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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


What the fuck at this Deathstroke battle. I have no idea when I can attack him. I GOT TO THE LAST STAGE AND HE STILL KILLED ME.


I doubt they've patched it out, but you can get this one by finding some rooftops in the city that have guys with guns on them. Was a happy accident for me when it happened.

i tried this, and it got me the silent knight achievement, but not the predator thing. maybe they didnt have guns though. ill try again. thanks


Fuck this. This Deathstroke battle isn't working out. I've done everything. Only countering, countering then attacking, going all out, using gear etc. but nothing works. His moves without the counter prompt are uncounterable. If I only counter I do no damage. I can't believe they put such a ridiculous fight this early in the game.


Fuck this. This Deathstroke battle isn't working out. I've done everything. Only countering, countering then attacking, going all out, using gear etc. but nothing works. His moves without the counter prompt are uncounterable. If I only counter I do no damage. I can't believe they put such a ridiculous fight this early in the game.

Quick batclaw, evade then attack and correctly countering are how I did it. Died like four times though.

Got the game in the Black Friday PS3 bundle. Pretty good so far.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
My money is on Mr. Freeze.

I dunno. That'd be much cooler (ahem) but they did say something about it being one of Batman's "key relationships". In that way, Harvey trumps Victor.

Fuck this. This Deathstroke battle isn't working out. I've done everything. Only countering, countering then attacking, going all out, using gear etc. but nothing works. His moves without the counter prompt are uncounterable. If I only counter I do no damage. I can't believe they put such a ridiculous fight this early in the game.

I didn't think there were uncounterable moves. That only happens if you counter too early, I think.


I DID IT. I was in the flashing red but I managed to beat him. I think charged attacks hit more and left him few chances to counter. I think the concept for the fight was great but damn it was too long and was ambiguous on what would and wouldn't work.


Just finished the first boss battle. If this is what I can expect from here on out then this game is going to be a complete clusterfuck. Lack of polish all over the place and evade is completely useless now.


My money is on Mr. Freeze.

They dropped many hints about Falcone
becoming Holiday
. It's a character that appears frequently in the tapes and the Long Halloween saga has been brought up by Holmes many times. I doubt it's Freeze, but most of all I hope it's not Freeze. It's time to give more space to Harvey.

The Deathstroke fight would have been fine if it was about a quarter of the length.

This is blasphemy! This is madness!

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Lack of polish all over the place and evade is completely useless now.

What makes Evade completely useless...?

They dropped many hints about Falcone
becoming Holiday
. It's a character that appears frequently in the tapes and the Long Halloween saga has been brought up by Holmes many times. I doubt it's Freeze, but most of all I hope it's not Freeze. It's time to give more space to Harvey

There's another good set of reasons why it'll be Two Face. Can't wait, he's a great character. Loved the Jekyll & Hyde arc.


Ok so I got the game for PC and I'm entering the wb id stuff and I keep getting stuck on this loading screen that just shows images of Batman in random setting. What gives, is this some kind of loading screen or a glitch? I just wanted the cool looking batsuit you got from signing up.


Finished the game today on PC and I must say I enjoyed this game and story more than Arkham City.

Also because of Arrow, I'm a total Deathstroke fanboy. Love doing Challenges with him.

Can't wait for more story DLC.


Just finished the first boss battle. If this is what I can expect from here on out then this game is going to be a complete clusterfuck. Lack of polish all over the place and evade is completely useless now.

you have to avade as soon as possible.


Seems like more assets than challenge rooms would usually require. ?

yeah! I was expecting 2-3 GB max. The thing is I also downloaded Battlefield 4's dlc and that was only 4 GB. I guess there are a lot of cut scenes or something in these challenge maps.


Just got this game from Amazon today, bought it for $30, and i'm absolutely loving it. Getting the sim cards now to track down Penguin.

Just one question though, do people still play this online? I really want to try it out once I beat the single player.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
They never did.

I would have liked to but, with no bots and at least six people, maybe eighty, but not seven, needed to start a game, it wasn't worth all the waiting around to play pick-up.

Which seems like an obvious design flaw to me...
Just getting around to playing this now– I think my main gripe is that the city is basically soulless. This is especially evident after playing GTA V recently.

Also, do pretty much all the nifty takedowns alert the guards? Whenever I do something that's not simply sneaking up behind an enemy, the guards are instantly put on alert.


Bruce Wayne. Surprisingly different feel. Hh.

Yeah, i like the different fight style and gadgets. I got halfway through the new challenge campaign and my game crashed to desktop :-(. Its happened consistently when i play this game that i will play for like half an hour, it'll crash, then I can play again without crashes. I'll have to finish it later.


People called Romanes they go the house?

Got through Deathstroke, and beat him first try, only after realizing I had to hold off on the counter prompts til the last second. Only had 2 health bars left, to be fair. Quick batclaw prevented a lot of frustration I've heard others have.

Story's been a blast thus far, using more of actual detective vision, even if it is just glorified point and click, makes Batman seem more like the detective he is.

Gameplay wise, it's fun, but something just feels...off. Like I said, not all that far in, but there doesn't seem to be any innovation such as the transition from Asylum to City. Instead of cameras you have network relays, instead of trophies its data files.

Gonna power through at least for the story, though.

Is AO's attack animation slower this time around, or something? I feel like I'm getting less time to swing through before getting hit by something, where AA/AC Batman would have had time to finish the previous swing and set up the counter.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Well it definitely is for ground takedowns.

The rest I think has more to do with enemies who are further away still being able to slide up to you and hit you, for me anyway.


So I finally finished everything there was to do in SP apart from Deathstroke's challenge maps and the "thanks, old friend" achievement because I've got other things to do than talking to Alfred 5 thousand times hoping I'll get a new dialogue instead of him repeating the same 3 things over and over again.

It took me about 52 hours in total to get 100% in NG/NG+, finish IATN and all the challenge maps. I really enjoyed my experience with the game. I replayed AA and AC right before AO, so I've been playing batman games every day/every 2 days for more than a month now so I'm a bit burnt out.

Overall I think I'd put AO on a level similar to AC (that is, better than AA). AO does some things better than AC (the story, bossfights and character design are all way better, and the new enemy types really add to the combat). On the other hand, it's not as polished as the first two games and that can lead to some frustrating situations (snipers always knowing where you are once they've spotted you in outdoor environments is really annoying for example. Also, sometimes -not really often thankfully- Batman's attacks whiff for no reason).

The combat in story mode in AO is harder than in AC/AA, and you need to play the game a bit differently (I found myself using group stun and redirects way more than in the past, since enemies' attacks are so quick). It was a bit difficult to adapt at first but after it was just fine. Challenge maps are easier though, and you can play them in a similar fashion you'd play AC's. Once again, I really like the new enemies, especially the martial artists. You really need to pay attention to what they are doing.

One thing I didn't particularly like though is how late some gadgets/attacks would unlock, especially the sonic batarang and the destroy and disarm move. The game is almost over by the time you get the latter.

After having played the game, I'm actually really puzzled as to why it got scores way lower than the previous games. It doesn't really make sense to me. Were reviewers playing a different game from the one I played?


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
So I finally finished everything there was to do in SP apart from Deathstroke's challenge maps and the "thanks, old friend" achievement because I've got other things to do than talking to Alfred 5 thousand times hoping I'll get a new dialogue instead of him repeating the same 3 things over and over again.

It took me about 52 hours in total to get 100% in NG/NG+, finish IATN and all the challenge maps. I really enjoyed my experience with the game. I replayed AA and AC right before AO, so I've been playing batman games every day/every 2 days for more than a month now so I'm a bit burnt out.

This is funny to me as I did the same thing. I had started a new playthrough of Arkham City before Origins came out, since my old save had been lost when my PS3 hard drive borked.

Then I dove into Origins. But I also picked up the first two on Steam in a humble bundle, so after finishing Origins (more or less) on PS3 I hopped over and replayed the first two on PC. Just did a standard replay of Asylum but got sucked in and did all the Riddler stuff in City AGAIN... soooo good.

Now I bought Origins again on PC for $20 on a crazy Amazon sale, because the graphics are just so much better. But I think I'll postpone that replay a bit.

I got a Vita for my birthday and I bought Arkham Origins: Blackgate, so I guess I'm not quite as burned out as you! :)


Just beat the game, started new game plus, played some challenge maps, and call me crazy but.... Arkham Origins > Arkham City > Arkham Asylum. IMO they just keep getting better and better. Blackgate is terrible though. I regret buying it.
For fuck's sake.

I've been trying to find this one data pack for like an hour. It's in the maintenance shaft in Pioneer's Bridge. It's the one on the very bottom of this picture, in the part that sticks out at the bottom.


I eventually gave up and started googling, but I still can't figure it out.

I'm pretty sure it's this one. 11-4. But I can't find any door that looks like it would be where the one in the video starts off. I can see the grate and steam pipe as I zip by, but there's no way I can see to access it. The only place that seems like it could be right is blocked off by a gate, and I'm wondering if it closed after the Firefly fight. I'm completely stumped.


For fuck's sake.

I've been trying to find this one data pack for like an hour. It's in the maintenance shaft in Pioneer's Bridge. It's the one on the very bottom of this picture, in the part that sticks out at the bottom.


I eventually gave up and started googling, but I still can't figure it out.

I'm pretty sure it's this one. 11-4. But I can't find any door that looks like it would be where the one in the video starts off. I can see the grate and steam pipe as I zip by, but there's no way I can see to access it. The only place that seems like it could be right is blocked off by a gate, and I'm wondering if it closed after the Firefly fight. I'm completely stumped.
No, that one is in the elevator shaft area, doesn't change if you beat Firefly or not. The door as reference point is the one you go through to get to the first bomb/predator room.

If it is blocked off by a gate and you can't get all the way up to the door, halfway or so there is a spot to use the gloves to open up a part followed by 3 steam vents. You get past those and you just keep heading upwards.
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