Trying to play on PS4...anyone getting Matchmaking failed?
Yep same here.Servers down it seems.I hope that means good sign for the PS Pro fix.
Please do explain how exactly it takes no skill? i dont get comments like this, it seems as if you only think that takes no skill because you're the one getting killed. Shooting bottle necks and apparently "random" (how random must they be if you are there dying) locations takes no skill? What exactly do you think takes skill? Sorry to sound like a dick but you die, get over it and quit bitching.Hey, we're all different.
It's not about dying to something and instantly wanting a nerf. It's about dying to something that I feel takes no skill what so ever as players just shoot random locations and bottle necks.
And there are situations that are impossible to counter. I wish it was a simple as 'that guy killed me, now I know where he is'. Mortars in Argonne forest for example are impossible to react against.
I'm not saying I want them removing, I just wanted them to take more skill to use or for them to be less frequent.
I did. Is your avatar a sack boy?
Yeah positioning and smart play are still needed to top a leaderboard even with the Jesus 10.
My confidence while playing with that puppy goes through the roof, I just know that I won't lose a single 1 on 1 encounter unless I really screw up and put myself in a position where I'm out of its effective range. It's the only gun in the game where I can really say that. It shreds the Domination game mode, there's no real point in using any other gun on most maps if you're serious about winning.
In Operations it'd be a different story, there would be enough times where you'd be forced to play out of its effective range so it wouldn't feel half as OP.
Sure is. I'll add you to the right groups later if I haven't already
Guys is your menu lagging during browsing? Not during a game,but the main menu. Multiplayer,server browser etc..It was not there before 1.04 among the other shit we got...PS PRO.
Just start adding people I guess. My ID is AgentStrange0 on Origin. Feel free to add and join in a match when I'm on.
This last time took so long that I got kicked from being idle. I was like, "Yeah that's kinda what I wanted".
I'm up for it! Where do I sign up?
So loaded up Battlefield for first time in 3 days and just looked at the new customise option and all my ranks have been reset?
What the fuck?
I shouldn't be surprised as every DICE update always breaks more than it fixes but resetting progress is bullshit.
Join a game, it should be fine after.
I get quad kills all the time with loads of different guns. The hate the shotty is getting is lol worthy. Just be happy we finally have a useful shotgun in a video game for once.
For anyone who plays Medic: are the skull icons still appearing for you in-game since the patch?
I've heard from a few people that since the patch they still show up on the mini-map, but not in-game.
Man sometimes it takes abnormally long to get a fresh operations on ps4.
For anyone who plays Medic: are the skull icons still appearing for you in-game since the patch?
I've heard from a few people that since the patch they still show up on the mini-map, but not in-game.
lets not act like it's not OP though. if it gets a bit of a nerf it will still be an awesome gun. it needs to be toned down.
For anyone who plays Medic: are the skull icons still appearing for you in-game since the patch?
I've heard from a few people that since the patch they still show up on the mini-map, but not in-game.
Yes! I can't Rez people. I'd say like 1 out of 10 just don't work. Mi iMap does show it though.
I haven't noticed a difference in reviving people or seeing the icons in game, still managed 62 revives on Oil of Empires which I've done before the patch. Only time I can't revive people is the same as pre patch such as them being stuck in benches, sandbags etc.
I didn't even realise you could see the skulls on the mini map haha.
So what's the go to Medic gun of choice?
Beyond the syringe of course![]()
So what's the go to Medic gun of choice?
Beyond the syringe of course
Edit: every quickmatch I've tried in the last hour has seen me been put into empty lobbies that aren't filling up so no match can begin.
I'm guessing less people play at this time or matchmaking is weird again.
Last night UKps4Gaf had this in operations.
We cancelled and reloaded and it worked first time.
Melee killed someone from behind less than a second after they spawned last night. I had just killed the guy they spawned on.
They must have had a huge WTF moment.
Is there any way to join this community so I can play with you guys? Level 54
Add Luvs_2_Squidge to ps4 mate.
I'll add you to our group chat of 50+ people and our community of 120+ people
Official party is up 22:00 every night but smaller groups come up at other times. If the main group fills we normally run a second group.
Also November 26th at 22:00 we are having a gaf vs gaf game - My team vs Redders team. 40+ Gaffers haha.
Sorry for double post - meant to edit my original post
Model 10-A pumpgun is a joke. Can't wait till I get it.
bless fam.will do in the afternoon
Model 10-A pumpgun is a joke. Can't wait till I get it.
I got it last night. I'm no killing machine, but there were a few satisfying blasts to opponents faces in the ukgaf game!
You revive like 50+ people per game minimum and you didn't even know the skulls show up on minimap?
Beast mode unlocked
You revive like 50+ people per game minimum and you didn't even know the skulls show up on minimap?
Beast mode unlocked
Guys is your menu lagging during browsing? Not during a game,but the main menu. Multiplayer,server browser etc..It was not there before 1.04 among the other shit we got...PS PRO.
Might be a slight exaggeration there! Normally around 30 but defending Oil of Empires is easy mode.
If you can see people from further away it shall be.
I'm in the top 1% for revives world-wide according to and did not notice as well. LOL
Haha you used it to?
I think there must have been about 3 of us running with it.
No wonder we destroy the opponents. Especially with Redders and Fatty reviving over 100 tickets between them every game haha
Is it just me or after the patch the levels have much more plants and foliage ?
I'm in the top 1% for revives world-wide according to and did not notice as well. LOL
Yeah I think two of our medics are in the top 1% - could be in the top 500 of players.
what platform?
What position in the top 1% are you at?Won't be happy if you're above me!
PS4 I'm 174th and on the Global leaderboards (Assume that's all platforms) I'm 457th which are both top 1%.