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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 September 25th!

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That's funny I just posted in both threads.

My wife and son spent all the fun money on Mists of Pandaria this week, but I gotta be able to scrape together enough to pick up this and the RE: Damnation as well. Maybe I'll eat ramen more this week or something.

We have an RE Damnation thread? I never saw it. lol Yeah I just wish I could have rented it. I mean I could buy it, but after other stuff I got and Avengers, it's not right.


That's funny I just posted in both threads.

My wife and son spent all the fun money on Mists of Pandaria this week, but I gotta be able to scrape together enough to pick up this and the RE: Damnation as well. Maybe I'll eat ramen more this week or something.

Doom was a good purchase, I don't regret it.

But I been so into DC Animated lately, just watched Green Lantern Season 1 last week, Young Justice before that. Been burning stuff to disk that's not available on DVD. Legion of Super Heroes Season Two. Zeta Project Season 2. Up next, all but the first six episodes of Static Shock.

I'm living in the best of all possible times for a geek like myself!

Yeah, I just didn't pick it up at the time cause I was being thrifty. Was hoping the price would drop on it by now, I might wait for a sale, but my wife has started working so I can splurge a bit more now. Young Justice is amazing, if they release it on blu-ray, I may have to get it.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
not a nice enough ass on that cover art. no buy

Be careful what you wish for.

I thought it was awesome. I missed the narrating from the comics, but it's a minor quibble. I'm also not sold on Peter Weller. I've read the book like a thousand times now and his voice just doesn't match the one in my head. Agree with the above on Michael Ironside really nailing it though.

Otherwise, it was great. The best sequence in all of TDKR is when he first makes his return. The film really nailed it. I almost had tears in my eyes. haha. When he pulls the rapist through the door window in the alley and all you saw was his hand... it made me so fucking happy. I had the biggest, stupidest grin on my face.
Otherwise, it was great. The best sequence in all of TDKR is when he first makes his return. The film really nailed it. I almost had tears in my eyes. haha. When he pulls the rapist through the door window in the alley and all you saw was his hand... it made me so fucking happy. I had the biggest, stupidest grin on my face.
You are not alone there.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I enjoyed it. The folks who said the art style was a bit too clean do have a point. But I'm not really sure how you capture the almost surreal art style of the original in animation: it has to be clean to move. Proportions for Batman were a bit more realistic and constrained than in the graphic novel or even the "Legends of the Dark Knight" treatment. Overall, it worked.

Maybe less so with the mutant leader. He just never has looked right, or even that interesting or intimidating, animated. The voice is better than the very cartoony portrayal in the "Legends of the Dark Knight" treatment, but overall I feel like all the really good stuff is yet to come, in Part Two. Peter Weller is definitely a different interpretation, but he has the right edge and I'm loving his unique take. Reminds me of James Woods turn as Owlman.

Watched the preview for Part Two in the extras and I'm psyched. Looks like they are keeping as true to the plot as possible. Wonder if we'll have a Ronny Raygun lookalike for the role of the President, or how they will treat that plot point. Should be very interesting.

Also, I demand more love for the "Bat Ass" edition posted above. Too subtle?


This was much better than I thought it would be. I can't wait for Emerson's joker.

Also the two cops in the car and "You're in for a show tonight" line like how it was in Nolan's third was pretty cool to see.
total missed opportunity. it captures the story of the comicbook but none of the heart.
The animated series animation style, but none of the grime and darkness of the book.
Balls Nasty removed from the script...

total missed opportunity. it captures the story of the comicbook but none of the heart.
The animated series animation style, but none of the grime and darkness of the book.
Balls Nasty removed from the script...


yeah, i agree here. And I was hoping for more emotional variety from Peter Weller, but it felt like a pretty flat delivery to me.


Watched this last night and I loved it. The 80's vibe I was getting seemed to fit the setting well. I read the comic a long time ago, so I can't remember what they missed, but it was very enjoyable. I also like how DC is trying to get back on Alan Moore's good side (the comics on the shelf in the convenience store were all Moore's, right?). I didn't like Gordon's voice, but that's probably the only thing I didn't like. Can't wait for the 2nd part.


I finally got round to watching this today and it is really good. Stuck very close to the graphic novel (as far as I remember), animation was clean and shiny. Voice-over work was not bad either. The mutants came off as extremely sinister which I liked.
Loved how Carrie Kelly didn't come off as an annoying teenager. I thought the constant news channel bits in the comic were distracting but they pulled it off well in this film. Oh, I had a good laugh at the subtle nod to Alan Moore with the V for Vendetta comic in the convenience store.
Somewhat happy that this is in 2 parts now as I doubt that they would've been able to squeeze the whole thing into a 1h30min film. Bring on Part 2!
I loved it.. If you're a Batman fan I don't see how you couldn't enjoy this aside from nit picking the art style or voice overs.

My only real nit pick is why are Batman's ears so short? he looks like a big gerbil..


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I loved it.. If you're a Batman fan I don't see how you couldn't enjoy this aside from nit picking the art style or voice overs.

My only real nit pick is why are Batman's ears so short? he looks like a big gerbil..

Well, it's consistent with Frank Miller's take on he design:


...but yeah I usually like designs with longer, non-curved ears...
yea true.. i forgot just how short his ears were in the comic. It's still such a strange look.. it makes him look far less intimidating imo.

Peter Wellers did a damn good job, but man hearing anything other than Conroy is just weird to me.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
yea true.. i forgot just how short his ears were in the comic. It's still such a strange look.. it makes him look far less intimidating imo.

Peter Wellers did a damn good job, but man hearing anything other than Conroy is just weird to me.

I hear you. Bruce Greenwood on Young Justice, he has a good interpretation. William Baldwin was okay in crisis on two worlds, but I was mostly just enjoying James Woods as Owlman during that one.

Kevin is king, but I'm still glad they're willing to put other people in the role. It's too big for one actor.

Peter Weller is good, but his voice is a bit reedy for the role, yet that might be a good effect for playing "old" Batman.


Didn't read the book but loved this movie. Robocop did a great job as an older Batman. Can't wait for part 2.


I finally got round to watching this today and it is really good. Stuck very close to the graphic novel (as far as I remember), animation was clean and shiny. Voice-over work was not bad either. The mutants came off as extremely sinister which I liked.
Loved how Carrie Kelly didn't come off as an annoying teenager. I thought the constant news channel bits in the comic were distracting but they pulled it off well in this film. Oh, I had a good laugh at the subtle nod to Alan Moore with the V for Vendetta comic in the convenience store.
Somewhat happy that this is in 2 parts now as I doubt that they would've been able to squeeze the whole thing into a 1h30min film. Bring on Part 2!
Actually, not as subtle as you think as EVERY comic on that shelf is an Alan Moore book!


I thought it was fucking great, not just as an adaptation but as its own movie. I've been pretty disappointed with most of these DC animated movies; most of them are mediocre to outright bad, especially over the last 2 years, so this was a welcome breath of fresh air.

I really loved it, can't get over how impressed i was with it. Whereas before I used to care very little about the next movie in DC's animated line, now I can't wait for part 2.
I've watched it about three times now and man I really dig it.. The voice actor for Gordon is great as well, I think his performance has went kinda unnoticed. I think the movie is very well paced and structured considering they left out the voice-overs. It's gonna be a painful wait for part 2 seeing as how much I enjoyed part 1..

As for the moaning about it being two parts it seems like the perfect thing to do to me.. I'd rather have everything in two parts rather than extremely condensed into one film


Not too bad, the story is here, this first act is in line with what I remember from the comics...

I also think that this movie is the definitive proof (after Sin City and The Spirit) that Frank Miller's writing is not meant to be spoken. The cheesy one liners fall flat and I'm not sure that this was the voice actors fault.
Not too bad, the story is here, this first act is in line with what I remember from the comics...

I also think that this movie is the definitive proof (after Sin City and The Spirit) that Frank Miller's writing is not meant to be spoken. The cheesy one liners fall flat and I'm not sure that this was the voice actors fault.

I think it was the delivery. And I really, really hated that there was no internal dialogue. I love Robocop, but Peter Weller really sucked as Batman. This is my favorite Batman story ever, but it missed so many beats that it just broke my heart. The really disappointing thing about this is that it'll be a while before it's redone. The art style, for the most part, was too clean. I loved the colors, though. Very similar to Varley's original. Why didn't they give this to one of the studios that did Gotham Knight? Such a wasted opportunity. THIS should've been Hamill's last project as The Joker.

total missed opportunity. it captures the story of the comicbook but none of the heart.
The animated series animation style, but none of the grime and darkness of the book.
Balls Nasty removed from the script...


I completely agree. That "I hope he goes after the gays" comment was removed, too. It's politically correct. :|


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
As if, Day One purchase for me!:D

Can't wait to hear the soundtrack.


Rodent Whores
Just saw this. Not bad. Robocop Batman is...okay, I guess.

It's been a while since I've read the comic, but as a movie, it was entertaining. I have a feeling that it was censored, though. Wish it wasn't.

That cover art reminds me of nedflandersnothingatall.gif
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