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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD

Relating to my earlier posts:

I just found out that if you return to the Batcave after completing the
Enigma stuff
, you can talk to Alfred, who tells you that the police have figured out
his identity and how he's on the run now
. So, that at least explains why the database suddenly knows
his real name. Still, the objective marker is over his HQ, which I find annoying as hell.

Beat all of the side missions tonight, and
rounded up the 20 escapees
, which was basically just padding with little reward, but at least it was something instead of "All objectives completed."


Beat all of the side missions tonight, and
rounded up the 20 escapees
, which was basically just padding with little reward, but at least it was something instead of "All objectives completed."

The Arkham series is generally very great in this point. After beating the story modus, there is always a lot of new stuff you can discover
like the Catwoman/Two-Face/Museum Mission
. Or you can tons of new dialouges when you revisiting the dungeons from time to time.


No you can not. Although I remember some dev on twitter said that they were thinking about making this possible. Nothing in the patches about that though.

They SHOULD make it so that its possible IF you access the challenges from the Batcave.


Steam is downloading an 101.8MB patch. I have no idea what it does.

from the community forums:

Patch 3 List of Fixes


Pressing F4 closes the title if it has been reduced to desktop with alt+tab at least once.
Menus are not visible when in fullscreen, only button callouts are visible
The title will boot the user out of the game when steam is losing internet connectivity
Unlocking a new character profile and viewing it can cause the wrong profile to appear
Players are unable to map keyboard functions to mouse buttons other than Left/Right/Centre (1/2/3)
Made a fix so that 'regular' challenge maps will always unlock if the 'Extreme' versions are.
Fixes issues of people reporting that Hard Time, Intensive Training and Quiet Waters challenge not being unlocked properly.
Removing Enigma side mission icons properly when collected from a different mode consistently.
Only award Initiation trophy when player is using the Initiation skin when requirements previously met.
Now display the email users have used to sign up for WBID when checking WBID
Made Clean Streets trophy more forgiving. Now calculates completion of Most Wanted across all game modes, not just the one you're in.
Fixed an issue where Leaderboard ranks would not display correctly for some users
User can now execute a glide kick while in mid-glide, the same as on consoles.
Fixed an issue where scanning a Datapack wouldn't make it show up on the map.
Fixed an issue where players would get kicked back to the main menu when they lost their internet connection while in game or challenge mode.
Fix for an issue where unlocking a new character profile and viewing it could cause the wrong profile to appear.
Fixed an issue where users could not perform a Batwing Drop Attack using a keyboard & mouse.
Fixed an issue where pressing "Left Mouse Button" triggered QuickStrike twice, which negated Critical strikes in battle
Added mappings for keyboard buttons to Quickfire gadgets in both SP and MP.
Fixed an issue where users could not map controls to mouse buttons 4 & 5.
Fix Alt key state not getting reset after game loses and regains focus. This prevents user from hitting F4 and the game closing.
Fixed an issue on triple monitor setups where the menus may not be visible in full screen, and only the button callouts were visible.


VOIP multiplayer integration and debug
Implemented Voice Chat in Multiplayer
The Tab key is no longer bindable, but is hard set to control the Scoreboard command in MP.
Fixed crash when canceling purchase with Steam.
Fixed people getting dropped from Steam at the end of a round
Fix for consumable description not updating in loadout once select has been pressed.
Fix for mouse cursor not returning on mouse movement within the front end and pause menu.
Fix for using consumables on PC
Fixed a rare crash during MP game play
Fixed an issue on triple monitor setups where the menus may not be visible in full screen, and only the button callouts were visible.
Fix Alt key state not getting reset after game loses and regains focus. This prevents user from hitting F4 and the game closing.
Fixed an issue where users could not map controls to mouse buttons 4 & 5.
Added mappings for keyboard buttons to Quickfire gadgets in both SP and MP.

still no Worst Nightmare patch...


The Arkham series is generally very great in this point. After beating the story modus, there is always a lot of new stuff you can discover
like the Catwoman/Two-Face/Museum Mission
. Or you can tons of new dialouges when you revisiting the dungeons from time to time.

from which game is the spoiler?


Hey, got this about a month ago at Target's B2G1 promo, but haven't opened it yet (Mario 3D came out the following week). Well, finished Mario and just started up The Last of Us, but kind of want to pop this in as well. I got it for Xbox, did they patch or work on any of the issues that people were complaining about on release?


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
You're probably pretty safe bug-wise by now.

I'm guessing the latest update had something to do with the EULA I had to accept which, given what's going on with Battlefield 4, probably included a class-action opt-out. :p


So I bought Arkham Origins for PC several weeks ago and I have not once been able to actually play the goddamned game. It crashes as soon as I get to the savegame selection screen.

I've tried deleting my save file and verifying the cache files but nothing helps. Other people report the same error here: http://community.wbgames.com/t5/Sup...y-quot-appears-AFTER-patch/td-p/25407/page/21

The previous two Arkham games work fine, regardless of if I'm using the original releases or the GOTY versions.

Has anyone gotten by this or am I stuck waiting for WB to get off its ass and fix the problem?


EDIT: Updating to the latest WHQL release of Nvidia's drivers corrected this. You know, just in case anyone else is having the same issue.


So the initiation DLC is just challenge maps, right? There's no cutscenes involved or some kind of narrative, cause I can't figure out how to start it if there is. All I can do is go to the challenge maps and pick Bruce as a character and then find the new stages.


You know what pisses me off? The damaged suit, even when you finish the game it's still damaged, I don't like that. I wanna have the option to have a clean suit.. it looks better.

The holes in the cape is just crazy.


Gold Member
You know what pisses me off? The damaged suit, even when you finish the game it's still damaged, I don't like that. I wanna have the option to have a clean suit.. it looks better.

The holes in the cape is just crazy.

Haha I agree. The cape looks nutso in the endgame, it's Swiss cheese. I can go back to the Batcave at any time and change suits, why can't I switch to a new default suit?

It annoyed me in Arkham City as well.


Haha I agree. The cape looks nutso in the endgame, it's Swiss cheese. I can go back to the Batcave at any time and change suits, why can't I switch to a new default suit?

It annoyed me in Arkham City as well.

The Dark Knight suit has a clean cape but the suit itself is still damaged though.
So the initiation DLC is just challenge maps, right? There's no cutscenes involved or some kind of narrative, cause I can't figure out how to start it if there is. All I can do is go to the challenge maps and pick Bruce as a character and then find the new stages.

There are small cutscenese if you pick Bruce and choose the campaign mode (where you do the five maps back to back)
Is anyone planning on playing today/tomorrow just to see if anything interesting happens.

Chances are slim, granted, but it would be pretty awesome.
So I just beat it. 7/10 seems about right.

-The combat is clearly worse than AC. From the pacing of the encounters, the enemy types, the arenas, the hyper-aggressive AI, the timing of the counters and increased wind-up time on attacks like the ground pounce, Batman's homing ability(several times he'll just punch the air and screw up a combo), its just frustrating. I see another group of enemies, and its like "fuck, not again". This is further exacerbated by this shitty skill tree system, which locks the things you want behind upgrades I wish I could avoid. Prior Arkham games let me upgrade the Batman that I wanted, now its more restricted. Furthermore, they lock some important upgrades behind optional side quests, like the damn critical strikes I can't get until 1/3rd through the game.

-Traversal kinda stinks, too. Its simply far less satisfying to move around the world, due to the restrictive, arbitrary grapple points. Perfectly horizontal ledges and rooftops, you simply just can't get on top or use to boost you around, which is a big downgrade from the freedom City gave you. The world is also twice as big for the sake of being big, and unless you unlocked all those fast travel points(oh wait, you CAN'T because one of them is glitched lolol), its just a hassle to get around in this game.

-Side missions are kinda wack. There are either A) fetch quests around the city, boring, B) even MORE badguys to fight in a game where you do way too many of that anyway, and C) riffs on Rocksteady's ideas(
Mad Hatter is just Scarecrow again, Deadshot is like a worse version of Mr. Freeze

-The story...well, spoilers.
The story started off with an interesting premise, Black Mask and these assassins. Then it turns out, nope its just The Joker! Again! *sigh*. Props to Troy Baker doing a good Mark Hamill impression, but Joker really bored me here. His antics no longer surprise or humor me. The most interesting scenes with him are either the Mad Love/Killing Joke anagram or the "you and I are the same/why won't you kill!?" scenes similar to The Dark Knight, which are both ideas handled faaaar better in the actual source material. There's supposedly some drama about Alfred being in danger, but since this is a prequel, we know he's gonna be just fine so its hard to care. The overall story has a few strong cinematics now and again, but the overall narrative lacks weight and I find myself forgetting it as soon as the credits rolled.

-Bosses...pretty mixed bag. The much-ballyhooed Deathstrike fight is an overlong interactive quick-time event without the button prompts.
takes all the problems of AO's combat and multiplies them.
was fine the first time, but we didn't need to fight him AGAIN, and certainly not with the tedious Mr. Freeze redux at the end.
Firefly is neat, in a heavily scripted kind of way.
Honestly, the
boss brought me the most entertainment.

-It's glitchy/janky as FUCK. Nevermind the clipping error in the Riddler tower, how about falling through the damn map more than once divekicking towards an enemy? How about the camera not panning around so I couldn't see where to jump towards. Or entering a battle and having none of my attack buttons work as Batman walks around and enemies don't fight. One fight none of my utility weapons worked, I even switched to them manually and the quickfire didn't work. I climbed up a ledge on accident and got stuck in the geometry. I'll buy an upgrade in the batcave, fly to some location, the upgrade didn't register so I have to buy it again. Fast travel somewhere, the audio just cuts out in the cutscene. None of these things are game-breakers or something that can't be solved with a restart checkpoint, but they do add up, and in a game that was already frustrating me with its combat, its traversal, the direction the story went, etc, they just make the experience more frustrating.

-Honestly though, the biggest problem is that it never escapes the feeling of being as also-ran. A stop-gap. A current-gen prequel to a popular franchise made to get money out of fans while the A-Team works on the big next-gen installment. The 7/10 mainly comes from Rocksteady's game mechanics. Fighting, stealthing, moving around the environments; its still fun, but with so little major changes, it no longer fresh and interesting. Hacking doors seemed interesting the first dozen times you did it in City, now its just rudimentary in Origins. Combat is all Rocksteady's animations and ideas, with all the combat problems I mentioned above. Stealth is largely the same, with no new enemies, although the new Just Cause 2 like hook is a fun addition. Criminal investigations are visually interesting, but its overly simplistic and holds your hand step by step throughout the entire process. Honestly, if you gonna streamline it that much, I wish I could skip it. It all adds up to a game that never escapes Rocksteady's shadow; it doesn't improve on its core mechanics, and it doesn't bring much new to make it more interesting. By the end of the game, I was just hoping for it to be over.

I'm really curious what Rocksteady does next. It cannot just be prettier Arkham City 2.2. It has to be that kind of jump from Asylum to City again, and good luck to them. Because this right here don't cut it.

And enough with the fuckin' Joker.

Just finished this morning and this is quite honestly a perfect match for how I felt in the end.
The best bits for me?

- Cinemas are honestly quite damn excellent. Great direction, sound design, and just balls out agressive style that really set the tone in the game. Easily surpassed Rocksteady's
- Best Batman representation. With Dini, Conway, and Hamil gone, we finally get a somewhat unique and interesting batstory that tries to have its own voice, even though it's still tied to the shitty Arkham Universe. RCS gives it his all and despite the hit/miss writing, sells the concept of a pissed off Batman Baker uunfortunately really does just do his best Hamil impersonation. Should have went the John Dimaggio Under the Hood route.

I would still put this ahead of AC in the end, even with all the jank.


Nothing would thrill me more than WB announcing that the arkham trilogy will be getting an HD re-release. I just hope they use that opportunity to fix the bugs and fix the shitty combat in AO to be more like AC.
Nothing would thrill me more than WB announcing that the arkham trilogy will be getting an HD re-release. I just hope they use that opportunity to fix the bugs and fix the shitty combat in AO to be more like AC.

LOCKED 30fps if it cant hit 60 consistently
Newly added visuals
New trophy list (I already platinumed AA)

Oh man, Would buy in an instant :)
2.) Arkham Origins has the best tone for Batman of all the Arkham games. It's gritty, without being gross and disgusting. Feminists winced at the villains using the word "bitch" all the time in Arkham City. A fair gripe to be sure, but I thought how cartoonishly evil the random inmates were was much worse, and actually kind of immersion-breaking. There was one random bit of dialogue I heard in City to the effect of, "Wow. THOSE two got ahold of that girl? That's gross." "Yeah, and that's coming from a serial murdering cannibal!", or something like that. Like, are you for real? At what point is Gotham not an unsalvageable wreck that you don't just fucking wipe from it from existence

Completely agree bruh. Also didnt help that Nolan North voices like 3/4ths of the inmates...
LTTP I know but I have only just got this and am enjoying it a lot.

I was wondering if there was a point of no return or a point at which I could miss out on side stuff? Can I do it all after the story is done?

Playing this game on Xmas eve is pretty cool


Grabbed this on... some sale of some description, I don't even remember what anymore, but damn. Hell of a game to play through over December 23-24-25.

The story was much improved over Arkham City, was very impressed at the way they managed to balance all the damn villains but still make the whole thing real cohesive. Combat is still a bit weird, they didn't fiddle with it too much (shock gloves are real good though) but they didn't fix a lot of it either (off-screen attacks, occasionally it's actually pretty hard to read movements to see who's going to counter and who's just being a janky ass, you can't instantly read who's holding knives, sometimes you'll just break your combo because enemies won't react exactly as you want, etc, etc). Still, I had a hell of a time. I thought some of those boss fights were really amazing and fun.

I think I might be ready for one more all-stars Arkham game if they go completely balls out. Bring in everyone, make it a team effort and not a 'Nightwing shows up for a mission and challenge mode' effort like in Arkham City. Resurrect Joker, I don't know. Every single villain, every single bat-family. And for god's sakes fix those tiny little annoyances in the combat system.

I can't remember if the double-shot rope-gun existed prior to Arkham Oriigns but I don't know how I lived without it. Nothing more satisfying than a propane tank takedown on multiple enemies.


Also, was the game supposed to start out with counter icons? Because I played through the entire game on normal without any popping up. I assumed they just changed the difficulty around, but reading through the thread, I might have actually just hit something in options at the start of the game...

Oh well. Definitely let me see how difficult to spot most of the 'tells' are.


Also, was the game supposed to start out with counter icons? Because I played through the entire game on normal without any popping up. I assumed they just changed the difficulty around, but reading through the thread, I might have actually just hit something in options at the start of the game...

Oh well. Definitely let me see how difficult to spot most of the 'tells' are.

Normal should have counter icons, and I don't think you can turn them off.

bug maybe or maybe you started on Hard. ;P


It was a pretty good bug then, cos the game was pretty fun without them and it didn't have the difficulty spike like in NG+. (Unless I was unknowningly playing on hard - I did die a bit more than I was used to, but I thought that was just because I kept walking into boss battles I didn't know the rules for or whatever)

Only counter icons I ever saw was in a cutscene, and I don't even remember which one.

This was definitely the buggiest of all the Arkham games though. When Loeb got gassed, the last enemy bugged out and was still animation active though not combat active, so after I took him down he stood up again and was still standing around and moving but I couldn't target him and the game thought he was dead. Was pretty amusing.

Also, I laughed when they brought out the glue grenade. Yeah it's pretty much just Frie's ice grenade but with glue instead, great job


I would enjoy not having counter icons but the enemies are too brutal in this game, they attack you way fast

If you're not playing for combos it's manageable, at least on normal, especially with the red focus thingy that kicks in after... x8? x15? But it was a lot more annoying this time around.

I'm torn on the shock gloves, I really am. It's very cathartic to just tear through a group of enemies, but it really does remove the skill barrier from combo maintenance and the flashy visual effects actually make it kind of difficult to see if you're being attacked or not.

Also, [After the Gotham Royale]
during Joker's little section I was convinced they were going to have an entire section of the game where you'd play as Joker, but nope, just that comedy club routine. Damn shame. I know he's got the challenge maps in Arkham City (or Asylum? I don't even remember anymore) but I would've loved to play as him for a while longer


Normal should have counter icons, and I don't think you can turn them off.

bug maybe or maybe you started on Hard. ;P
Turning off Hints in the gameplay menu actually disables counter indicators, it's not a NG+-only thing or a bug. Unless hints are on for you, I guess.

There are still button prompts for QTEs and things that aren't immediately intuitive (e.g. breaking out of a grab, etc.)


Found this game under the tree. Pretty excited to dive in tomorrow. I'm a AC > AA guy so I'll probaly enjoy this one a lot.
LTTP I know but I have only just got this and am enjoying it a lot.

I was wondering if there was a point of no return or a point at which I could miss out on side stuff? Can I do it all after the story is done?

Playing this game on Xmas eve is pretty cool

Due to the limited number of predator rooms you may be locked out of getting some of the predator upgrades since they require you to do specific things that can only be done in a specific order in a few number of predator rooms. You can continue to do them in New Game Plus and I am the Night mode.

The only way to 100% avoid that is to kind of spoil yourself with a guide a bit, but you should unlock most things your first time through. Worst case scenario, you may lock yourself out of the sonic batarang take down your first game through.


Just finished it. Great game. Had a much tighter narrative than city. Also, it managed to develop pretty good scenarios for all the baddies, whereas city felt like it was just tossing bad guys out for the hell of it. I'd rank the series as AA>AO>AC.


No Scrubs
So I went on to play tonight and for some reason I can't attack. Counter works just fine, but the strike doesn't. Anyone else having this issue?
On PC this game appears to still have game breaking bugs.

I was just about to finish the level in
the police station
but when I quit and got back to my checkpoint parts of the building weren't loading properly:

Then I restarted it again and now I'm just falling in space and restarting the checkpoint just loads me back there:

I deleted the game on Steam and I'm re-downloading it (all 25 fucking GBs) to see if that will help, but I'm not optimistic. This is why you make games with multiple save files instead of ONLY having checkpoints. Especially if you're shipping a buggy game.

A damn shame too because I was really enjoying the game and I had actually JUST finished interrogating all of the Enigma thugs. :\


On PC this game appears to still have game breaking bugs.

I was just about to finish the level in
the police station
but when I quit and got back to my checkpoint parts of the building weren't loading properly:

Then I restarted it again and now I'm just falling in space and restarting the checkpoint just loads me back there:

I deleted the game on Steam and I'm re-downloading it (all 25 fucking GBs) to see if that will help, but I'm not optimistic. This is why you make games with multiple save files instead of ONLY having checkpoints. Especially if you're shipping a buggy game.

A damn shame too because I was really enjoying the game and I had actually JUST finished interrogating all of the Enigma thugs. :
I feel you. Many of those bugs make their way into the combat sadly.
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