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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Well yeah, but ispot.tv, tho!

People just wanted to believe really hard, and that overrode everything else that said otherwise, is all.

What's funny is that if there IS a teaser that's going out with Jupiter, then we'll probably get the teaser sometime before Friday anyway.

About the teaser, i'm thinking we will get it sometime this week. From what i've seen, that Gabriel guy on twitter does seem to have some sort of connection... Either way, we won't have to wait too much longer. These DC movies have a pattern of showing teasers close to a year from release.


I'm still hoping for Jupiter... but since it'll be released in two days here in France, I'm not sure...
I remember for the release of The Dark Knight Rises we knew that the Man of Steel trailer would be attached to it. In the end the trailer was released online before the opening of TDKR.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
Yeah I would think it premiering with Jupiter would be the most logical step WB could take here. Try to recoup some of that insane budget for a flick that will more than likely flop.


I don't see it being released this week and with Jupiter. We would of heard something official by now.
TBH Jupiter Ascending is already being advertised in London. Its been on the underground posters for a while now. Its now gone to buses. I reckon it might have a decent uk showing.


WB should not waste their marketing money on JA...it doesn't look good.

I actually do want to see it. The idea that the Earth was seeded by an alien race isn't really a new one but the general idea is interesting and the designs look pretty good. It also has Sean Bean! My major concern is the love story that seems to be potentially at the center of it. I don't have a problem with Mila Kunis or Channing Tatum. I'm more concerned with how this plays out and if it will be cringe worthy.

However I'm not about to question if the Wachowskis can delivering an entertaining film. The Matrix Trilogy, V for Vendetta and Speed Racer are enough for me to give the benefit of the doubt and go in with a positive outlook. I haven't seen Cloud Atlas though.
Having the teaser with Jupiter Ascending was a weird one, i think they'd hold off until a Summer movie surely?

Just looking at what they have coming out, there's Mad Max: Fury Road and Magic Mike XXL. Am i the only one who could see it making its debut with Mad Max?


Very doubtful there's any kind of teaser attached to Jupiter. The movie is four days out from release, we would've heard or seen some indicator of a teaser attached by now.


Aren't both of those films rated R?

I'm not saying it won't be attached, but I don't think they would debut it on an R rated film.

They're not rated yet. Mad Max will probably be PG-13 going by test screening impressions.

Avengers is more likely, given demographics and that it's guaranteed to do massive numbers.


Yeep I'm not holding my breath for J.A. If I had to guess, I'd say 30sec teaser soon, 60sec trailer with Avengers, real Trailer in november,


Yeep I'm not holding my breath for J.A. If I had to guess, I'd say 30sec teaser soon, 60sec trailer with Avengers, real Trailer in november,

Wouldn't it make more sense to follow the path of the Star Wars movie?

Drop a teaser 12 months out (so March 28th, or April) that shows almost nothing.

Wait 5-6 months and drop a real trailer (like Star Wars waiting until Avengers... so end of August). Which would put it a month after Comic Con.


Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

Guy Legend

Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

What do you mean you people?


Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

Some people think MoS is legit great, I'm sure there will be at least a few diehard fans of bvs.

As for me, I'm fairly pessimistic but I'm in it for the spectacle of the whole project


Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

I think at the very least it'll be better than the Thor's/Iron-Man 2/Hulk... will it fall short of the Dark Knight/Avengers? Hmmm, that's a really really high bar to reach consistently. Anything in between and I'm happy to be honest. (and I loved MOS)
Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

The bolded are two completely different things. They're not equivalent terms.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
In Snyderus we trust



Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

There's a BIG difference between being a "legit good movie" and a "masterpiece...that changes the landscape." I'm a HUGE fan of Man of Steel and consider it to be one of the most entertaining and enjoyable superhero films to date. Then again, I'm also one of the weird ones who finds the entire Spider-Man series -- especially Spider-Man 2 -- to be extremely overrated.

As for the question, I'm expecting BvS to be even better than Man of Steel. It's the first time Batman and Superman are on the screen at the same time and it also includes Wonder Woman, along with who knows how many other DCCU teasers, so Warner Bros. is going to want to make sure it's handled right. There's a much better screenwriter on board this time, remedying what was almost universally agreed to be the weakest aspect of Man of Steel. You have Cavill more settled into the role; Ben Affleck, who regardless of most people's opinions has actually turned into a damn fine actor; and they're using one of the greatest Batman stories of all time as at least some visual -- if not tonal -- inspiration.


So either it's a revolutionary, genre-defining piece of amazingness...or it's a piece of shit.

The only expectations I have for this movie is fantastic imagery on the level of Watchmen, at least. Everything else I expect to be borderline serviceable.


Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

Well to me, there are only a handful of comic book movies that changed the landscape... as there should be

I'd say original Superman, 89 Batman, Blade, Spider-man, Batman Begins and Iron Man are probably the only ones that come to mind...

Though sure someone could make a case for others.
Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

Firstly, there's a *lot* of space in between those. Avengers was "just" a popcorn flick, but it's still a damn fine movie.

Secondly... I dunno, it's possible? We know basically nothing about the damn movie, other than the cast. Batman "v" Superman (as opposed to vs.) gives me some hope that it's going to focus on the traditional ideological differences between Bats and Supes, which is fertile ground.

Could be good.

Could be great.

Could be garbage.

We just don't know anything yet.


Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

I think Man of Steel was clunky, but most of its failings come from its script. Snyder is an amazing visual storyteller, and he gets really enthusiastic about the broader ideas of his stories, but he doesn't seem to bother himself with the more intricate, smaller details and making sure that those work as well. With a far better scriptwriter accompanying him, I think this has a chance of being pretty fucking cool.


Well to me, there are only a handful of comic book movies that changed the landscape... as there should be

I'd say original Superman, 89 Batman, Blade, Spider-man, Batman Begins and Iron Man are probably the only ones that come to mind...

Though sure someone could make a case for others.

I think you have to make a case for The Avengers. Irregardless of the movie's quality, bringing together so many elements from other films into one huge event film is something that has never been done and is certainly being emulated by just about every damn Hollywood studio right now.


Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.
I don't expect it to be earth shattering, nor do I think it will be very risqué, but I'm totally optimist that they won't fuck it up. Maybe the story will be simply good, but it's Batman vs Superman!! That will elevate it for many people.


My gut feeling is that the movie will be better than Man of Steel, but still not that great. Snyder has made a slew of different films with different people over the past decade, but for better or worse, they all end up amounting to the same less-than-the-sum-of-its-parts feeling. And given that Snyder is the one consistent thread running through all of those productions, I don't see that suddenly changing here.

and while I liked Argo, I don't think Terio's screenplay was some incredible masterwork and was probably just as contrived and riddled with artificial tension as any typical blockbuster, and don't see BvS being some slam dunk either. Is he better than Goyer? Easily. And I'm not saying the script will be bad at all. But I do think a lot of people going "save us based Terrio" are just looking at "Oscar winner" and not the actual movie.


Well to me, there are only a handful of comic book movies that changed the landscape... as there should be

I'd say original Superman, 89 Batman, Blade, Spider-man, Batman Begins and Iron Man are probably the only ones that come to mind...

Though sure someone could make a case for others.

Winter Soldier? Possibly Guardians of the Galaxy? Avengers certainly did, regardless of what some people of Gaf think about it, that movie cemented Marvel's place in the broader cultural landscape in a capacity that that brand has never seen before. It's not just Spider-Man, or Iron Man, or Wolverine that people know, but Marvel. That's a big fucking deal.


GoTG and TA work for me as "Event Movies", not as legitimate "great films". The Dark Knight is both, and that's it for CBM. Yet.
I think Man of Steel was clunky, but most of its failings come from its script. Snyder is an amazing visual storyteller, and he gets really enthusiastic about the broader ideas of his stories, but he doesn't seem to bother himself with the more intricate, smaller details and making sure that those work as well. With a far better scriptwriter accompanying him, I think this has a chance of being pretty fucking cool.

Aside from the tornado, I don't really see anything *that* much that needs to be changed.
Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

what are we, your maids? wait until more details come out. why get yourself into a frenzy?


Winter Soldier? Possibly Guardians of the Galaxy? Avengers certainly did, regardless of what some people of Gaf think about it, that movie cemented Marvel's place in the broader cultural landscape in a capacity that that brand has never seen before. It's not just Spider-Man, or Iron Man, or Wolverine that people know, but Marvel. That's a big fucking deal.

I will give Avengers credit... though I guess to me seen team-up movies before.. but yes did it first with comics for a huge universe

No idea what Winter Soldier or Guardians does?
My gut feeling is that the movie will be better than Man of Steel, but still not that great. Snyder has made a slew of different films with different people over the past decade, but for better or worse, they all end up amounting to the same less-than-the-sum-of-its-parts feeling. And given that Snyder is the one consistent thread running through all of those productions, I don't see that suddenly changing here.

and while I liked Argo, I don't think Terio's screenplay was some incredible masterwork and was probably just as contrived and riddled with artificial tension as any typical blockbuster, and don't see BvS being some slam dunk either. Is he better than Goyer? Easily. And I'm not saying the script will be bad at all. But I do think a lot of people going "save us based Terrio" are just looking at "Oscar winner" and not the actual movie.
Couldn't agree more, especially to the 2nd paragraph. I think it will most likely have much better dialogue, but I'm still expecting the basic shit like transformers type destruction/explosions, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if done right.

As of now, I'm expecting a new and improved Man Of Steel with Batman and Wonder Woman, nothing more, nothing less.
Do all you people here actually think this will be a legit good movie??

I'm not talking some average entertaining romp that you forget in 2 days. I mean a masterpiece in the Superheroes genre that changes the landscape.

I don't have much hope to be honest.

Give me some reasons to be optimistic about this.

Only thing I'm expecting it to be groundbreaking in is visuals.

I'm expecting it to be better than MoS in terms of script, pacing and dialogue due to Terrio being on the project from the ground up. I'm cynical anything will be as good as Nolan's trilogy but that doesn't mean I'm rooting against it. If Geoff Johns has real creative input on it I think that would be a positive impact as well.

So yeah I think this will at least be a good movie. I'm actually more excited for Wonder Woman and Aquaman because of the directors behind it. I just hope this movie is a strong launch for the DCCU and we get a Batman that isn't so grounded.


Aside from the tornado, I don't really see anything *that* much that needs to be changed.

In addition to some poor dialogue choices, a poorly done romance, the tornado scene, and a kinda mishandled approach in how to portray Johnathan and Clark's relationship, I think there was a big failing in the ending.

I'm fine with Superman killing Zod, I think that was a pretty daring choice and it makes the character really question his decisions going forward. But how they transition from that to the next scene was jarring. I get the he's not really yet 'Superman', but we needed to see him finally become that character. He needed to emerge from that train station, look around, and see just much damage he did to Metropolis. Not directly, I'm not one of those "SUPERMAN KILLED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE" critics, but he was part of that battle, and he needed to see the toll his fight cost. We needed to see people trapped in the rubble, being freed by this figure that they don't know whether to perceive as an angel or a menace. Helping the rescue crews, and having some people who obviously lost their families lash out at him in anguish. Then Supes goes down, talks to them, and manages to convince them to help him provide others with aid and support. THAT'S Superman. THAT'S what he had to become in this movie, and it didn't happen.
And then you cut to him reflecting on what happened with his mother, his decision to kill Zod, the direction he chooses to take his life from here... That's a big moment that this movie was sorely missing. It ultimately robbed the movie of an ending for its main character's emotional arc. And you can't just brush that aside as "well they'll deal with that in Batman v Superman". I mean sure they will, but this movie, as a singular film, needed that closure.


Firstly, there's a *lot* of space in between those. Avengers was "just" a popcorn flick, but it's still a damn fine movie.

Avengers is a popcorn flick, but it's the perfect popcorn flick. Marvel has the formula down. They make fun movies that are also filled with heart. The stories aren't dumbed down and they expand the universe. But most importantly their movies feel effortless, it's just a blast to watch.

DC/WB doesn't seem like they're going for "fun", I think they are trying to hardest to destroy everything in competition, which could backfire.

what are we, your maids? wait until more details come out. why get yourself into a frenzy?

Man what are you talking about, this thread has 200 pages and I have posted in here about 3 times total....

You think I care more then I actually do
DC/WB doesn't seem like they're going for "fun", I think they are trying to hardest to destroy everything in competition, which could backfire.

I don't know why you have that conception. Where/how did you come to that conclusion?

I mean, I guess I get the appeal of that sort of narrative if you buy really hard into the DC vs Marvel thing, but even if I bought into it, I still don't see where that narrative has any sort of basis in anything real.


If there is a word I'd use to describe most of the MCU is heartless. WS, GoTG, First Avenger, Avengers and IM1 as only exceptions. But whatever, this is the BvS thread, a movie that will, at the least, look absolutely FANTASTIC.
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