By some miracle, my cornea managed to tore off at the same exact spot.
See you guys in 2013~
By some miracle, my cornea managed to tore off at the same exact spot.
See you guys in 2013~
By some miracle, my cornea managed to tore off at the same exact spot.
See you guys in 2013~
After coming back to this from PC BF, I have to say the ps3 community is full of cheap ass glitching fucks. Hiding in fucking tower roofs and what not. The level of play is like night and day.
By some miracle, my cornea managed to tore off at the same exact spot.
See you guys in 2013~
Ugh, Conquest.
Gotta put those big boy pants on at some point, right?
the limit is a bandwidth restriction.
MAG ran 256 players vehicles bombs and all, don't talk to me about bandwidth
BF3 could run at least 32 on ps3 if they wanted to but they don't and that's that
0 kills, 3000+ points lol
Evolution_1ne said:MAG ran 256 players vehicles bombs and all, don't talk to me about bandwidth
Were you MAVing or were you squad-ordering or both?
I was flying the Viper and JJD stole all my kills as my gunner xD
You can't really compare both games. MAG doesn't have destruction for example, and does anyone know if MAG actually simulates bullet physics like BF3? For all we know MAG could be using less bandwidth than BF3 even with 256 players. MAG had it's fare share of technical problems as well.
Sometimes BF3 barely runs with 24 players, imagine the nightmare it would be on consoles with 64. Hopefully next gen. will change that.
I'm pretty sure Sony has bandwidth limitations just like MS. But it's anyone guess which one is more restrictive.
And frankly I doubt MS would allow Dice/EA to release a gimped version of BF3 on the 360 if the PS3 version could really run with 32 or 64 players.
Dice went on record saying that the main cause for less players on consoles was bandwidth, but that doesn't mean it was the only one.
I'm having a hard time learning the new maps. They all just look so similar.
There does seem like there's a million ways to attack any given point. It can be a little frustrating, but I think its fair at least and gives more incentive to work as a team, both offensively and defensively.They're a little too open. Or maybe it's just been two years of not playing BC2 to where flanking left right and center just isn't good for me.![]()
Every time we fly you're getting better man. You may not be on the level of BK yet, but keep doing your thing and you'll get there! That game was great.
It's way easier to gun for you than anyone else I have played with. Sometimes is hard gunning for BK because he keeps pulling crazy stunts making it hard to aim, and frankly the guy doesn't even really need a gunner on his chopper, that's just a plus. He can wreak the other team armor with his hellfire missiles alone.
The only thing you're missing is better aim on the chopper but knowing you, you will learn that in no time.
I don't like manoeuvring low and around obstacles (I swear I don't do it to show off), but you sort of have to since AA can lock on at all altitudes now (+ gunner flare removal, but that less so). My craziest moment in the chopper was avoiding javelins on Wake Island by passing under the bridge as they were diving on me. You could hear the explosions hitting topside. Got plenty of hate mail that round.
I should cap some screens for you guys, some of the messages I get are pretty funny.
Any of you guys playing tonight?
I'm trying to finish up grinding a little in Gravity Rush, but I guess I can hop on in an hour or so and play Rush if you want?
Edit: As for piloting, I can do it but not well. Hell, I can barely be called okay in jets. And with LOCK LOCK LOCK LOCK LOCK LOCK? Forget it. I'd rather stay on the ground.
I'll play anything, hey I need you to shoot me another inv... somehow we aren't PSN friends. Pretty sure I have room on the list.
Smoke is the best thing and nobody ever uses it.
I usually play hardcore so that's not an issue. You can still see the reflection of scopes through the smoke though.It would be, if you couldn't spot through it. It is very useful though. But anytime I see smoke, I spam the spot button to find where they are at.
Smoke is the best thing and nobody ever uses it.
Smoke is the best thing and nobody ever uses it.
I don't get too annoyed by this game these days... but one thing... people need to spot enemy vehicles.
That really, really helps.
Gaf usually does.
Smoke is the best thing and nobody ever uses it.
Great games against those 2 or 3 clans that played together. Even though we won the games by 100+ tickets it was damn tough.
I don't get too annoyed by this game these days... but one thing... people need to spot enemy vehicles.
Need to find a server that plays 100%, with a mix of normal and Karkand maps. I'm beginning to hate conquest. Part of me wants to play armored kill rush again.
Well, that and stop stacking squad perks if playing together. 3 engineers with explosive squad is WTC. It's why I yelled at you and Olimpia to switch. I knew Faceless wouldn't if I asked and I had a stupid Benny Hill chase sequence trying to knife a dude that was trying to knife our teammate. I just went "fuck it" when we reached B/C of Kharg and shot him. At that point, I noticed the squad perks and was like "why am I the only one with suppression active with no sprint (way more important than explosives at times, IMO) or ammo and three explosives? Do they think they'll get 24 explosives that way?"
seriously, spotting vehicles is like night and fucking day when playing with GAF vs with randoms.
I reverse and of course forget there's an inescapable ditch behind me that I get stuck in. Fucking lose the tank like a retard because it's stuck in the geometry. Meanwhile we're bleeding tickets, I basically just wasted our last chance to attack with some armor, and we soon lose the match. I feel like it's my fault. But really... PEOPLE, SPOT THEIR VEHICLES!!!! Arrgh!
What really lost us the round that time was we were 2-3 tickets left, I get close to A (I think it was the last crate of that set left) and before I can get close to arm, two people spawn one of which was on me (you?) and so with 0 tickets left, we lose. If someone had waited, I could've armed the crate and sent the crate into overtime where everyone rushed the crate to keep them off it with 0 tickets left to where spawning wouldn't have lost the game unless they disarmed.
Is there a GAF console community on 360 these days or is this the PS3GAF thread?![]()
Dunno who chose that server (you?) but 1) anything above 100% is stupid, even on Conquest and 2) anything above 100% on Rush is stupid and needs to stop and 3) if you advertise your server as Rush/Conquest it should be an even load. I shouldn't have to wait 3 hours to play two rounds on my preferred mode in your mixed server. :|
Is there a GAF console community on 360 these days or is this the PS3GAF thread?![]()
But did both of you drown?