10/10Thanks, Obama.
10/10Thanks, Obama.
You know it's real because of how poorly it's wordedIs this real?
always found it interesting how estranged obama is from his dad's side. like one brother is a world leader, another is living a clay hut somewhere along with several others scattered about the globe and they'll probably never see each other again
Where to begin? Malik ran for governor of his home province, claiming to have “a direct line” to the White House. His slogan? “Obama here, Obama there.” He lost in a landslide. Malik set up the Barack H. Obama Foundation — named after their father, he insists — and posted pictures of a mosque he’d built with funds from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. (Hear that sound? That’s the far-right conspiracy theorists swooning.) And, oh yes. There was also that business of Malik selling letters Obama had written him 20 years ago for $15,000 each.
I'm shocked New York Post didn't write about the brother's other antic since his brother got elected.
"Speaks from the heart" is officially code for "He's a bigot like me". Good to know.
Kenyans don't get to vote in our election
YesDidn't Trump once offer to host Ghadaffi's tent when everyone else told the murdering fuckbag (who killed hundreds of Americans and Scots when he sanctioned the bombing of the plane over Lockerbie, in his bid to "make the world a better place") to get fucked?
I'm shocked New York Post didn't write about the brother's other antic since his brother got elected.
And that's why he's the half brother. Never got to tap into the full genetics Obama got and probably would've wasted them anyway.
Dude must realize that if Trump actually wins, his ass might actually be deported. Malik is the living embodiment of everything that Trump wants to do away with in order to Make America Great Again.
'Again' meaning in a time in which you weren't considered a full human being.
In Japan I met a guy from America. His parents came from Iran to America where he was born. He studied psychologie and medicine so he is highly educated. He just got married to an Iranian woman and they have a child.
I was horrified when he posted on FB that he will vote trump to make America safer for his son. Even other people asked him if his account was hacked..
And now the half-brother of the president
how can that be?
This shit always makes me question whether it's a conflict of interest. There's an British Indian family down the road who run a business, and one of the younger guys there was proudly flying a UKIP flag during the last election (here in Britain) and talking quite excitedly about how he was voting for them. And it always struck me as odd, because didn't he consider that if a racist far-right party was in power then his family would probably never have been allowed into the country in the first place.
Is it odd if me to think like that?
I'm shocked New York Post didn't write about the brother's other antic since his brother got elected.
Why not post the full front page OP?
If I had any substantial amount of food on my stomach, this would make me vomit it all back up.Get him a shirt.
More important...
Whose that girl???
Shanina ShaikModel's name pls
Satire?Get him a shirt.
It would likely require a seizure warning, and this...Why not post the full front page OP?
oh my god its like those facebook click bait articles merged into a newspaper
Why not post the full front page OP?