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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Older Batman is a good play, I think. Having a Batman who is literally too old to be running around stopping criminals gives them an out for not making a new Batman film anytime soon (note there wasn't one on Finke's list) which leaves them free to work on other characters and frees Affleck up to do other things.


Unconfirmed Member
I could never buy into the "Batman's never been seen" thing if he's been around for longer than maybe a few years. It just doesn't make sense. He should start out as the urban myth, but once Gordon has a freakin bat signal and he has Robin tagging along, all bets are off. Some citizens would've seen them on the rooftops or stopping a crime, especially if a super villain was involved. We all know how showy the Joker is. I wouldn't mind a 45 yr old Batman that's slowing down, has let all the Robin's become their own hero, and has faded back into becoming the myth. 30 yrs of being Batman is far too much, he starts when he's like 25, so 20 years I can buy, but not 30. Affleck doesn't look 50 or 55 either, so that's another thing going against that.


look at this handsome bastard



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
new rumours here

this caught my eye

There’s a very “anti-Superman” theme to the film which includes people marching in the streets in protest against him.
Metropolis destruction coming back to haunt him?

Van Owen

Having your new Batman start off in his 50s doesn't give much longevity to the character in films, which Cavill can seemingly play the same Superman for awhile.


Hope the anti-Superman stuff doesn't lead to two hours of Superman moping around like "Why don't they want me, man? :'("

Nobody has snapped a single photo in 30 years? Doesn't Bruce only go out on patrol every other year?

If it's like TAS and the old comics where he only appears when something particularly crazy happens, I could believe it. If it's like the current comics where he's going out literally every night, then yeah. Not buying that at all.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Playing Injustice's story mode, man it's quite good. Reminds me of the Justice Lords plotline in Justice League animated series.


Nobody has snapped a single photo in 30 years? Doesn't Bruce only go out on patrol every other year?

Well that's how an urban legend works though

People may have seen him or taken pics, but people will not believe em

Same way, we don't buy pictures of the Yeti or believe in ghosts (Okay, I don't)


Well that's how an urban legend works though

People may have seen him or taken pics, but people will not believe em

Same way, we don't buy pictures of the Yeti or believe in ghosts (Okay, I don't)

But in the last 10 years or so, it'd be damn near impossible for him to hide THAT WELL. Sure, back in the 90s and pre-9/11, he could be considered an urban legend or myth. But when you have all the security with cameras on every corner and everyone carrying phones with cameras in them, it takes a big suspension of belief for someone not to get a clear shot at some point.


new rumours here

this caught my eye

Metropolis destruction coming back to haunt him?

Well part of the approach of Man of Steel (and I guess this new canon of films) is "what is the realistic reaction to this big crazy fantastical stuff happening". Anti-Superman protests makes perfect sense. I can imagine there'd be just as much of a split amongst the populace about peoples' feelings towards a superpowered alien, whose fight against an intergalactic general leveled a sizable chunk of Metropolis, as there is towards the movie itself.

It's not like comics don't do this shit already, either. Hell, the Justice League cartoon's best arc had to do with this very thing.

- J - D -

new rumours here

this caught my eye

Metropolis destruction coming back to haunt him?

I wonder how much of this is reactionary writing based on how MoS was received, particularly the overwhelming negative reception of the Metropolis battle. By that I mean Snyder and writers reacting.

I guess this is the way to go since they can't really have the TDKReturns angle of Superman being a government stooge and the sentiment that comes along with it. Make the people hate him for what happen to Metropolis.
But in the last 10 years or so, it'd be damn near impossible for him to hide THAT WELL. Sure, back in the 90s and pre-9/11, he could be considered an urban legend or myth. But when you have all the security with cameras on every corner and everyone carrying phones with cameras in them, it takes a big suspension of belief for someone not to get a clear shot at some point.

It's a Batman Superman movie. Suspension of belief is a requirement.


There can still be a Bat signal with the "no pictures of Batman" idea. They're not mutually exclusive - the signal reminds criminals to be wary and citizens to know there's a protector out there.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Well it makes sense there are anti-superman sentiments. No one will realistically receive a superpowered alien with open arms.

The statue thing that was reported earlier could be something from the ending after Supes does some heroic shit.
But in the last 10 years or so, it'd be damn near impossible for him to hide THAT WELL. Sure, back in the 90s and pre-9/11, he could be considered an urban legend or myth. But when you have all the security with cameras on every corner and everyone carrying phones with cameras in them, it takes a big suspension of belief for someone not to get a clear shot at some point.

Nolan's grounded Batman has an EMP devices to disable cameras and lights, and we know BvS is going bigger with gadgets. Hypothetically the rumor is true, it will be a handful of lines to establish Batman's place in the world. After comic-con I'm not convinced the films going forward will be grounded and need explanations for the why and how.


Well it makes sense there are anti-superman sentiments. No one will realistically receive a superpowered alien with open arms.
I disagree. The prevailing attitude should be that Superman saved the planet against certain doom, but there should also be a minority of detractors who are clearly composed of bigots, wounded, and paranoid (but they should be the fringe rather than the rule).

There's no way to credibly cast Superman as a monster. As far as the world is concerned, he's invulnerable, capable of crushing mountains, and crossing the globe in a blink. Zod showed humanity's powerlessness in the face of an evil Kryptonian. If you genuinely believed that Superman was as bad as, if not worse, than Zod then you wouldn't dare speak out against that unkillable monster who could fly you to the moon with no one the wiser or incinerate you with a mere glance. Thus your speech is plainly nonsense on its face... the only reason you're free to speak ill about Superman is because he's kind enough to let you do it, something plainly apparent to everyone.

It's only worth protesting Superman if you believe your speech can actually accomplish anything. Vent your feelings? Perhaps. Exile Superman? Where's he going to go... moreover, now that Earth knows it is no longer alone in the universe and Superman has proven himself your only viable anti-extraterrestrial contingency, are most going to join you in that opinion? Basically, at best you might hurt his feelings, which is kind of a ridiculous reason to protest.

Unless the protests relate to specific post-MoS action, they'd be utterly irrational to be the world's majority position, and even then, they'd simply be proof that Superman engages in dialogue and could possibly be swayed by such speech. Moreover, in the two-years between the films, it's not like Superman is just twiddling his thumbs and resting on the laurels of MoS... no, he specifically elected a job at the Daily Planet because he was going to intervene and his public debut has given him to green light... so protestors are going to come off kookier than Westboro.

"Down with Superman!"
"You mean the guy that saved the planet and thousands of others since then?"

Put another way, unless and until you find Kryptonite and unless and until you have something on par with Superman to address future alien invasions, even if you're Lex Luthor, you don't have to like Superman but you have to live with him.

Deleted member 102481

Unconfirmed Member
He's suppose to of been Batman for 30 years but a Batman that has never been seen? So I guess the Joker didn't go crazy in this batworld but he also had a robin apparently.

Deleted member 102481

Unconfirmed Member
Wait how old is Batman in the dark knight rises? It's 8 years after the 2nd so I was assuming 48 or 50

but that Batman has been Batman in the Nolan world timewise what 12-15 years?


He's suppose to of been Batman for 30 years but a Batman that has never been seen? So I guess the Joker didn't go crazy in this batworld but he also had a robin apparently.

Joker goes out of his way to make his presence known, whether it be fucked up broadcasts, or just blowing shit up. Batman doesn't. And any news about him taking down killers and criminals could easily be glossed over with "police have taken this person into custody" without any mention of Batman. Again, he's an urban myth.

Wait how old is Batman in the dark knight rises? It's 8 years after the 2nd so I was assuming 48 or 50

but that Batman has been Batman in the Nolan world timewise what 12-15 years?

Nolan's Batman had only been Batman for a very short time. It was like a year between Begins and Dark Knight, then he stops for 8 years. He was maybe 40 or something by Dark Knight Rises.


Except Joker is an exhibitionist and wouldn't necessarily keep quiet about Bats just to appease to his privacy preferences.

eh, we'll just have to see if it all gels together in two flipping years.

The Joker can say whatever he wants, but he's also a fucking nutcase. Anything he says about Batman will go one of three ways:

1) Be swept under the rug by the police

2) Be dismissed because he's some bonkers killer

3) Be latched onto by some others who want to believe or prove the existence of "a Batman". Whether they be "fans" or conspiracy theorists, there are certainly people who probably believe that a Batman exists, but who is to say that any mainstream news outlet is even interested in entertaining such an idea without putting their credibility on the line? I mean even in Burton's Batman, Knox was a joke in the eyes of his colleagues for pursuing the Batman angle in his articles, and the cops would just tell him off whenever he asked questions.

What puts this whole thing into question is the Batmobile. Unless he has some crazy way of hiding that car when he drives it around, people are going to fucking notice it. But even then, do people see that as "OH IT'S BATMAN!" or do the just go "Ha, the city probably paid for that because they like to keep this little rumor around because it maybe attracts tourists or something"?


Did Amy Adams ever stand a chance? :(
If you cast Amy Adams in something, you better believe she's not gonna stand for a Superman-Lois Lane-Wonder Woman love triangle [and lose if it happens]. If anything, Adams would probably suggest Lois and Diana lez out to the island of Lesbos/Themyscira. Girrrrl Power, dammit!
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