I enjoyed it. The folks who said the art style was a bit too clean do have a point. But I'm not really sure how you capture the almost surreal art style of the original in animation: it has to be clean to move. Proportions for Batman were a bit more realistic and constrained than in the graphic novel or even the "Legends of the Dark Knight" treatment. Overall, it worked.
Maybe less so with the mutant leader. He just never has looked right, or even that interesting or intimidating, animated. The voice is better than the very cartoony portrayal in the "Legends of the Dark Knight" treatment, but overall I feel like all the really good stuff is yet to come, in Part Two. Peter Weller is definitely a different interpretation, but he has the right edge and I'm loving his unique take. Reminds me of James Woods turn as Owlman.
Watched the preview for Part Two in the extras and I'm psyched. Looks like they are keeping as true to the plot as possible. Wonder if we'll have a Ronny Raygun lookalike for the role of the President, or how they will treat that plot point. Should be very interesting.
Also, I demand more love for the "Bat Ass" edition posted above. Too subtle?