Am I able to play this in North America yet?
Everybody on my origin friends list is playing.
Everybody on my origin friends list is playing.
In response to the large amount of players using a Korean VPN today to play Battlefield 3 one day early, EA have sent out an email to all those who bought on origin that they can access the game today instead of tomorrow. This is great news and we cant wait to see the swarm come on the battlefield. Hopefully this will mean that EA will change the release dates for the rest of the world.
Prodigal said:My friend is saying using that VPN method might lock you into that region's servers...any truth to this? Pretty sure he's full of it...
Prodigal said:My friend is saying using that VPN method might lock you into that region's servers...any truth to this? Pretty sure he's full of it...
This one's a better stream - smoother and higher quality stream: said:No man, that's a replay.
He's been streaming replays ever since the beta ended.
Edit: this one is live,
REV 09 said:is there a way to get rid of the Chat menu? it's huge and annoying. i'd rather not even have it.
Arde5643 said:This one's a better stream - smoother and higher quality stream:
HOLEEE SHIT... thanksSpl1nter said:
pete_townshend said:Man those narrow corridors on Grand Bazaar are a fuckin' blood bath.
Kyaw said:Good lord. Just finished the main Campaign...
Just like the reviews said, nothing ground breaking but a thoroughly enjoyable ride of ups and downs.
Everything wrapped up nicely and manymoments.
J-Rock said:How long did it take you to finish single player?
Kyaw said:About 5-6 hours, i would say.
I need Mirror's Edge 2 on FB2... D:
It seems pretty good from what I've seen. I'll be picking it up tomorrow morning. All the versions of the game look and run great (as long as you install the HD textures on 360). DICE did a great job with this one.lawblob said:How is the Ps3 version?
Stallion Free said:Why is it for that every awesome looking bit I have to deal with shit like this?
commish said:FFS, why did I order the physical copy and not the digital? I don't understand. There's no way I didn't order the digital... yet I didn't. :\ Now must wait.
RoboPlato said:It seems pretty good from what I've seen. I'll be picking it up tomorrow morning. All the versions of the game look and run great (as long as you install the HD textures on 360). DICE did a great job with this one.
The Faceless Master said:the things you do while waiting...
4 Flags
Seine Crossing (5 in CQ64)
Kharg Island (5 in CQ64)
Caspian Border (5 in CQ64)
3 Flags
Grand Bazaar (5 in CQ64)
Tehran Highway (4 in CQ64)
Damavand Peak (5 in CQ64)
Noshahr Canals (? in CQ64)
Operation Metro (? in CQ64)
Operation Firestorm (5 in CQ64)
from the videos and screenshots i saw, the map boundaries in Tehran Highway and Damavand Peak are the same on CQ64 and Console, the only difference is the amount of flags.
He's been playing almost all day. He had to take a break sometime.Gui_PT said:
So the guy had a "eating brb warning" and when he comes back he just leaves? My heart is broken =(
RoboPlato said:He's been playing almost all day. He had to take a break sometime.
The Faceless Master said:FIVE POINTS BABY, ALL IN A ROW!!!
choke the middle for maximum damage.
would have been great if you could just fly the chopper over the middle.
When I entered the key into Origin it said it included the Physical Warfare pack, I guess it isn't unlocked yet.Metalmurphy said:Did anyone buy the game on GreenManGaming?
Do you get anything else besides Back To Karkand? Any physical warfare pack or something?
Dakota47 said:You don't need VPN. Just do this. Worked for me. Oh and don't forget to turn the proxy server off again after validating.
The Faceless Master said:
KoruptData said:By turning off, just uncheck the box and erase the ip address? Thats what I did, I hope thats right, anyway I can tell im back my normal settings?