Charles Alan Ratliff
This episode had some of the better masturbation and fight scenes I've seen in a while.
Anyway, last week I said I would post some behind-the-scenes photos, however, either my memory is poor, I was given incorrect information at the time, or they have drastically changed scene order since we filmed, but the stuff I was going to post hasn't aired yet. Instead, I will post two pictures I took of the Cadi. I did work on this episode in the club, right by the bar during the fight scene, though I am just out of frame when the guy is thrown into the table. My friend Jackie that I met on Revolution is one of the girls Kelly is dancing with. Kelly was going wild, by the way. I can't remember the last time I've seen someone dance so hard.
There are few things more awkward than a ton of people dancing to no music. They would play it a few seconds before filming to give people the beat and then cut it off when they were actually filming. Thankfully all I had to do was drink my fake beer, as I would have been too shy to do much else. It was fun hearing the ex change up his lines after he smacks Kelly, too. The take they used in the show had one less use of the word "fucking" than what I had become used to hearing.
Anyway, if you guys have any questions about the filming of the club scene specifically, I will try my best to answer them.
Anyway, last week I said I would post some behind-the-scenes photos, however, either my memory is poor, I was given incorrect information at the time, or they have drastically changed scene order since we filmed, but the stuff I was going to post hasn't aired yet. Instead, I will post two pictures I took of the Cadi. I did work on this episode in the club, right by the bar during the fight scene, though I am just out of frame when the guy is thrown into the table. My friend Jackie that I met on Revolution is one of the girls Kelly is dancing with. Kelly was going wild, by the way. I can't remember the last time I've seen someone dance so hard.
There are few things more awkward than a ton of people dancing to no music. They would play it a few seconds before filming to give people the beat and then cut it off when they were actually filming. Thankfully all I had to do was drink my fake beer, as I would have been too shy to do much else. It was fun hearing the ex change up his lines after he smacks Kelly, too. The take they used in the show had one less use of the word "fucking" than what I had become used to hearing.
Anyway, if you guys have any questions about the filming of the club scene specifically, I will try my best to answer them.