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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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causan said:
Running this on a lower-mid spec system:

Intel Q6600 quad processor
ATI 5770
8gb of ram
64bit win 7
1680 x1050 resolution

Everything running on high with no noticeable lag at all. They did a fantastic job optimizing this.

here is a screen in MP:


I have a 5750 X6 1050T @ 3.2GHz and 4 gigs of DDR3 1600.. I guess I can try those settings for now and see how it goes, I was looking to upgrade vid card but we'll see.


So still no solid confirmation on yes/no for Basejump in Davamand Conquest 64? We know it's not in Conquest 32 but I really hope it's in 64... I don't want to be forced to play rush to try it!


Any other gaffers playing on PS3? (heresy, I know.) All my real life friends don't play pc and are getting the 360 version. I need people to play with!
Metalmurphy said:

I might have spoken too soon. It was just that metro section. Second level it's going around 50 fps.

Is your 6870 OC'd at all? That is mighty impressive optimization by DICE. Excellent I dare say, puts games like Metro 2033 to shame.
Megasoum said:
So still no solid confirmation on yes/no for Basejump in Davamand Conquest 64? We know it's not in Conquest 32 but I really hope it's in 64... I don't want to be forced to play rush to try it!

So it's confirmed that console players don't get the base jump?


MaritalWheat said:
Reposting, because I'M GOING INSANE. I couldn't play the fucking beta and now I can't play something I bought?!:

Argh can anyone help with this? I had this same issue in the beta...so it's unlocked whatever, I go to launch campaign, it sits on initializing for a while...then nothing happens and the intializing window disappears. I'm watching my processes and I see bf3.exe start, then disappear. I set both origin and the bf3 executable to run as admin so that's not it. So frustrating, has anyone else had this pop up,or anything similar happen in the beta?
I believe I had the same problem for the beta. It was fixed by renaming the folder from "Battlefield 3 Bèta" to just "Battlefield 3 Beta" and changing shortcuts paths that used the filename in regedit.

No clue on what the issue might be now since I'm still downloading the game.
RibbedHero said:
Is your 6870 OC'd at all? That is mighty impressive optimization by DICE. Excellent I dare say, puts games like Metro 2033 to shame.

It's factory overclocked by 15Mhz. Not that much.

The game went back to 60fps inside buildings and open, but small areas.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
LiquidMetal14 said:
The twitch one works for me. Very nice there. I'm seriously considering selling something to get this as I am broke like a joke right now. Very smooth even in that stream. Wonder what kind of HW he has?

The other stream doesn't work for you?

ah damn, Damavand Peak looks awesome.
Metalmurphy said:
It's factory overclocked by 15Mhz. Not that much.

The game went back to 60fps inside buildings and open, but small areas.

15Mhz? No biggie. So DICE optimization is fucking excellent it would seem.

BTW, have they fixed the spotting points, or is it still a meagre 10 points?


Game could not login to EA Online backend. Anyone else getting this error when trying to join Co-op?

I only used a Korean VPN when activating, now I use my real ISP.
vaelic said:
question. my overclocked 5850 is peaking at 70c during BF3 play. is that ok?

Not even close to bad. You should be able to safely operate up to the mid 90s. (the safe limit is stated to be 115C). 70 is perfectly good.

ACE 1991

RS4- said:
1080p. I'll take a shot of my settings in a bit.

2GB 6950 @ stock
2600k @ 4.4

Yeah I don't like it either when you can't do it.

I probably should have coughed up the extra cash for the 2gb 6950, I'm rocking a 1gb =(

Ah well, I'm hoping for good performance at 1080p with my 6950 1GB, i5 2500K @4.0ghz, 8gb of ram rig. Anyone running a similar set up?
froliq said:
I believe I had the same problem for the beta. It was fixed by renaming the folder from "Battlefield 3 Bèta" to just "Battlefield 3 Beta" and changing shortcuts paths that used the filename in regedit.

No clue on what the issue might be now since I'm still downloading the game.
Some people had that, but others who didn't download the beta right away (including me) had the issue despite not having the weird e-with-the-thingie as the folder name, since that got fixed. Everyone's pretty screenies are killing me haha.
Game stays on the loading screen indefinitely for me when trying to play multi.

Campaign works fine. One hour in and it's the usual post-4 COD garbage, just significantly prettier.


hide your water-based mammals
vaelic said:
question. my overclocked 5850 is peaking at 70c during BF3 play. is that ok?
70c is not bad for peaking on a HW demanding game like BF3. Is that stock cooling?

I have an Accelero Pro for my 6950 and that is flashed while OC'd to the max and cap at about 77C during long use of HW intensive games. Just to compare :)


hide your water-based mammals
Sn4ke_911 said:
The other stream doesn't work for you?

ah damn, Damavand Peak looks awesome.
Initially it didn't work but I don't know if it was due to connection or what. That other link worked and looks like the same stream so it's all good.


hide your water-based mammals
ACE 1991 said:
I probably should have coughed up the extra cash for the 2gb 6950, I'm rocking a 1gb =(

Ah well, I'm hoping for good performance at 1080p with my 6950 1GB, i5 2500K @4.0ghz, 8gb of ram rig. Anyone running a similar set up?
Similar enough except I'm pushing my CPU to 4.5ghz and flashed my GPU to a 6970 and have the max OC (950/1450mhz) I can get. Oh and I have the 2GB version.

This map looks awesome. Skydiving will be a hoot.
I am getting this by the end of the week (had ebay gift card so bought it on ebay, lol). Add me up if anyone wants to get crazy on the PS3.

PSN ID: Filth_Flannigan


Anyone have info on installing the game on 360? I know you can install an HD texture pack around like 1.5gigs but I'm reading the full install (multiplayer and singleplayer) is 15.5 gigs. Is there any performance boost to installing either, or both, discs to the HD?


A spoiler of sorts, but something that people were bitching about before the game released was "fixed" in campaign:

Not only are there civilians, but there are dead civilians as well. Wonder who got their wires crossed on that one.


Genesis Knight said:
So it's confirmed that console players don't get the base jump?

No base jump on CONQUEST console. You do get it during the second set of MCOMs in Rush though... That's why I'm wondering if it's included in the 64 player version of the conquest map.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I bought this via direct2drive. Is it a good idea to download it through their site, and then somehow integrate it with Origin (D2D is much faster than Origin for me)? Or is it like a steam game where you download the whole thing, and then when you go to install it Steam re-downloads the entire game again?
Got the VPN to work and played about 8 MP Conquest matches. Looking great so far. I was worried after the beta, but they seem to have come through in the end. Not as much destructibility as I wanted is my biggest gripe.

Haven't played all the maps yet. Had some intense battles on Seine Crossing. Kind of like that one so far.

Played twice on Damavand Peak. Not really feeling that one. Actually kind of boring so far, but we'll see as I play more.

If you like tanks, Operation Firestorm is your map.

Gonna eat something and then back to it!


I don't get it. The proxy is obviously active as it will redirect me to the Korean Google and Yahoo pages and shows up as Korean on whatismyipaddress.com or whatever but I will pretty much immediately fail the release date checker. I thought Firefox was the problem but even after I manually gave it the proxy it wouldn't work and I uninstalled it and that still didn't do anything. Maybe the release date checker is just timing out immediately at 30% because the proxy is so slow.


Can anyone with a 570 GTX, report on how it is running ? Along the lines of 2500k and about 8 GB ram ? Depends on my immediate purchase :p


hide your water-based mammals
Megasoum said:
No base jump on CONQUEST console. You do get it during the second set of MCOMs in Rush though... That's why I'm wondering if it's included in the 64 player version of the conquest map.
I'm pretty sure that whatever features are possible will be in the PC version.
Spl1nter said:
I really like what DICE has done with the vehicle gameplay.
I need specifics Splinter. I need them now. Are you just liking how they handle compared to previous games? The unlocks? TELL ME!

Daante said:
Anyone with a i5-2500k and a 6850 here? , if yes what kind of performance are you getting?

BF3 performance thread is what you are looking for my friend.



If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Great Interview with Patrick Bach

Battlefield 3 Interview: Rolling the DICE

Eurogamer: Do you care about review scores?

Patrick Bach: Yes of course. We care a lot. You could argue that reviews are the most objective feedback you can get as a game developer. The other thing you have is consumer feedback, as in forum posts. You can't use that because it's mostly people being very upset with stuff. It's not very often you have a thread on how awesome something is. Well you get that sometimes with videos and stuff, but general threads are mostly complaints. Then you have the sales.

You can argue that game quality has to do with sales, but it's not equal. You have to have enough game to reach sales. But it doesn't mean if you have a 95 rated game that would sell the most copies. An 85 rated game could sell way more copies than a 95 rated game, which is sad for the developer, because the developer then gets a receipt on that: you made a great game, and then the sales tell you that you didn't make a great game. So it's hard for a developer to be judged by anything but reviews.

Eurogamer: Do you have an expectation for the reviews?

Patrick Bach: Hopefully. We know, oh, we could have done this or that, and this is cool and awesome. Then you get the sign-off from reviews. Yes, we were right, or wait a minute; they didn't like the stuff we liked. You get all this debate. But of course, you set a target and say, if you're not above this we're a failure, or we think we'll hit around this target. It's always hard when you start a project to set the targets for quality, but that's kind of the only target you can set. That's a Metascore.

Eurogamer: Do you have a target Metascore for Battlefield 3?

Patrick Bach: Yes, but I can't tell you what it is. That would ruin the whole thing, wouldn't it?
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