I'm intrigued enough to actively want to see this, but also pretty hesitant. I felt like the fact that it was quite a bit too long was one of the original cut's major issues, and it's tough to imagine how more runtime can help all that much.
I need to add based on recent discussion that I have no problem at all with long movies and find the notion that the length of BvS was cut down merely to arrange more screenings or to cater to attention deficit-riddled audiences perplexing. The movie that was intended to be made was too long by conception, and the too-long movie that we got would have been better if it were shorter.
Even without the false starts and time spent on the dreams/visions, there are entire sequences that don't do much to further the plot or justify their existence, and scenes that do need to be there are often ponderously paced. It's like the thing is setting itself up to be a thriller, when it has no desire at all to follow through on those aspirations. More broadly at a script level, there's just no reason why the Batman vs. Superman movie had to also be the Doomsday/Death of Superman movie and the Lex Luthor goes crazy movie and the Wonder Woman/Justice League origins movie.
The common counterpoint to this is that since the movie we got was all these things, its shorter length hurt it and more time spent on individual motivations can improve the whole, especially with regard to the pacing. I'm willing to buy this and give it a fair chance. But I'd be stunned if I don't come away still just feeling like it should have been shorter.