Reckless Onion
Operations, well done dice, well done!
How can one even hold all these Battlepacks?
Isn't it buggy as hell? I changed once via the app then all my equipment etc went back to like it was the first time I started the game.
What in the actual fuck?
Are the class ranks bugged like in the beta? I've been playing mostly scout, I'm level 9 and still level 1 class. Is this normal or is it the same bug as the beta? Ps4 btw
Must be nice by rank 11 I haven't gotten a single one. I'm just glad it doesn't matter.
Anyone had a comeback like this in the last few seconds? Feels so good.
wtf is that weapon?
The stories they try to tell are hilariously bad. I felt like the most phoned in singleplayer story I've seen in a long time. Zero connection to characters, zero twists, zero interesting stories. Just nothing.While I actually do like the campaign (it basically provides you with a bunch of pretty pictures and gives you a tutorial for MP) I have to say, it's among the stupidest campaigns I've ever played. It's hilariously stupid. From the beginning cutscene of "The Runner" I knew exactly what would happen later on and I was 100% right. It's really, really stupid. Neither in a good or in a bad way. Just stupid
Everyone has a free counter to gas nades, but so many don't use it. Lobbing them onto an objective and cleaning up is fun!
So how stable have the game and the servers been? Because of Battlefield's past launch issues, I'm just waiting until I hear the good word about it.
The one problem I have with this game and it's been a problem in all BF games but more here is that it's do hard to see players. All you see most of the time is a silhouette without friendly tag even up close and that's how you tell they are enemy.
The soldiers just blend in the environment in this game due to the saturated lighting.
I played the beta, I played the trial, and I bought the stupid ultimate edition or whatever so I had early access. This has been by far the most stable Battlefield release I've played in longer than I can remember. At least on PC, where both BF3 and BF4 were plagued with server and technical issues at launch, this really is surreal in stability by comparison. I have one crash once, and I'm fairly certain it was because I was alt-tabbing like a mother fucker. No server issues. No game breaking bugs.
Far cry from Battlefield 4 where some maps (looking at you, Siege of Shanghai) literally didn't work at launch and crashed the server, and others had sound issues that made them borderline unplayable.
LolHey guys, I don't know if you know this, but weapons stations hold some of the most powerful weapons on the battlefield.
I played the beta, I played the trial, and I bought the stupid ultimate edition or whatever so I had early access. This has been by far the most stable Battlefield release I've played in longer than I can remember. At least on PC, where both BF3 and BF4 were plagued with server and technical issues at launch, this really is surreal in stability by comparison. I have one crash once, and I'm fairly certain it was because I was alt-tabbing like a mother fucker. No server issues. No game breaking bugs.
Far cry from Battlefield 4 where some maps (looking at you, Siege of Shanghai) literally didn't work at launch and crashed the server, and others had sound issues that made them borderline unplayable.
How do you back out after a match? Do I have to wait to load into the next game and then quit, because that would be terrible...
Also, where do I customize my Soldier in the Main Menu? When I go to the Soldier tab I can see all the weapons and etc. but I can't see or set my current loadout?
How do you back out after a match? Do I have to wait to load into the next game and then quit, because that would be terrible...
Also, where do I customize my Soldier in the Main Menu? When I go to the Soldier tab, I can see all the weapons, etc. but I can't see or set my current loadout?
Sometimes a quit button pops up after the match but it seems to vanish after a few seconds.
Loadouts are only editable from a match rather than main menu at the moment until things stabilize according to DICE.
Chuck a gas nade into a flag or building and see that 3x environmental kill rollin on up
So how stable have the game and the servers been? Because of Battlefield's past launch issues, I'm just waiting until I hear the good word about it.
Finally got my Order of Hippocrates medal. Won't be looking at medals for a while. xD
Outside of the fallout from the DDOS attack yesterday, this launch has been very smooth.
I can confirm this. People are idiots. Use gas grenades and clean up.
Last night I got 1 every match. I think what you do factors in, how you play the class (max resupply, healing, revive, squad score) and such factors in.
Or just crazy luck.
Nope. I've been top medic and my squad has been scoring great as well for the past few games and have only received one.
Incendiary grenades though..
Finally got my Order of Hippocrates medal. Won't be looking at medals for a while. xD
Outside of the fallout from the DDOS attack yesterday, this launch has been very smooth.
Why does this game run so much worse on PS4 than SW Battlefront? It's the same engine no?
Why does this game run so much worse on PS4 than SW Battlefront? It's the same engine no?
Everyone has a free counter to gas nades, but so many don't use it. Lobbing them onto an objective and cleaning up is fun!
Jesus. How long do you have to put on the mask before you die?
this game is frustrating, the weapons recoil is too high, i don't care about realism, i just want fun
Jesus. How long do you have to put on the mask before you die?
I've been a Battlefield fan for ages and I agree, it takes some serious adjustment, and sometimes it just takes map knowledge and kind of an intuition on player behavior to snuff out where people are going to be. It takes a lot of trial and error, and having not played a BF game since BF4's launch (I skipped Hardline), it was one hell of a returning learning curve after months of Overwatch.
That said, the increase in graphical fidelity and the newer lighting models have only made it increasingly harder. Still a tragic number of people who don't spot enemies for their teammates as well -- and they made spotting a bit tougher in this game as well.
Backing this up. Very stable so far. Early access launch Monday night had some rubber banding issues pretty consistently for me, but since then, it's been pretty smooth. Matchmaking for Conquest via the Quickplay option is insanely fast on PC.
I honestly do not understand why they do this, or if they don't even realise the problem. It's no fun getting sniped from across the map as it is but not being able to even see players in front of that's some bullshit. One can talk all about realism and camouflage but the point is the best playing games are the ones with easily recognisable enemies. TF2 and Overwatch go to great lengths to make enemy classes recognisable even from their silhouette. Granted the realistic look of the game they probably can't do it here (though Killzone 2 did it very well). Gears does this thing where character models far off start to glow (blue or red, depending on team) and the intensity depends on how far they are from you.
There are no audio cues to easily separate enemies from friendlies , no visual cues to separate enemies from friendlies, and no distinction in character model to make any character (friendlies or enemies) stand out from environment...and the new lighting model just makes it worse.