The thread hadn't been bumped in awhile, which is around the sametime I stopped listening to this album back to back lol
I'm starting to put "Matter of Time" on the upper echelon of this album. I just love how it explodes
okay. I think Miss Atomic Bomb has bumped Flesh and Bone out of my number 1 spot.
my itunes has this album clocked at 35 plays even....The way it was is up to 60. While I don't particularly pay attention to any song past track 7, those first 7 tracks are addictive as hell. Great songs.
I think this is their best album now too.
MAB hits next Tuesday as a single, so presumably we'll get a video then.
Really love this album. My favorites are Runaway, Miss Atomic Bomb, Deadlines & Commitments, Heart of a Girl and Battle Born. I like them all though. Only one that I dislike is Rising Tide.
i havent heard song from that album on the radio in over a month. flop?
What?! It's just electronic garbage.