Including yourselfLook at all the claimed power roles that are still alive. It's a miracle!
Including yourselfLook at all the claimed power roles that are still alive. It's a miracle!
So AB, who was part of the group of 4 that Launch investigated, got lynched?
Including yourself
It's a weird kill, isn't it? Not only was he part of Launch's group, but Sorian, Trigger and Xam have all claimed an active ability and Camjo-Z, El Topo and LaunchpadMcQ have all claimed an exhausted ability. The latter three also have some soft confirmations of their role.
I don't have any good explanations. I'm guessing a big part is WIFOM and if Coppa is scum they might have planned to bus Coppa anyways. AB had zero votes yesterday BTW.
you claimed that you at one point you had a powerI claimed to be vanilla on D2 and had only revealed my role name on D1 at utmost necessity. You claimed without need and are still alive and kicking.
There's a soft confirmation on Launch?
you claimed that you at one point you had a power
that should have at least put you on scum's radar
moreso than absolutbro
Dear mafia,
12345 is not a good password either. Hope you learned your lesson last night.
Barbara Gordon
So after Roy posted results yesterday, I got a PM from him. It said (changing the wording) that the effects of the joker toxin worsen causing me to be unable to submit a night action due to fits of laughter.
So yeah, my intention was to kill Coppa last night (which I will push full force by vote today) but I couldn't. I remember (not finding it on mobile) that weemad said she thought it was too bad I obviously wasn't a vig, I'm not sure why she thought that though. I'll try to field questions as much as I can but don't expect any other huge posts until I'm at a comp later tonight.
Part of El Topo. If he is telling the truth it's hard to imagine him pulling that off without a scum chat.
Did you do a block during the night phase? If so, the kill would probably be the last submitted to the moderator by any scum. Unless you did it for the day phase again?
Joker toxin? The flavor specified Joker?
Also, I said you weren't a vig because when I asked you what your move was, you classified it as positive not negative. Personally I regard killing as a negative effect for the target.
Think about it for a second. Do you really think there is no other night killer in this game? It is smaller but 18 still needs something to speed along night kills. That's supposed to be me apparently but either by luck or otherwise (by luck on the Kark role block at least), I haven't been able to.
you claimed that you at one point you had a power
that should have at least put you on scum's radar
moreso than absolutbro
Did you do a block during the night phase? If so, the kill would probably be the last submitted to the moderator by any scum. Unless you did it for the day phase again?
I don't follow? Launch's plan didn't really require help from anyone else. That's kind of why it's believable, he pushed it all on his own and he may have had help in making it work publicly but I don't think much would have needed to be coordinated secretly.
Coppanuva visited Kark last night. I'm a tracker. I'm not sure why he visited Kark. I was hoping that Coppanuva might say something to give me a better read of the situation.
Scum have a roleblocker as well as town having a roleblocker?I'm sure scum was laughing at me yesterday. They do have a role blocker and they completely were able to stop me from acting. Longer post coming soon with the whole truth on my role and what happened.
Did you do a block during the night phase? If so, the kill would probably be the last submitted to the moderator by any scum. Unless you did it for the day phase again?
Joker toxin? The flavor specified Joker?
Also, I said you weren't a vig because when I asked you what your move was, you classified it as positive not negative. Personally I regard killing as a negative effect for the target.
Yeah, I'm kind of done listening to Sorian. I knew that if Kark died and flipped town, Sorian's power was either going to mysteriously not work or have some effect that's totally impossible for town to see.
Wow, a 1-shot vig. That'll certainly speed the game along!
Here's something better to think about: why would you even have a "strong" modifier? We have a doc, we have a commuter, we have whatever I am, we have a town roleblocker, and according to you we have a maf votestealer/roleblocker. That seems like a lot of shit for a regular vig to get past already, but to also have to charge your kill and have it be one-shot? Nah. I'm guessing you're probably maf with a cooldown. You got blocked by Kark N1, you used your power N2, and now you're trying to stay alive one more day to use it again.
The AbsolutBro kill makes sense as that gets rid of another member of the Launch list. It's even easier to push a lynch when you can point to the list and say "but there's a 50% chance of hitting scum guys!!"
Flux argued at the beginning of the game that it will be the trust I place in other people what would lead me to my ruin, and I'm starting to fear that might be right. I'd love to have something against Sorian so I could agree with Topo and crack the case wide open, or at least feel confident enough about his towniness, but I'm right in the middle and have no salvo to use against him. Xam's another player I have growing distrust for, but I can't justify pushing a lynch on him in fears of falling for scum's game of pitting us against each other after the PRs keep surviving.
Looking at the votes feels way harder than in other games, since we're without a single scum lynch.
Trigger, anything to report? Coppa, why did you visit Kark 2 nights ago?
Flux argued at the beginning of the game that it will be the trust I place in other people what would lead me to my ruin, and I'm starting to fear that might be right. I'd love to have something against Sorian so I could agree with Topo and crack the case wide open, or at least feel confident enough about his towniness, but I'm right in the middle and have no salvo to use against him. Xam's another player I have growing distrust for, but I can't justify pushing a lynch on him in fears of falling for scum's game of pitting us against each other after the PRs keep surviving.
Looking at the votes feels way harder than in other games, since we're without a single scum lynch.
Trigger, anything to report? Coppa, why did you visit Kark 2 nights ago?
No, that is not what I meant.
So many times people point to "this is obviously scummy play!" as a reason for a lynch in the early phases, and then that person ends up being town. The people who end up being scum? They're the ones who give off the good vibes or the ones who give off the vibes leaning in that direction. They have the allies, the knowledge and the cautious attitude to pull it off. Not to mention that their entire win condition revolves around that, and less so for town players.
I wasn't saying "everything is a lie." I was saying "the opposite of what people the majority tend to think is true."
He later clarified it wasn't a town read of anyone, but he still correctly identified two townies who were about to be lynched.Nevermind.
VOTE: Pop-O-Matic
The unvote was a knee-jerk response to your latest comment, but there's nothing there that actually convinces me to not follow through and change my vote. I'm also feeling less enthused about voting on Ty4on or TL21.
The players I think should not be lynched during this Day phase:
1. Mazre
2. Karkador
3. Xamtheking
4. FluxWaveZ
I don't counter the mafia's role blocker so they must have a bulletproof. Or Xam is really a scum doctor but really? I doubt it.
Certainly faster than this has been rolling. I've never seen a gafia game with only scum kills each night and that's it. The answer to your other question is obvious. I don't counter the mafia's role blocker so they must have a bulletproof. Or Xam is really a scum doctor but really? I doubt it.I'm also still not believing this is it in terms of kills, someone is either sitting on their kill not doing anything or is unable to like me.
Yeah, I'm kind of done listening to Sorian. I knew that if Kark died and flipped town, Sorian's power was either going to mysteriously not work or have some effect that's totally impossible for town to see.
Wow, a 1-shot vig. That'll certainly speed the game along!
Here's something better to think about: why would you even have a "strong" modifier? We have a doc, we have a commuter, we have whatever I am, we have a town roleblocker, and according to you we have a maf votestealer/roleblocker. That seems like a lot of shit for a regular vig to get past already, but to also have to charge your kill and have it be one-shot? Nah. I'm guessing you're probably maf with a cooldown. You got blocked by Kark N1, you used your power N2, and now you're trying to stay alive one more day to use it again.
The AbsolutBro kill makes sense as that gets rid of another member of the Launch list. It's even easier to push a lynch when you can point to the list and say "but there's a 50% chance of hitting scum guys!!"
I reread the whole thread during the night phase, and I found it interesting how Skyodin was the only person on Day 1 to have genuine suspicion of Sorian. And he died.
Then Day 3, Sorian was extremely focused on getting Karkador killed. I sincerely started to doubt his scumness at about two hours before deadline, because there was no push to get off him again, just like with Mazre.
Those are two rather suspicious things for you.
VOTE: Sorian
I really was left with the impression that you and Karkador were not both town. So, here we are.
Scum have a roleblocker as well as town having a roleblocker?
listen up
not having trust had us lynch a town roleblocker yesterday
If you guys aren't going to have even the slightest bit of trust, I'm more than willing to vote myself and speed the scum victory along
Ultimately the doc doesn't really matter whether he's maf or not because you wouldn't be able to use the power without it being strong anyway. It would also be pointless for maf to have a bulletproof to counter a one-shot vig. That'd be assuming that out of all these targets, you will not only avoid being hit by the two roleblockers, but will also manage to hit the 1 out of 4-5 maf who happens to be the bulletproof with your single kill. No, it sounds to me like a way to explain why your wind-up power mysteriously hasn't been seen yet.
VOTE: Sorian
What's the point of a bullet proof if you're the only non scum who can kill? A killing neutral or a second vigilante?
Ultimately the doc doesn't really matter whether he's maf or not because you wouldn't be able to use the power without it being strong anyway. It would also be pointless for maf to have a bulletproof to counter a one-shot vig. That'd be assuming that out of all these targets, you will not only avoid being hit by the two roleblockers, but will also manage to hit the 1 out of 4-5 maf who happens to be the bulletproof with your single kill. No, it sounds to me like a way to explain why your wind-up power mysteriously hasn't been seen yet.
VOTE: Sorian
Maybe wait until everybody has checked in, but I'd like a paraphrasing of yesterday's posting restrictions. All I could see was that you had to rhyme like a limerick (AABBA) and failing to do so would modkill you.
Was I right about your limericks? AABBA rhyming or you die?
I think a killing neutral. Aside from Launch's theory on Camjo, I have no clue why nothing is happening.
A part of my brain is going *remember Volcano Island*![]()
What are you saying Sorian used his vote for N2? Targeting himself so his vote wouldn't count? I'm not sure how I feel about the 50% thing. Are you saying you think both Ty and Coppa are town? That seems unlikely to me, but then again, why increase the odds of us lynching scum if there's something in the list? Are they trying to discredit it by making us doubt exactly that? Are they willing to bus one of their own today in order to gain trust? Are they bluffing? Daring us to continue lynching from there?
How would the doc not matter against a strong kill. I don't think Xam is the key here but what are you arguing? Of course a strong kill could counter a doc.
Oh meant to say something else to this. I had an override in the FF game and I was literally meant to counter only one player on the whole game. Hyper on the scum team was a vote bomb (killed the last person who voted for him). Vig is automatically a counter against all scum, the strong just adds extra to it. If you are trying to argue balance then you are missing some of the balancing.
You are so impatient. I'll get to you when I get to you.
It isn't too late with Sorian or Coppa for that matter.Come to think of it, I should've gotten back to Karkador. Maybe if I had asked him more questions I'd have been confident enough in him to unvote before the end of the day.
It won't happen again, I promise you that.
Trigger, anything to report? Coppa, why did you visit Kark 2 nights ago?
How did you switch that quote to weemad? Lol
First off, I'm going to be on mobile the next 2 days so I'm going to post and follow as best I can, but my ability to quote and search posts may be a bit limited. That said, I'm going to try my best.
I didn't choose to visit kark 2 days ago. Not was I aware I had until until trigger mentioned it. Thats all I would like to say about that.
Sorian, why have you started literally every day pushing me right out the gate? You brought up literally no reasons for it this time, it's not at all how you usually play with a more fluid vote and it's getting old. I don't buy your azrael claim. There's a ton of holes in it. 1) why would town have a strongkill and no other vigs? To break through our own doctor protection?
2) why would a 1shot strong kill have a windup? It's way too weak and seems out of place here.
Vote: sorian
Seems like a simple thing to answer :/
Sorry, you just seemed to be avoiding it.I will answer.
When someone who has been subsequently cursed needs verification. You are trying to get me to publicly state all the info, which means anyone could copy it.
And you said you would understand if I waited til everyone had checked in.
If it isn't in your role PM, could you ask Roy how scum are able to negotiate the night kill without a chat?1 day block, 1 night block. Cannot be used to block D1/N1, cannot be used in succession. Both hacks were successful, according to roy.
D2 communication was blocked
N3 communication was blocked
I have to PM roy if I want to block communication during the next phase, i.e. I sent my command during N1 to block D2 and I sent my command on D3 (29 minutes before the end of the day) to block N3.
did you hear of this magical new invention called private messaging?Sorry, you just seemed to be avoiding it.
If it isn't in your role PM, could you ask Roy how scum are able to negotiate the night kill without a chat?
did you hear of this magical new invention called private messaging?
no, i mean for submitting the commandsUsing private messages to communicate despite a block would be cheating, no?
did you hear of this magical new invention called private messaging?
I think he means how would Roy figure it out if multiple scum submit different kills since they wouldn't be able to talk to each other.
If it isn't in your role PM, could you ask Roy how scum are able to negotiate the night kill without a chat?
I'm pretty sure the whole point is that they can't. I assume it's first come first serve.
It could be like in Love Boat where one random member is responsible for the kill and the rest can only use their power roles if applicable.
Nerfed in some way sure. But you're nerfed in 2 ways pretty heavily.A strong kill on town side is almost always nerfed in some way. Princesses made the town strong big half of a lovers pair so that scum had two ways to kill them. If it's not obvious, this is why I've believed Xam. A doctor makes complete sense because if he is town, he could protect someone who I think is scum and I could still be allowed to trump him. The reasoning is already there and that's without having the whole picture of what scum has.