What do people think of Thorn? I think she's really good. I'm up at 150 kills 32 deaths with her now. Which is decent, I think!
She's my main character, second to Orendi, but I struggle to land Orendi's powers sometimes.
Edit: Just met a guy who is level 100 on the beta, what the hell?
Switched to using Miko or w/e the Mushroom is called so I can try and get the ice crystal creature since one of my packs had a skin for him, plus he's got a cho'gath esque ability of gaining more health the more enemies he kills with chomp.
Problem is I need to win 5 times. I've got 1 win, but man, I just can't get a streak going with games.
Omg thanks!Protip, successful story missions count as a "win" for any of those win X mission objections.
I live in Germany and seriously considering getting Battleborn (the beta has left a good impression on me). Though it depends whether it'll run at 60fps as the developers mentioned earlier, cause the beta was locked at 30fps.
Has bits of Zarya and Zenyatta in her toolkit (targetted shield and damage amp). Found her really fun to play in incursion.
edit: and that winston bubble for her ult ohoho
How on earth do you use ISAC? Can't do well with him at all.
I was wrecking with him last night. Got over 200 kills in a story mission, then 10 player kills and over 60 bot kills with a spider tank kill in Incursion. He's great, but has no escapability.
Make sure you are holding down his main attack until the bar fills then release to fire a charged shot. Beef his shields until you get your ult and then hold both attack buttons while ulting. I've stayed in his ultimate form for 5 minutes at a time.
As for the OT title, I still vote for "Bordering on MOBAlands".
Has bits of Zarya and Zenyatta in her toolkit (targetted shield and damage amp). Found her really fun to play in incursion.
edit: and that winston bubble for her ult ohoho
Yea his ultimate is pure carnage. If your playing against a team with no long range character you can just wreck everybody and all the minions. If you upgrade him to increase movement speed when in ultimate and then at level 10 do the quick shield recharge you can stay alive for a very long time.
I find for the first half of the match he can be hard to play but once you get the ultimate and respawn times increase he can be an absolute game changer.
Yep, his ultimate is special in that it isn't a normal skill of a few seconds of duration, but it unlocks a second form. You can atay whatever amount of time in it. So there is a big difference in his early game and his mid-to_late game.
Try changing the abilities setting to "quick". That way a single button press will put down a pillar or hold it down for precise placement.
Does it make sense to go after shards and mercs or just constantly push the lane on incursion?
It's even better if you pop his shield skill(with reflect) before ulting as it will still be on during his ultimate. His ultimate really allows for a huge amount of burst damage at the cost of very slow movement speed. He's pretty well balanced because of this.
How accessible is this to someone not at all familiar with MOBAs? I like the style and character diversity but if the learning curve is too steep I just know I'm not gonna get into it. Fired it up and see there's also no tutorial? Hmmm...
I play Phoebe all the time. Homegirl is actually the dopest. Favorite character.
I have the PSN credit and I really want to preorder the digital deluxe version...But I want Overwatch too and May in general is gonna crush my wallet
Thanks, I will definitely give it a spin then!I had never played a moba before but I love this game. The mechanics for the two modes available now aren't very complex: kill enemy bots while protecting yours, use the shards to build up machines and activate gear, get to know the maps.
Side note, no ones playing Phoebe and I just need ONE match with her on my team to compete Marquis' lore-_-
So how long does it take to create a lobby? Been about now 10 minutes and I am still seeing the main screen.
Couldn't get into Thorn, she just felt so unsatisfying.
I installed the beta on pc, I couldn't use my mouse to navigate the menus. So I quit and uninstalled it. That is probably the farthest I will ever get in this game.
I think it's the lack of damage. Coming from Overwatch and TF2 before it, I think I just have a built in expectation that bow & arrow setups will inherently do significantly more damage due to the increased degree of difficulty involved in landing shots.
ergo, if I can't kill people with 2 arrows, I'd rather use someone else. might just be me, but that was my opinion after giving her a go. she is strong, though. just have to spam skills when they're up. they're a pretty huge chuck of her damage package.
Just made the edit in.
It's for the Xbox One. It was for the Xbox One, as I just deleted it. Fuck that shit. Waiting 20 minutes to get into a lobby when I could be playing a game where the online actually works.
My NAT and all that stuff is fine too. Oh well, guess it would be my loss, or theirs, now I won't bother buying the game as I was very interested in buying it week one.
I think it's the lack of damage. Coming from Overwatch and TF2 before it, I think I just have a built in expectation that bow & arrow setups will inherently do significantly more damage due to the increased degree of difficulty involved in landing shots.
ergo, if I can't kill people with 2 arrows, I'd rather use someone else. might just be me, but that was my opinion after giving her a go. she is strong, though. just have to spam skills when they're up. they're a pretty huge chuck of her damage package.
If my group of friends isnt really into pvp, is this game worth getting for the co op stuff?
I tried her once and sucked. It seemed like peeps could always just run away and I couldnt do shit when that teleport on cooldown. Any basic strategy for her? I think I just have a hard time with melee characters in general.
I think it's the lack of damage. Coming from Overwatch and TF2 before it, I think I just have a built in expectation that bow & arrow setups will inherently do significantly more damage due to the increased degree of difficulty involved in landing shots.
ergo, if I can't kill people with 2 arrows, I'd rather use someone else. might just be me, but that was my opinion after giving her a go. she is strong, though. just have to spam skills when they're up. they're a pretty huge chuck of her damage package.