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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 September 25th!

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So I just watched Part 2. Good lord but Peter Weller is just awful in this, completely phoning it in. Two lines that stand out in particular are the "Good soldier...good soldier" after
Robin nearly falls from the wing
and then the scene where he's addressing the
Sons Of The Batman
at the junk yard,
"Tonight, we are the law! Tonight I am the law!"
. I realise he's Batman, he's supposed to be taciturn, but there's a difference between that and just delivering the lines like he's reading from a cue card, just awful.


I thought he was good in the first part for most of it, is there really such a dip in quality with his voice for the second part?

Movietyme should ship my blu ray next week.


Year One wasn't even a Batman movie :( It was Jim Gordon's.
It was still really good though. Batman works pretty well as a secondary character since it plays into his mystique.

I finally picked up Part 1. Waiting for a good night to watch it.

Under The Red Hood is the shit.


I disagree on the Peter Weller part. I think the voice direction is where the problem is. I am not sure why Andrea wouldn't have asked for a bit more power in the Sons of Batman scene and in all the voice direction just seemed off.

I am not sure how I feel about Emerson. His intro in part one with the "Darling" line was fucking superb. The "Selina" line in this one was also top notch. But there were some small things that kinda just irked me. And Mark Valley was a perfect choice for Supes I think.

One thing I missed was the line Bruce talks about Clark. About how the birds and the sunshine and how green the pastures are so beautiful and it was ruined by him talking. One of the best character moments in the book and they left it out.

All in all it was a fantastic movie. The fight between Supes and Bats was something I, and I am sure all of us, have been waiting to see in motion. I think Weller nailed every part of it.
"... I want you to remember, in all of your private moments..." man tears, I tell ya.


Man Part 2 was sooo good! Makes me wish Nolan finished off his trilogy this way. I hadn't read Returns in probably 7 years so I had forgotten how good it was. Have to go back and see what was left out.

Soundtrack was really impressive as well.

The voice acting was ok for the most part. While Emmerson did an ok Joker, I wish they would always get Hamil. To me he is THE best sounding Joker. Yea I know they don't wanna tie the movie to the Animated series but they used him in the Arkham games and it made it even better.
What the hell happened to Superman in part 2?

When he got hit by that Nuke he looked half dead like a zombie. That scene really creeped me out


Just saw Part 1... Awesome. Weller was fine as an old Batman. I dug the art style, LOVED the music, and Batman's return was brilliant.

That last scene before the theme kicks in and the credits roll gave me chills. A great movie on its own, but especially when just coming off Red Hood.


Watched part 1 when it came out, It was incredible one the best action animated movies I've ever seen, can't describe it with words.

the scene with floors boards man that scene so intense what a soundtrack



I just watched part 2 last night. Loved it. I actually watched both parts over 3 nights after my first re-watch of Nolan's The Dark Knight last week. TDK, which was initially disappointing, did more for me second time around but I enjoyed this a lot more.
I think part 2 was superior to part 1 in every way. I know it's damn hard, if not nearly impossible, to include Batman's inner monologue to an adaptation of the comic, but goddamnit, that's the stuff that makes The Dark Knight Returns so good. I was fairly disturbed because of its absence in part 1 but here it somehow didn't bother me at all. It was tight, mostly smoothly animated, and most of all, it stood on its own and was enjoyable to watch. I enjoyed the portrayal of Joker in this one, it was in a way damn creepy. Michael Emerson nailed it.
I think part 2 was superior to part 1 in every way. I know it's damn hard, if not nearly impossible, to include Batman's inner monologue to an adaptation of the comic, but goddamnit, that's the stuff that makes The Dark Knight Returns so good. I was fairly disturbed because of its absence in part 1 but here it somehow didn't bother me at all. It was tight, mostly smoothly animated, and most of all, it stood on its own and was enjoyable to watch. I enjoyed the interpretation of Joker in this one, it was in a way, damn creepy. Michael Emerson nailed it.

I have to agree. Really enjoyed Part 2. At times it seemed more violent than the comic as well.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Crap I thought Part 2 came out today. :(
amazing, absolutely amazing.

I watched 1 and 2 back to back, and it just flowed beautifully. Really, this proves what most have been saying for years: this comic just fits so well as a movie. Thankfully, Bruce Timm and Co. realized that and did not deviate away from the book.


Just saw Part 2... Holy shit. Put both parts together and this is the best animated movie i've seen yet. I just love the way this thing looks and how the story turned out.

Part 2 is also pretty grim. Some of the themes going on during Joker's rampage were relentless.


Junior Member
Just saw Part 2... Holy shit. Put both parts together and this is the best animated movie i've seen yet. I just love the way this thing looks and how the story turned out.

Part 2 is also pretty grim. Some of the themes going on during Joker's rampage were relentless.

This is pretty much me right now.
Joker was on some Grand Theft Auto shit on the carnival scene, pure rampage for fun.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Partway through #2 right now. So much better than the first part. I forgot how backloaded this book is. Peter Weller really takes the role here, for some reason I like him so much better than Part 1. Does Part 2 have its own thread/
Ctrl+F "Conroy"

Fuck. Can't be bothered.

you're missing out. the va is great as old bruce / batman.

anyway, watched part 2 last night. my god, simply amazing. easily trumps under the red hood as best batman animated movie. :D

superman vs bats was everything I had hoped it would be. such an amazing fight, makes me wish even more for a live action adaptation of this story. prep time batman really is god tier batman, there is literally no doubt about it any more after watching this.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
FatMan on Batman, Kevin Smith's Batman Podcast, has a new one up with Peter Weller, Ariel Winters, Bruce Timm, the Director, Writer, and Andrea Romero.


Article on the event where it was recorded.

Listening, found it cool that Conan O'Brian did his performance as the talk show host, in 15 minutes of work, and did his big Laugh in one take.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I had no idea that was Conan O'Brian. Neat.
I never knew this video series existed until a few days ago. Saw both. Holy shit. I'm not even a follower of but that was so goddamn AWESOME. It feels right on par with the Nolan films. Heck I like these better than Batman Begins and TDK. I still like TDKR the most though.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I never knew this video series existed until a few days ago. Saw both. Holy shit. I'm not even a follower of but that was so goddamn AWESOME. It feels right on par with the Nolan films. Heck I like these better than Batman Begins and TDK. I still like TDKR the most though.

Frank Miller and the original graphic novel pretty much invented this style of Batman. Nolan, Burton, Timm--all inspired by this work. Thing have come full circle.You should check it out.

Burton's first film was the first to take this treatment mainstream. Before that, most people thought of Batman as the Adam West/Superfriends goofball. Ugh.

EDIT: thread should be renamed to cover both parts. It's one story.


I liked part 2 but it didn't impress like part 1 did. Everything with Joker was great, but I hated all the Reagan nonsense (was it as bad in the book? I can't remember) and thought there was too much of Superman. The Green Arrow inclusion was too deus ex machina-y too.

Solid movie though.
Loved part 2. 2 questions for batman GAF.

1. At the
carnival scene, maybe I'm mistaken but in the comic version, didn't the joker kill a bunch of kids as well?

2. Also, in the movie, was the
talk hosts sidekick voiced by Andy Richter?
I rented it and it was all pretty faithful to the comic as far as I saw. But there was the problem. It didn't really do anything new with the story or with animation. After it was over I thought "Thats cool." and probably will never watch it again.


you're missing out. the va is great as old bruce / batman.

anyway, watched part 2 last night. my god, simply amazing. easily trumps under the red hood as best batman animated movie. :D

superman vs bats was everything I had hoped it would be. such an amazing fight, makes me wish even more for a live action adaptation of this story. prep time batman really is god tier batman, there is literally no doubt about it any more after watching this.
So true. I also like the story Justice League: Doom takes after, which reveals how Batman secretly has a plan for each member of the league on how to shut them down in case he ever needed to.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I rented it and it was all pretty faithful to the comic as far as I saw. But there was the problem. It didn't really do anything new with the story or with animation. After it was over I thought "Thats cool." and probably will never watch it again.

I kind of wanted a jittery, messy, too-many-lines art style reminiscent of the original. Be much harder to do, though. Animation being what it is...

- J - D -

I bought and watched both parts tonight and really enjoyed it as a whole. I'm surprised and disappointed that there isn't a thread for Part 2, but whatever.

I thought it did a very good job at being both faithful to the original story while streamlining the narrative to suit the flow of a film. Although the animated films do not follow the source material to a tee like the animated adaptation of Year One, I think The Dark Knight Returns has more going for it. Then again, in regards to the books, I've always preferred TDKR(eturns) to Year One.

I did wish they had found a way to integrate more of Miller's first-person internal monologues for Batman into the film. A lot of that stuff made the book what it was for me. Also, I feel that some lines of dialogue could have been better if they had more closely adhered to Miller's text -- for example, Bruce's last words to Clark at the end of their battle involved berating the latter about him becoming a stooge and a joke. This was taken out of the film and replaced with something about Bruce wanting Clarke to experience mortality like the rest of us, as if Clark has never had encounters with green rock or death before? Didn't sit well with me.

Some of the subplots were excised, which I'm not sure how I feel about. The interviews with citizens of Gotham being cut out was probably a good decision, but there was this one really powerful scene in the book - involving a mother who is killed attempting to bring home a gift for her son - that I wished had made it into the film, if only to underscore how brutal the mutant gang was. That was the aspect of the film that I felt was undermined by the paring down of scenes in order to keep the run time in check. However, The Mutants don't come off quite as menacing as a result. Still, the film does a better job of compromising than most other DC animated films.

The animation was superb, especially during the fight scenes. I was very surprised by how well done the fight "choreography" was. Some real hard-hitting stuff. The fight scenes in the films are more protracted than in the comic, but despite this the pacing overall felt pretty good. Well, Part 2 felt a bit more rushed than Part 1, but that's probably because a lot more happens in quick succession in the second half of part 2.

The voice acting was generally on point...except in Batman's case. Just like with Year One, I thought Bruce's voice lacking. I don't want to be too hard on Peter Weller's acting here, because I think his voice sounds like a natural fit for an elder Batman speaking at a conversational tone/volume. The problem though is that during moments when Batman expresses agitation, emotion, or anger, Weller's performance falls flat. I let it pass for the first half of the film, but as the movie progressed and the escalation of intensity in the plot developments required more emotion to be expressed by Batman, Weller kinda let me down. It was specifically Batman's speech given on horseback to the Sons of Batman army that bummed me out the most. That should have been a powerful moment, but it was compromised by Weller.

On the other hand, I loved Joker's voice. It was understated and almost serene, making this particular portrayal of the character that much more disturbing. As for everyone else, the main cast sounded how I expected them to, which is good.

I'm generally happy with how this turned out. It may be my new favorite of DC's animated films. I wish Marvel tried as hard.


The Cryptarch's Bane
marathoning return of the joker and then this. I love the batman beyond/TAS art, but it's awesome how different this is too.

edit: Really great. Supes fight was quite obviously the highlight.


I saw part two a couple weeks ago, and I gotta say, once I can I'm buying this as well.

I loved the graphic novel and I was thoroughly impressed and loved part 1. Part 2 was just as good, especially the Joker's rampage
in light of the recent shootings, too. That scene was pretty unconformable to watch.

Christopher Drake also needs that score to come out soon, too. Great stuff there.
Not a comics/graphic novel enthusiast here...was I supposed to recognize the Bobbie and Mary robot/doll things? Was the dude who created them supposed to be the Ventriloquist or something?
If Heath Ledger had lived I'm sure TDKRises would've been almost a direct adaptation of TDKReturns. Instead they had to stretch out the 'mutant leader' storyline for 2hr30mins.

Regardless though, these were really well done. I enjoyed Weller's vo work, although I think he struggled during the speeches in p2, though his delivery of the great one-liners in p1 gvr me tingles (".... I believe you.... ") Joker was allowed to be as maniacal as he should be, and I found myself shouting 'fuck yeah' as batman beat down Supes.

I'd love then to put p1+2 together for a cinematic release, think I'll have to make do with the blurays though,and hopefully at one point a one disc release.
I saw part 2 and loved it. I kind of wished Superman was a little bit more arrogant so his inevitable beat down was more satisfying.

I like how Batman just stopped giving a fuck about the sanctity of (a villain's) life as he got older.
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