The Faceless Master
Sony does not limit player numbers, unless you count hardware limitations.
the limit is a bandwidth restriction.
Sony does not limit player numbers, unless you count hardware limitations.
I'm so furious right now! Been playin on 300% Metro conquest game, we were winning and I was the 3rd of the game, towards the end I get a connection error WTF!
I NEVER had a connection error and my experience with EA servers have been great. The few times I had errors were because of my router throwing everyone in the house out of the internet.
Did BF3 save my progress atleast?
End Game looks like fun.
Any word on what this just released 1.08 patch actually fixes?
Single player fix and SDTV lag fix for PS3
Hopefully it fixes JJD's issue.Single player fix and SDTV lag fix for PS3
Hopefully it fixes JJD's issue.
Oh, hey, Dream. You and I need to Near Golden Aybss a bit. (Same with Olimpia) so I can maybe get these Fetishes that are Near only.
I want to power up those cards. *sigh*
(I just noticed you gave me a trade offer in Near, dunno how that happened but uh... thanks?)
I haven't had freezes in ages. Are you sure you just aren't loading? Sometimes the harddrive locks up and takes a moment to load shit.
Nice. But what isn't nice is the dirtbikes aren't going to be in ALL maps like most vehicles, so like the ATV it'll only be in 4 maps which makes the whole map pack (besides getting weapons) pointless.
There's also, ya maps and everything.
There's also, ya maps and everything.
Jet pilots... good ones... what controls do you use? Your stick and button settings.
That better be some special dirt bike mode in the teaser, because those flags were linear as fuck
Jet pilots... good ones... what controls do you use? Your stick and button settings.
Had a lot of fun crushing people with GAF tonight. Didn't lose a single game after we grouped up.
Where art for thou, Faceless Master?
*sees you on XMB.*
*gets on and your in the menus and don't take invites*
B: Sorry dude, I rarely (if I even have it unlocked) keep air-to-air missiles in the gunner seat, if I'm a gunner you gotta get close to the ground or gain air on the chopper/jets. Also if a jet is behind us I can't really do shit since the gunner is locked in a 180 swivel at times. I generally run the lock-on missile since it can disable in one hit but it seems people are starting to use smoke more often to where I need to change that.
Also B the first set B in Seine rush is IMPOSSIBLE to hit with the LAV to where you can lock the area down if you have a recon. I dunno what the team was doing running out there but man there's no reason they should've taken that crate. At least we won when I (after you left the squad to make me leader?) issued a command to jump down to B second set where the LAV couldn't hit. Had a few close calls with them jump from the top of the sinking cruise ship onto the deck with B but I got them when we had them low on tickets.
Were you tagging all that armour on Kharg? It was hilarious seeing our team go full engineer with javelin once they realized someone was tagging everything. I'm pretty sure it's the only reason we won that round.
I don't think there's any A2A in the gunner seat. Your setup is fine, I think its similar to mine. TV-Missle is nearly impossible to use.
I always prefer RPG/SMAW. You get more rockets and can shoot at everything. With time you learn the trajectory and velocity of the rockets and you know where to aim to hit a target.
Jav does more damage than the RPG-7, it disables in one hit compared to the 1-2 RPG-7 hits. Plus that disable seems to make the vehicle it hits slower to "back up" than the RPG-7 does. OR maybe it's a placebo effect.
I'm gonna take you up on the empty server offer you made the other day... I haven't been on BF3 very much lately. Other games and stuff.
Oh, hey, Dream. You and I need to Near Golden Aybss a bit. (Same with Olimpia) so I can maybe get these Fetishes that are Near only.
I want to power up those cards. *sigh*
(I just noticed you gave me a trade offer in Near, dunno how that happened but uh... thanks?)
As soon as I found out that UC:GA required some kind of Near trading to get a trophy I gave up on pursuing platinum for the game. I'm still trying to figure out how to use Near tbh.
I-I-I I don't get it, someone please explain to me what fun you get out of camping your base with snipers, you don't get any kills, you don't get any points, you don't win any games, so why for the love of god would anyone want to camp their base with snipers
we were up 600+ ticktes and these fucktards pissed it away camping snipers in our base never have I been more frustrated in my life of multiplayer shooters
JJD: Conquest = MAJORITY of flags (so since this is babby mode on consoles 2/3rd of the flags), stop worrying about capping all the flags when the enemy is CONSTANTLY flanking us.
That said: WTF 1000 tickets, who the hell chose THAT idea?
And that Bazaar round would've been lost if I didn't switch to mortar to pop the tank and they took it in the ass (since I disabled the rear in one pop) and stupidly they sat there to repair it giving me TWO mortar kills to the assignment and adding to the like... 25? mortar kills I need for the medal. :lol
They stole the tank so I got pissed and was like "OH NO YOU LE DIDN'T" and got in the tank and pushed up.
I wasn't trying to capture C on that conquest game, I was flanking the enemy on B from behind since they had 4 guys camped there. The support guy a bipod pro was giving our smurf teammates a hard time. As soon as I managed to take then out (dying in the process) our smurfs captured B.
Now you know why I prefer to be the squad leader, have half the kills you two (Olimpia/bKak) have and yet I'm in the 4,000 points range because I issue squad commands. :|
On the bright side, me issuing commands brought some of the team back from being idiots and seemed to have a Lemming Effect on getting the other squads of our team to issue commands in Metro Rush. Thankfully they didn't Lemming my orders since I was trying to sneak into the hardest ones to take and have them rush in to mop up whoever came to disarm with you two but they seemed to swarm the easiest and struggle with us a few times to take the hardest ones in three-four set.
Also B: That bazaar win was insane, I thought we were going to lose for sure.
And you may have won that round, but I have a low tolerance for bullshit tank drivers that won't move the tank and chase the two tanks that are going to take a crate if they don't flank them to hit them in the ass to disable because "OH NOEZ MY TANKZ! IT MAY BEZ DESTROYED! D:!"