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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Smokey said:
Did you DL the browser plug-in update? It should prompt you in the lower left hand corner. I used Chrome last night and in the Alpha, no issues.

No. No prompt of any kind. I just tried launching bf3.exe with admin privs and nothing. I got an authentication/activation error first time I launched but the 2nd time seemed to go OK...but I'm getting nowhere. I hope I don't have to re-download. :(


luciddefender said:
Good job EA -- make the largest gaming region(North America) wait the longest for the keys.

I work in Networking...dude...they cannot give every region keys at the same time. You have no idea how big of an issue that is. Look at the problems now.


Neo Member
Smokey said:
I work in Networking...dude...they cannot give every region keys at the same time. You have no idea how big of an issue that is. Look at the problems now.

The intelligent thing to do would have been to distribute the keys early -- that way they'd meet their 48 hour early access claim.


DarkChild said:
360 version direct feed screenshots.






Quoting for next page, since its last post.


Souljiro said:
The hell man I hope you are joking I did my preorder on origin and I don't have my code yet!

No joke. I was properly surprised. Maybe fannying about with label's code over and over tripped something in their system after multiple fails?


luciddefender said:
The intelligent thing to do would have been to distribute the keys early -- that way they'd meet their 48 hour early access claim.

This I agree with. Should've sent codes out a week in advance.

Oni Jazar

Smokey said:
I work in Networking...dude...they cannot give every region keys at the same time. You have no idea how big of an issue that is. Look at the problems now.

It's hard to imagine them handling things more poorly. Only 2 days early access? Mailing out the keys on the day of release with no discernible time? Did they not see their implementation as a potential problem?
Spl1nter, you don't own MOH?

Great 360 shots, terrific IQ. You can see where they had to pull the graphics back but it still looks pretty great.


Mr. Snrub said:
Spl1nter, you don't own MOH?

Great 360 shots, terrific IQ. You can see where they had to pull the graphics back but it still looks pretty great.

I do own MOH. I havent recieved a key yet.


Oni Jazar said:
It's hard to imagine them handling things more poorly. Only 2 days early access? Mailing out the keys on the day of release with no discernible time? Did they not see their implementation as a potential problem?

Things are always worse than what you plan for. DICE still should've been more prepared.

Eric WK

Sorry if this has been covered recently, but I'm at work so just popping in. Any sign of the Steam Medal of Honor CD Keys updating with beta codes yet or word on when we can expect them?


Mr. Snrub said:
Nuts. And you've installed the SP before? I have the MOH standard edition and got my BF3 key from Steam.

I play both sp and mp, retail copy however. doesnt really bother me. Got class soon, cant play till later today anyway. Just wanted to get that dl started on my slow ass internet.


mr_nothin said:
I put in my request a few days ago but that doesnt matter! I'm up next, I can feels it!

............at least I hope

haha i keed. good luck. maybe we'll both get lucky and i'll have this beta ready to rock and roll by the time i get home.


Oni Jazar said:
It's hard to imagine them handling things more poorly. Only 2 days early access? Mailing out the keys on the day of release with no discernible time? Did they not see their implementation as a potential problem?

That's what I keep saying, but I guess I shouldn't expect much when the last 3 games I have bought from DICE at launch have been unplayable messes. Bad Company 1, Battlefield 1943, and Bad Company 2 all unplayable at launch for me. It's pathetic. Whoever thought sending the keys out the same day the early access is supposed to start should get fired. Thankfully, Steam came through. Still waiting on my 360 and Origin pre-order code.
Those screens look pretty nice for 360.

This thread severely lacks PC screenshots. Maybe someone should create a key sharing thread so this can be for screenshots etc?
Foliorum Viridum said:
Those screens look pretty nice for 360.

This thread severely lacks PC screenshots. Maybe someone should create a key sharing thread so this can be for screenshots etc?

I approve of this, need more PC impressions/media


If you qualify for early access (check here for qualifications), you will receive an email to your account on Tuesday, September 27 by the afternoon. Please ensure you are checking the email account associated with your EA/Origin ID and review any filtering rules. If you qualify for early access but have not received an email by Tuesday afternoon, please contact Customer Experience by using the Chat link on this page.

Fuck you EA.


i noticed last night while reading the info with the 11.10 preview drivers that ati mentioned performance increase for 6000 & 5000 series cards. i wonder if these would be any improvement over 11.9 for my crossfire 4850s or if i would be wasting my time. surely they should have an impact, no? perhaps they only benchmarked those 2 series (since they are the newer ones of course) and so only reported on what they saw there....


Uninstalled the PC beta and I'm now re-downloading it. There must have been some kind of error when the initial installation took place because I never was given a browser plug-in prompt of any kind.


iNvidious01 said:
they must do this shit on purpose

With all the fails with beta launches and launches in general you think they did do it on purpose, Surely because no one would be that stupid.
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