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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


I love the Batman Beyond suit in AC.

Look at that ass.


How is he supposed to glide without wings?^^ Or did they change the animation when you choose the Beyond Outfit?
Finished all of the Enigma packs... Is... that it?

I mean, there was that big tease after I got all of the relays with the "
I have something really big in store for you
" (Or whatever). I get down there and find the
Riddler Trophy
. The HQ is still on my map as an objective, just saying to destroy the machine after I get the relays. Also in detective vision, the trophy gives the information as being created by a man identified as "
Edward Nashton
" which I don't recall being unveiled in the story in any way. I actually thought I had somehow glitched through a cutscene or something.

That's really it?
I would at least expect a radio call from Nygma congratulating me or something.
The fact that it's still on my map is even weirder. Is their supposed to be some Riddler-related DLC or something?


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Finished all of the Enigma packs... Is... that it?

I mean, there was that big tease after I got all of the relays with the "
I have something really big in store for you
" (Or whatever). I get down there and find the
Riddler Trophy
. The HQ is still on my map as an objective, just saying to destroy the machine after I get the relays. Also in detective vision, the trophy gives the information as being created by a man identified as "
Edward Nashton
" which I don't recall being unveiled in the story in any way. I actually thought I had somehow glitched through a cutscene or something.

That's really it?
I would at least expect a radio call from Nygma congratulating me or something.
The fact that it's still on my map is even weirder. Is their supposed to be some Riddler-related DLC or something?

No you pretty much described my experience with it. Easily the weakest part of the game. The packs themselves rarely required any of the acrobatics of puzzle-solving from City, and having no kind of confrontation is a real bummer.

Seems like they wanted multiplayer to fill the shoes of the RIddler trophies in extending replay and it didn't work.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Been playing this on PS3 for the last few days, some thoughts:

How the hell did this thing get through QA? I've never come across a game with so many bugs and glitches, especially after its been patched. Hard locks, soft locks, inability to respond to controls, map glitches, events failing to trigger, not to mention hideous stuttering during cut-scenes often resulting in audio de-syncs and cut outs.

That said, its still pretty fun to play, although it really does highlight to me quite how exceptionally good Arkham City was. The added verticality in the new city areas adds nothing but more frustration due to limited number of grapple points, signposting is abysmal across the board (great idea hiding the VR mission icons), and the overall density of content is way down compared to its predecessor.

The campaign is short, but reasonably fun with a couple of really terrific high-spots - the punchline to the Royal Hotel climb is absolutely wonderful - and even if it does feel a little familiar, its a solid prequel to the arkham series.

That being said, the stuff outside of that is where the loss of quality really feels apparent. The side-quests are pretty simplistic and the way that the key campaign areas don't repopulate after their use really shows the game needed a lot more time in the oven.

Core systems-wise its a mixed bag. The additional enemy types are a good addition, which makes it all the more baffling why they've elected to add in a gadget that basically allows bats to punch anything with impunity completely nullifying this change.

The Dark Knight system is a good idea in theory but by placing its "achievements" in a strict hierarchy really works against the free-form style of the game. It feels purely arbitrary.

The upside to all this is that the Arkham series traditional strengths are all still apparent, the Batman "feel" is still strong, voice acting is solid, and all the gameplay fundamentals are still as engaging as ever. There is a good game in here, and there are real signs that the devs really tried to build upon what made Arkham City so good, and improve on it. Trouble is for every mild success (the crime-scene reconstructions are nice diversions) there's an error to drag it back down.

Without bugs I'd score Arkham Origins a respectable 7/10, but given the amount of bugs it only warrants a 6/10. Approach with caution.


Hmm, the counter in AA isn't as responsive as in AC and AO. And the window to counter is longer.

Just finished AA for the fifth time. God I love the Arkham games.


I think I've encountered a glitch in the Steel Mill.

This is at the point where Copperhead poisons you. I'm supposed to scan the crime scene, but whenever I get to this part, it doesn't work properly. The "reconstructing the crime scene" bar never appears and I'm just forced out of the detective mode every time I try to do this. Can't seem to find this glitch anywhere on the Internet. What do I do?
I'm 5 hours into the game. As someone who isn't really a Batman fan, I thought Arkham City was amazing. Origins however is just mediocre. Anything good I could say is just based on Rocksteady's game design/mechanics. WB Montreal made everything worse. Like the combat, upgrade tree, traversal around the city, etc.


For the next game I hope they drop the current skill system.

Have all the abilities and skills available from the start and when you level up you can choose what you want, don't lock it behind some stupid mission or other.


For the next game I hope they drop the current skill system.

Have all the abilities and skills available from the start and when you level up you can choose what you want, don't lock it behind some stupid mission or other.

I imagine they will. This was a Year One type deal so it was justified being that way.

REV 09

Just finished it. Kinda disappointing overall. I didn't like the twist and where that led the game. The best part about Origins was the new tone for Batman. The dude was just pissed the entire game and it felt satisfying playing as him. The new detective stuff was cool too, but i didn't care for where the story went, and some of the level design felt weaker than prior games.
Have there been any realistic rumors of a nex gen version for next year?

Trying to decide if I should just cave in or wait.
Im tempted to just buy it now which I had planned on for release but didn't have the money then. problem is if it does also come out on PS4 as a Batman fan I will have to rebuy it.


Have there been any realistic rumors of a nex gen version for next year?

Trying to decide if I should just cave in or wait.
Im tempted to just buy it now which I had planned on for release but didn't have the money then. problem is if it does also come out on PS4 as a Batman fan I will have to rebuy it.

Don't think so. But who knows, Tomb Raider is getting one so it's not out of the question.
Have there been any realistic rumors of a nex gen version for next year?

Trying to decide if I should just cave in or wait.
Im tempted to just buy it now which I had planned on for release but didn't have the money then. problem is if it does also come out on PS4 as a Batman fan I will have to rebuy it.

IF there is a next gen port of the game, I wouldn't expect them to announce it until they reveal the "Game of the year" edition with all the DLC. And to be honest I would hold off until the complete edition anyways. NO ONE is online now so no rush to try to get the game before the online community dies since it appears to be dead already.

Which is a shame as I actually got to play a handful of games over Thanksgiving and it was kinda fun to play even as regular thugs. I have tried a couple of times everyday after I get home, but the lobbies stay empty.
There was a patch today when I turned on my PS3 and I think it was just to add a new mode to online mode since I still have a glitched Black Mask container problem.

The new mode is "Hunter, Hunted." It is 3 Jokers Elite vs 3 Bane Elite vs Batman (No Robin so only 7 people needed to start). So I guess I spoke a bit too early when I said online was dead as I was able to get a few games. No one was playing invisible predator online, which is a bit more newbie friendly since everyone gets only ONE life in the new mode. Either you defeat everyone on the opposing teams or the Elites capture 2/3 control points. I don't think the control points are capturable right away and take a minute to become active in the match.

I enjoyed the couple of matches I played. I won my first match after it was me as the last Bane elite against the last Joker elite. We were both pinned down, about 25 ft apart from one another. I tried using a UAV, but it was shot down. I remembered I had that shockwave weapon as my other secondary and made a break for the other side of my opponents cover and activated it winning my team the match.

Next I got to play as Batman, which is a real rush. I looked for the guy who broke off from the pack and take him out with ease. I do the same with the someone from the opposite team. I observe the two elites facing each other and are both locked down. A Joker is taken out and I decided to help even the odds by going after the Bane elites. I sneak up behind both who are using a hallway for cover and throw a smoke grenade to blind both of them. I take out the first one, but the second rolls away before I get a chance to finish him off. I retreat and let the Joker finish him for me. At this point it is just me and the remaining Joker. He spots me swinging around the air and is shooting at me and dealing minor damage. I notice he is right by a gargoyle so I swing over there and do a pounce attack and Batman wins the game. If you win as Batman you get to stay on as Batman which is really nice.

Unfortunately I lost connection after that match and went on a losing streak right after.
I don't like the boss fights in this game at all. There all pretty much the same fight. Counter, punch, counter, punch. And they do nothing interesting in terms of visuals or puzzling solving with the environment or gadgets. Fighting someone like Deathstroke was ok because it was one on one, but then the Bane battle really pissed me off because there's a never ending stream of guys and the camera can't keep up with everything going on.


Agreed. It's weird that the enemies have dialog referring to "Deathstroke" or "Slade" and it makes me wonder if a DLC chapter starring him is on the way down the road.

Maybe this has to do with the Deathstroke Challenges? I didnt played them, but are they reffering to him as Deathstroke or Slade in those?


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Maybe this has to do with the Deathstroke Challenges? I didnt played them, but are they reffering to him as Deathstroke or Slade in those?

Oh good point. I need to spend more time with the challenges.


Maybe this has to do with the Deathstroke Challenges? I didnt played them, but are they reffering to him as Deathstroke or Slade in those?
They have been doing it since AC. The thugs call out Robin and Nightwing as well, too bad they were too cheap to get some simple lines for Nightwing (I guess then they'd have to cast a VO and stick to it) or why they didn't have the guy doing Robin in the main game and Harley's Revenge read some lines for challenge map snippets.


It's funny I went back and did some challenge rooms in Arkham Asylum and I was actually surprised at how many of the complaints I had from AO combat actually exist in AA as well.

1. The camera still has problems

2. Its very hard to deal with Knife enemies and stun baton guys. If they start attacking you, you are pretty much guaranteed to lose your combo.

3. The maps that involve titans are a pain in the ass since the only time you can stun them is when they charge and it can be near impossible to keep a long combo going unless you get REALLY lucky.

4. Batman evades much slower and you can't always evade out of an attack like you could in AC

5. Losing a combo eventhough there is an enemy that should have been targeted.

6. It is a PAIN in the ass to go after the goons who have a gun. If you are on the other side of the map it takes too damn long to get there.

I actually was able to beat Shock and Awe Extreme without too much trouble. Rumble in the Jungle Extreme was a PAIN, though.


It's funny I went back and did some challenge rooms in Arkham Asylum and I was actually surprised at how many of the complaints I had from AO combat actually exist in AA as well.

1. The camera still has problems

2. Its very hard to deal with Knife enemies and stun baton guys. If they start attacking you, you are pretty much guaranteed to lose your combo.

3. The maps that involve titans are a pain in the ass since the only time you can stun them is when they charge and it can be near impossible to keep a long combo going unless you get REALLY lucky.

4. Batman evades much slower and you can't always evade out of an attack like you could in AC

5. Losing a combo eventhough there is an enemy that should have been targeted.

6. It is a PAIN in the ass to go after the goons who have a gun. If you are on the other side of the map it takes too damn long to get there.

I actually was able to beat Shock and Awe Extreme without too much trouble. Rumble in the Jungle Extreme was a PAIN, though.

well hello there :)
Just started playing this game.

Can I complete my Dark Knight challenges in challenge maps or do I have to do them in Story mode? Xbox 360 version.


Just started playing this game.

Can I complete my Dark Knight challenges in challenge maps or do I have to do them in Story mode? Xbox 360 version.

No you can not. Although I remember some dev on twitter said that they were thinking about making this possible. Nothing in the patches about that though.


Think I hit a bug. I'm on ps3. Late game setting spoilers

In Blackgate I was supposed to raise the water level. I bataranged the box in the area and nothing happened. The electricity disappeared. What can I do?

T.M. MacReady

Wow, can't believe the negative buzz this game got. Its fantastic. Better than AA and on the level with AC.

Finished tonight. Where was Deadshot?

Think I hit a bug. I'm on ps3. Late game setting spoilers

In Blackgate I was supposed to raise the water level. I bataranged the box in the area and nothing happened. The electricity disappeared. What can I do?

Hit the button on the console across from it to set off electricity in the room with the fusebox


No Scrubs
Wow, can't believe the negative buzz this game got. Its fantastic. Better than AA and on the level with AC.

Finished tonight. Where was Deadshot?

Hit the button on the console across from it to set off electricity in the room with the fusebox

Bugs will do that. Sure they fixed them, but first impressions. It's a great game, not as re-playable as AC or AA though.


Wow, can't believe the negative buzz this game got. Its fantastic. Better than AA and on the level with AC.

Finished tonight. Where was Deadshot?

Hit the button on the console across from it to set off electricity in the room with the fusebox

Already did. Nothing happened. I did the sequence correctly but nothing happened.


Wow, can't believe the negative buzz this game got. Its fantastic. Better than AA and on the level with AC.

Finished tonight. Where was Deadshot?

Hit the button on the console across from it to set off electricity in the room with the fusebox

Easily GOTY for me.

I have finished the game 6 times now. Can't get enough Batman.
Yep I will echo you guys - this is a fantastic game. I really didn't expect it to be this good.

The art direction is so much better than AA and AC, plus impressive graphics, wonderful new voice actors, lots of fun surprises and good old fashioned Batman fan service.
Question: So, I just got the
Shock Gloves and Glue Grenade
and already took out
. Is there a good predator area where I can do the challenge where I have to do four exotic takedowns (vent, corner, wall explosion, and hanging ledge)? When I was fighting
, I had the perfect opportunity, but I did a ledge takedown instead of a hanging ledge takedown (dumb name), and now that area--which is the perfect zone for that--is no longer occupied.
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