Fuck yeah, we'll be able to play Op Metro Conquest on constant rotation.
Fuck yeah, we'll be able to play Op Metro Conquest on constant rotation.
The USAS splash damage as it is right now is akin to being bombarded by a battleship. The closest real life aproximation I can find: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQYp9fOJ9VI1 - Splash Damage is too high.
Well, gee it's an explosive round! It's supposed to have at least some splash damage, maybe Dice should nerf it until it becomes a firecracker, or make explosive rounds that don't explode.
:lol I see what you're doing there.
PS3 GAF needs a no-frag round, no mobile anti-air, no rockets on infantry custom server. To bad it'll be babby mode.![]()
My point was in regards to m-com camping, have you read the whole post, or the ginormous ones that followed? I haven't played much of BF3 rush and have seem a lot of RPG camping when I played...if you take in consideration Carl spamming in BC2 it's a even more valid point.
Also frags only do splash damage on impact too, if you can't hit anything there's no damage whatsoever, hence the need for at least a little bit of skill. Didn't understand that argument.
But I tire of this discussion. I only tried to say that USAS/Frags is not an automatic "Win" button, or a substitute for skill.
I feel sorry that it is such an issue for some gaffers that it's keeping then from playing the game, but thankfully I have no problem whatsoever dealing with frag users either when I'm using it, or any other weapon.
Your very first post regarding RPG vs. USAS, of which I am replying to, was not on m-com camping:
m-com camping wasn't mentioned until 2-3 post later, which I don't disagree with.
As for the point of the frags' splash damage, which seks have also emphasized, is the spread of the USAS.
Also very few people here are arguing USAS/Frags are "automatic wins". Otherwise we would have all use frags + quit out on metro bazaar all the time.
anyway sorry for the late reply, business trip ~("~)
From my experience the greatest advantage frag rounds have is the splash damage and specially the range. If you find two or more enemies clustered together you shoot one and the splash damage will take care of the other. If you are playing with another weapon you can easily take 2 enemies together if you're mindful about your ammo, you can toss a grenade if they're not aware of you or if you're an engineer you can RPG then to death.
That's great news, but:
I fail to see how this is an "absolute first" on consoles. It sounds like he's saying no one else has been able to do custom servers on consoles before. I guess it's an "absolute first" for Battlefield 3.
While I was really only bitching about semantics, saying "absolute first" insinuates that he's not referring to a specific situation (ie, BF3). As in, he's treating it like they've managed to do something new and exciting while they're really just adding a missing feature and they aren't the first to do it.the fact that he says console and not consoles indicates its for the console version of battlefield 3.
Good games Boa, we could have won that Metro round if our team could back us a little. How many times did we cap the flag closest to the enemy base just to see our team lose the one next to ours?
In the end they managed to organize better and we capped B to, but we couldn't avoid bleeding tickets to death. If only we had another gaffer at our squad... :-(
sometimes it's just really hard to get to dry land from the canal.
Dat B mcom on first set Grand Bazaar...
Frag rounds make it impossible to take, no?
Yes; along with RPGs, claymores, C4, grenades and campers.
Yes; along with RPGs, claymores, C4, grenades and campers.
I imagine every map in the Close Quarters DLC will play like that M-COM station.Well, that, too.
I've also locked down the "back door" on defense by myself abusing the clipping of prone with a semi-auto-sniper rifle before.
Hence, DICE needs to fix the game before DLC even happens and it's hilarious and frustrating that people want DLC before fixes. :|
Dat B mcom on first set Grand Bazaar...
I was wondering, guys, what would happen if one was to fly over, with a squad mate, over to the enemy runway in the transport chopper (Kharg Island) and lay down mines at set points?
I imagine every map in the Close Quarters DLC will play like that M-COM station.
Also, I didn't knows grenades could detonate C4 packs. I dumped a lot of then near the mcom when we were defending, and some dude tossed a grenade in there destroying everything including me...
Er-why wouldn't it? It's a plastic explosive and a grenade is explosive. :/
So I jumped on for a game tonight and... lol... these controls are so putrid.
How do you go from BC2 to this?
Yeah... I know... dead horse and all that.
The worst part is it was fine in the beta and almost 5 months later it still doesn't feel right lol. I doubt anyone in DICE plays on PS3 so I doubt they give a shit.
They don't care and it probably isn't going to get fixed either. On the rare occasion DICE mentions it they blame people's TVs. Even though on the same TV BC2 and the BF3 beta had no input lag issues at all. Me and a friend even setup a website to get the issue some attention, which we updated just yesterday, but it never got much traction or any acknowledgement from DICE: www.doesbf3stillhaveinputlag.com
Quite honestly it feels like DICE have handled this game badly from the start. Maybe the impending mega patch will fix stuff, but announcing new map packs when your game is still broken and ignoring issues like input lag is pretty shitty. But hey, at least they beat MW3 to launching, which is what matters right?
I'll be sticking with BC2 until they fix this train wreck.
I was wondering, guys, what would happen if one was to fly over, with a squad mate, over to the enemy runway in the transport chopper (Kharg Island) and lay down mines at set points?
They don't care and it probably isn't going to get fixed either. On the rare occasion DICE mentions it they blame people's TVs. Even though on the same TV BC2 and the BF3 beta had no input lag issues at all. Me and a friend even setup a website to get the issue some attention, which we updated just yesterday, but it never got much traction or any acknowledgement from DICE: www.doesbf3stillhaveinputlag.com
Quite honestly it feels like DICE have handled this game badly from the start. Maybe the impending mega patch will fix stuff, but announcing new map packs when your game is still broken and ignoring issues like input lag is pretty shitty. But hey, at least they beat MW3 to launching, which is what matters right?
I'll be sticking with BC2 until they fix this train wreck.
Then so can I. Popped this game in for the first time in over a month and shut it off in less than 15 minutes.I've got a feeling these big Patches will be bundled with the DLC packs, atleast with the consoles.
So we've got a while to wait.
Even giving it to GiantBomb and other "major sites" most of them won't care because they game on the 360 (hell, GB has a HUGE 360 bias when it comes to not reviewing BOTH platforms [or hell the PC version as well!]).
If we could get traction and hold Demize/et. al. over the coals it would most likely get fixed. But random grumblings on twitter won't get DICE to notice.
I think the best place to post it would be Reddit because it's the only place DICE seem to read and post.
F-35's suck, what's the problem?They have got to stop letting jets just hover like a damn helo. So fucking stupid. I want to like this game but it has so many damn problems.
Did anybody here successfully take down a helicopter/jet with a Stinger missile ? The thing looks useless against the aircrafts' countermeasures.
Diversifying the classes you play is a lot of fun, but sometimes I wish other classes than engineers had ways to take down tanks and vehicles...I've played several conquest games and except for a few maps (*cough*Metro*cough*) everybody in my squad was an engineer...
Starting tomorrow, you can re-download a new, patched version of BF3: Back to Karkand on PS3. This will fix the weapon animation bug. #BF3
So we have to redownload 3 gigs for it? SMH.
Is the animation bug where it doesn't show you reloading sometimes?
Ehhh, doesnt seem like 3gb worthy to me.
Is the animation bug where it doesn't show you reloading sometimes?
Ehhh, doesnt seem like 3gb worthy to me.
Will my assignements be unaffected?
Wouldn't that be going with the next patch? when is that supposed to come out?
Played a full round on seine crossing and lost but for some reason it didn't count! Boa did seine count for you?