ghetto all my life. The use of slang in my house is also not allowed by parents for fear of a slap. But I would never go as far as to say the use of slang is "Beneath Me" or "Distastful" but more situational. I would not and do not use slang when im having a conversation with one of my high school teachers but when im out with my friends, its fair game. I could go as far as to say that by using Slang in public places sets a bad example for blacks by saying that where not capable of talking like "Normal" people but I don't care.

Im one person and if someone judges an entire people by one person that is ignorant.

Im not gonna call you "White Wash" (Use your Slang dictionary) but more or less have lost touch.

I do agree with you on that "Blacks mostly wear Jersey's" bit. Cause its not like black people are incapable of following the dress code. Infact I think Black people would do a little to well in following the dress code. But thats a whole diffrent topic.

Put it simply, this Ban is mostly on poor people, not black people.
NO. I LIVE here, and I actually complained about this prior to this article coming out. You guys don't understand. 4th Street Live is a STREET. A public street... And they still have this wack ass "dresscode". You don't know all the circumstances... My buddy was asked to leave just because he had a wave cap on when we were walking through....I mean WTF? It's a damn STREET. I could see if we went inside a club.


But I would never go as far as to say the use of slang is "Beneath Me" or "Distastful" but more situational

I did say " using slang like a common language is distasteful and beneath me" not using slang is beneath me or distasteful...well certain words are but thats another topic.

Seth C

TaleSynz said:
Put it simply, this Ban is mostly on poor people, not black people.

I have several issues with this. Do you HONESTLY think a pair of khakis and a polo from Wal-Mart will cost MORE than professional sports jerseys? Please. Moreover, if you can't afford the kahkis and polo, how would you afford a night out at a club? Come on.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
why are you focusing solely on the jersy portion of the dress code?


Unconfirmed Member
Seth C said:
I have several issues with this. Do you HONESTLY think a pair of khakis and a polo from Wal-Mart will cost MORE than professional sports jerseys? Please. Moreover, if you can't afford the kahkis and polo, how would you afford a night out at a club? Come on.

Its not a club


levious said:
why are you focusing solely on the jersy portion of the dress code?

because it's easier than typing sports jerseys, wearing baseball cap backwards and sleeveless shirts everytime.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I was referring to Seth, who's mentioned a couple of time the high price of official jerseys, but the ban is also about long shorts, backwards hats (not just backwards if JeffDowns is right).


Seth C said:
I have several issues with this. Do you HONESTLY think a pair of khakis and a polo from Wal-Mart will cost MORE than professional sports jerseys? Please. Moreover, if you can't afford the kahkis and polo, how would you afford a night out at a club? Come on.

As stated, where not talking about a Club where you pay to get in and pay for drinks. Where talking about a city block. A public place. Think about it, just cause your broke dosent mean you shouldnt be allowed to "Look".

And who the hell are they to tell anyone what you can or cannot wear when walking down the street ?


A sports jersey, a pair of nice shoes ie: Nike etc.. and an official baseball cap from a major sports team costs as much as an whole fucking suit. I wouldn't call wearing this exactly broke.

One of my NHL jerseys cost me $300, a pair of shoes about $200, a cap about $40. That's $540. Sorry but that's worth more than a fking pair of khakis and a white shirt at walmart.


Junior Member
G4life98 said:
yeah i could agree with that if they were more general in their code like, caual, dress casual, or formal.

but when you get this specific about the types of clothing and how they are worn, it is just a little suspect.

Becuase then you would have hundreds of people bitching that the dress code is not specific enough.
Malakhov said:
A sports jersey, a pair of nice shoes ie: Nike etc.. and an official baseball cap from a major sports team costs as much as an whole fucking suit. I wouldn't call wearing this exactly broke.

One of my NHL jerseys cost me $300, a pair of shoes about $200, a cap about $40. That's $540. Sorry but that's worth more than a fking pair of khakis and a white shirt at walmart.

What does that have to do with the price of eggs? You're going off on a tangent. This isn't about the $$$ (to me anyway) This is about being able to go out in public wearing what the hell you want to wear. And WTF buys 200 dollar tennis shoes? More importantly who cares how much your shit costs?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Malakhov said:
A sports jersey, a pair of nice shoes ie: Nike etc.. and an official baseball cap from a major sports team costs as much as an whole fucking suit. I wouldn't call wearing this exactly broke.

One of my NHL jerseys cost me $300, a pair of shoes about $200, a cap about $40. That's $540. Sorry but that's worth more than a fking pair of khakis and a white shirt at walmart.

my bad, didn't know this was a ban on only official jerseys and expensive hats and shoes.


JeffDowns said:
What does that have to do with the price of eggs? You're going off on a tangent. This isn't about the $$$ (to me anyway) This is about being able to go out in public wearing what the hell you want to wear. And WTF buys 200 dollar tennis shoes? More importantly who cares how much your shit costs?
Some peeps are saying that wearing that kind of thing means you're broke or poor wich is not the case.
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