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I tried. I just hope Sorian is scum or neutral.
I'm not lol I wish I could have some cool villain monologue but I don't.
Last minute defence? We just need one person switching.
The case against me is built on the circumstance of two role blocks, one of which you all know is true. Coppa is a part of the 50/50 of Launch's list which is much better than taking a leap of faith on me. His claim seems weird, not only because of the drip feed but also because Trigger appears to be a town tracker and I just don't see the point of a sleep walker in a setup with a town tracker. I can't adequately defend my role because there is nothing to defend against. A few people are voting for me just because a strong one-shot vig has no balance purpose but we don't know what scum team has, it's impossible to say what was needed to balance them. It comes down to, I'm telling the truth or I'm not. There is no evidence just people assuming I'm bad because I pushed hard on Kark. I think Coppa is scum and I know this is another mislynch.
I didn't choose to visit kark 2 days ago. Not was I aware I had until until trigger mentioned it. Thats all I would like to say about that.
The Riddler was furious.
A tie???? A TIE?????? Nobody will attempt one of my puzzle rooms?? You guys have one easy job and you still manage to fuck it up??????? AAAAAAAAH!!!!
Suddenly A deep voice echoed through the room. It was weemadarthur.
Mr. Nigma, I apologize for interrupting you, but I have a ..proposition for certain people in this room
The Riddler was surprised. Before he could object, the person continued to speak.
Well then, let me introduce myself: I am Dr. Hugo Strange. And I have an item to sell that I am certain off that some of you will be quite interested in. Namely, I know the ultimate secret: The identity of the Batman! And for the low price of 10 million dollars, I will share it with you. The only thing you have to do, is to wire the money to this account in the next minute.
Everyone in the room was shocked. They looked at each other, but nobody said a word. After the minute was up, weemadarthur spoke again.
Lets see if some of you decided to buy, shall we?
Weemad looked at their phone, and a sinister smile formed on their face.
An excellent choice gentleman! Since you held your end of the bargain, I will fulfill mine: Trigger is Batman, or shall I say, Bruce Wayne?
Everyone's gaze focused on Trigger. Trigger looked around the room. Suddenly, a flash lit up the room, and the room was filled with smoke. After the smoke cleared up, Trigger was gone.
Welcome to Batman mafia!
You are Bruce Wayne, AKA Batman.
You are aligned with the Heroes.
You are the dark knight, you are the world's greatest detective, you are the savior of Gotham, you are the brooding hero with no parents, you are one of the worlds best hand to hand combatants, you as a mortal being can still beat alien gods (as long as you get prep time of course), you are a dude dressed in a bat suit using a weird voice that nobody can understand, you are a dick that puts underaged kids in danger, you have a gadget belt that for some reason has shark repellent spray on it, you have a bat-credit card, you can sometimes not get rid of a bomb, in short: YOU ARE THE GODDAMN BATMAN!
As the world's greatest detective, each night you can send me the command TRACK: playername to track that player. You will see who that player visits (if anyone), but not which action they did.
Also, as one of the world's best hand to hand combatants, you can survive 1 night kill attempt. You will be notified if you got targeted, but are not told by who.
Finally, thanks to your experience fighting super villains, you know that Hugo strange is among you. He knows your real identity, and his goal is to make sure you and him survive until the start of night 4. However, if he succeeds in this, you will die, so you better stop him before he succeeds!
You win when all the villains are eliminated.
The thread can be found here
Please confirm you are ready to play by sending me a PM or by posting in the thread. If you have any questions, please send them to me! Have fun!
When everyone recovered from the original shock, they looked back at the part of the room Weemadarthur was standing just a few moments ago. But they were also gone.
Welcome to Batman mafia!
You are Hugo Strange.
You are aligned with only yourself.
As Dr. Strange, the star of the upcoming hit movie Marvels Dr. Strange, where you will be portrayed by the Oscar nominated actor Benedict Cumberbatch, you are a master of the arcane magic, and c ..
yeah, what is it? That's the wrong doctor strange? WTF! This guy is a doctor, right??? AND HIS NAME IS STRANGE, RIGHT???? SO HE IS DOCTOR STRANGE!!!! Wait, if I go on like this we will get sued by Marvel? Well ..shit.
So, ehm, I guess as DCs Hugo Strange, you are a brilliant psychiatrist that can read people like an open book. So it was not hard for you to find out the identity of Batman: its Ben Affleck. That is extremely valuable information, and you are guessing the villains will be willing to pay a pretty penny for it! However, those guys are dangerous and not to be trusted, so before you sell the information, you better make sure you have prepared your escape with the money!
If you and Batman make it to the end of day 4 (so not get lynched that day), you will successfully sell the identity of Batman and leave the game victoriously! That may end up badly for Batman, but you dont care. If Batman dies before that, you will need to survive until the end of the game to win. But be careful: Batman is not dumb and knows about the existence of this role (but not who has it).
The thread can be found here
Please confirm you are ready to play by sending me a PM or by posting in the thread. If you have any questions, please send them to me! Have fun!
The Riddler was still disappointed about the lack of a lynch yesterday. He spend so much time designing his puzzle rooms. Making sure every death trap was meticulously placed. Every obstacle incredibly hard, but still possible to overcome. Every piece of green question mark decoration put up in such a way that it looked the nicest. All that effort, and for what? Just so that those idiots could do a no lynch tie!
The Riddler switched on the screens in his control room. He could use a little entertainment. And what he saw on the screen, well, that exceeded his wildest dreams!
There lay El topo his body, he was shot 15 times.
Then he was torn apart by a pack of rabid dogs.
Then he was burned
Then all his bones in his body were broken
Then he was drowned
Then a giant anvil was dropped on him
Then his skin was melted off with acid
Then a bunch of fire ants were dumped on him
Then he was buried alive
Then he was crucified
Then he was crushed by a metal gear (BTW, why does this keep happening to you El topo?)
Then he was forced to look at Seaths dick pick collection
Then a dance group performed a classic Dutch clog dance on him
Then he was forced to listen to Cabot sign
And finally, he was finished off by being shot with a single arrow.
Welcome to Batman mafia!
You are Barbara Gordon, AKA Oracle.
You are aligned with the heroes.
As the daughter of police commissioner James Gordon, you have the same strong sense of righteousness as him, but he didnt allow you to join the corps yourself. Determined to make a difference and make Gotham safer, you decided to take up the mantle of Batgirl, well, until you got shot and paralyzed by the Joker. Now you are Oracle, a world class hacker in the truest sense of the word, so not one of those anonymous kids that think it is funny to take down PSN and xbox live with DDoS attacks and hack my PC to put all this disgusting porn on it! Because all this porn is definitely not mine!
As Oracle, you can send me the command HACK to prevent the villains of communicating with each other during the following phase. So if you send me the command on day 3, you will block their communication during night 3 and if you send it to me on night 2, you will block it for day 3.You can block 1 night phase and 1 day phase, and since it takes time to set up the hack, you can not use your powers back to back. Moreover, you cant block day 1 or night 1 communications.
You win when all the villains are eliminated.
The thread can be found here
Please confirm you are ready to play by sending me a PM or by posting in the thread. If you have any questions, please send them to me! Have fun!
I protected Sorian last night, because I believe in Sorian, even if you do notHow the fuck did Topo die?
There were only two options for a maf kill yesterday without revealing something about the votes: either a no kill, or El Topo. He was the only cleared person besides me, and maf doesn't want to risk hitting me. He was one of two people whose votes EVERYBODY is 100% certain does not come from a potential maf. WHY WAS DOC NOT ON HIM?
Either Xam didn't protect him, or maf has a strongman. And what do you know? We have exactly one person who claims the ability for a strong kill. So Xam, who did you protect last night?
Testing to see if I was hit by votesteal.
VOTE: Sorian
I protected Sorian last night, because I believe in Sorian, even if you do not
I also thought that Scum would not use the toxin on him again; if the toxin was not used on him today, he is guaranteed his strong kill tonight
AgainWait what?
You thought scum would target Sorian?! If he's town, scum would want him around so that today was a repeat of yesterday. If Sorian had died overnight, we'd all be voting for Coppa right now.
You mad.
I protected Sorian last night, because I believe in Sorian, even if you do not
I also thought that Scum would not use the toxin on him again; if the toxin was not used on him today, he is guaranteed his strong kill tonight
Also Camjo I would remove that vote if I were you. Read CB's post above.
UnvoteYou guys should remove your votes. If neither of you're scum and there's a 4-man scum team, then we lose the second they're all online![]()
this is the most likely scenariothe worst doc who ever lived
You guys should remove your votes. If neither of you're scum and there's a 4-man scum team, then we lose the second they're all online![]()
How the fuck did Topo die?
There were only two options for a maf kill yesterday without revealing something about the votes: either a no kill, or El Topo. He was the only cleared person besides me, and maf doesn't want to risk hitting me. He was one of two people whose votes EVERYBODY is 100% certain does not come from a potential maf. WHY WAS DOC NOT ON HIM?
Either Xam didn't protect him, or maf has a strongman. And what do you know? We have exactly one person who claims the ability for a strong kill. So Xam, who did you protect last night?
Testing to see if I was hit by votesteal.
VOTE: Sorian
If you're town, doesn't this confirm we only have 3 scum? With 4 scum and just 4 town votes scum can tie anything.Oh you clever bastards
Oh you dirty sons of bitches
Now we are well and truly fucked
If you're town, doesn't this confirm we only have 3 scum? With 4 scum and just 4 town votes scum can tie anything.
Yes, but they do not win by majority quite yet because technically 9 votes are still in playNevermind, too late. Looks like Xam's vote was stolen.
If you're town, doesn't this confirm we only have 3 scum? With 4 scum and just 4 town votes scum can tie anything.
Was Hugo Strange the person with the vote steal power? Or is there still an active vote stealer running about?