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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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RoaringHawk said:
F U EA and your crappy software.

This is the third time I'm downloading BF3 now. First time got to 60% then got an error and it reset to 0%. Second time got to 90% and reset again! I have the latest client so that's not the problem.

This also happened when I downloaded other games too! This is the last time I buy a digital copy of any of EA's games if they are going to force using this abomination of a client to download them.

Yes, it's most definitely EA's "crappy software" when millions of other users downloaded it just fine in one go. Check your internet, maybe your router ...


Around 2 hours in the campaign now. PC version here, 1920x1080 Ultra w/ Post AA and the game runs like a dream.

This seriously has to be the best looking game out now, and I've had my share of Crysis 2 and Witcher 2 to know what good looking games look like. The best part is BF3 runs better than those 2 for me. 60fps almost all the freakin time. Hopefully multiplayer runs just as good
AngelSoldier said:
Yes, it's most definitely EA's "crappy software" when millions of other users downloaded it just fine in one go. Check your internet, maybe your router ...

When I never had a problem with all other clients, it's their software.


Gold Member
Holy hell at the graphical improvement on the PS3. Looks like a totally different game from beta, looks great!

The aiming is definitely wonky though, does 360 have the same issue?

It doesn't feel as smooth as it did, it's really jerky or something.
MrOogieBoogie said:
Also, I really must commend DICE on the movement and controls. Unlike Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3 actually makes me feel like a highly elite, agile soldier. The transitions between running, leaping over obstacles, diving into cover, etc. are so smooth and so responsive (for the most part).
This right here. Hell, I've been going out of my way to jump over stuff for badass points. Even crawling feels awesome. It's such a mundane and simple thing to get right, but boy does it add a lot to the experience.
The UI for weapons and attachments is quite cumbersome. That being said I'm loving it. The multiplayer that is. Single player is a bitch.


RoaringHawk said:
F U EA and your crappy software.

This is the third time I'm downloading BF3 now. First time got to 60% then got an error and it reset to 0%. Second time got to 90% and reset again! I have the latest client so that's not the problem.

This also happened when I downloaded other games too! This is the last time I buy a digital copy of any of EA's games if they are going to force using this abomination of a client to download them.
Sounds like Steam when it started.
The only issues I've had are laggy 64 player maps and app crashes when trying to join a game in a party whether it be from server browser or quick match. Other than that it's great. Much better than previous BF launches.
Damn, Jets are so awesome. I'm really surprised at how fast I got the hang of the controls. Now, I just need to get used to Heli controls...

That's it ? When you hear the knock on the door and the cock of the pistol, I thought there was gonna be one last level where Dima kicks ass. But man, what a ride. Good campaign, loved it all. Except the ending which kinda felt like ... Not an ending.


-Yeti said:
Damn, Jets are so awesome. I'm really surprised at how fast I got the hang of the controls. Now, I just need to get used to Heli controls...

console or pc?

i can keep a jet in the air, but im fucked as far as strafing runs/actually attacking anything

i can barely keep a heli in the air, unless im so damn stationary a tank could shoot me down.

fucking kb+mouse


The Faceless Master said:
at least on 360, they changed the controller config

in the beta, alternate swapped Y (switch weapons) and LB (knife)

and in the retail, it swaps R3 (crouch) and LB (knife)

maybe Demize99 specifically means analog stick changes?
What I've seen people talking about is there seems to be an acceleration issue in the sticks. In the beta, you move the right stick in any direction and you would get instant response.

What it seems to me from reading people's impressions is that when you move the right stick to aim, you don't seem to get immediate response. Like you have to keep pushing on the stick till a certain point until the movement seems to register. Then movement seems to kick in suddenly.

I don't have my copy yet so I can't say for sure, but that's what I seem to get from some people's thoughts on the controls. And it seems like a lot of people have had the same issue. That the aiming doesn't (for whatever reason) feel like the beta.

Mattdaddy said:
Holy hell at the graphical improvement on the PS3. Looks like a totally different game from beta, looks great!

The aiming is definitely wonky though, does 360 have the same issue?

It doesn't feel as smooth as it did, it's really jerky or something.
Perfect example.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
MaritalWheat said:
This right here. Hell, I've been going out of my way to jump over stuff for badass points. Even crawling feels awesome. It's such a mundane and simple thing to get right, but boy does it add a lot to the experience.

Also, the use of momentum is great. I love the feeling of running into enemy fire, just before leaping into prone behind cover.


Finished the campaign tonight, 3 total sittings to finish it, but I will say I thought it was great. Probably my favorite military campaign of this generation. I really liked that everything was from your player perspective and it wasn't too outlandish. I mean it has some great moments, but nothing that I felt was like completely out there. Had some really intense firefights.

I guess I would say my one complaint is I really wish there was a way, perhaps offline map with bots, or something that let you practice flying both a heli and a jet offline without having to be multiplayer game.
Ok what the hell is up with this BS?

I try to check my BattleFeed in the game and it won't let me because it says my account has not been activated yet (PS3) and I need to go to the BattleLog website. When I try to log on the website it says "Your account is not allowed to login". WTF DICE? Fix your shit!


I have no idea why they don't just allow you to fly jets and helicopters on an empty map. Maybe they could even set up targets for you to practice.

There is such a stigma to jumping into a plane or helicopter as a novice. You predictably crash and these fucking idiots think you just wasted a real jet or something. I say just hop in and learn as you go. It's just a game. I find the air support to be worthless even when they do know how to fly. Unless you can tell the jet pilot to bomb a specific area, I don't really care.

I think teamwork would be much better if there were a commander position that played kind of like an RTS. Basically, the commander would have a list of squads and he can doll out directions to people. He could even give directions to individual vehicles with the click of a button. Or drag a box around a bunch of dudes and click on a visible target (enemy or objective) as you would in an RTS. Teamwork within a squad is okay, but inter-squad teamwork can be lacking with or without voice.

They really should have expanded the commander role from BF2. Then again, I try to give directions by mashing Q on objectives but I'm not sure if anyone is listening to me.


MrOogieBoogie said:
Each gun has such a satisfying kick, and coupled with the AMAZING sound, you really feel like you're dealing tons of damage with each shot.
Absolutely. If there are criticisms that BF3 is more like the competition, then at least they made that kind of infantry combat amazing.

The point you made about the guns is apt. They also feel varied and different. I actually feel like choosing a weapon is important. There are other games in which there are a lot of weapons but no practical difference between them.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
IronFistedChampion said:
Ok what the hell is up with this BS?

I try to check my BattleFeed in the game and it won't let me because it says my account has not been activated yet (PS3) and I need to go to the BattleLog website. When I try to log on the website it says "Your account is not allowed to login". WTF DICE? Fix your shit!

How about you fix yours.

1) EA online code
2) Go play a match to completion.
3) ???

They're putting the log behind a pay-wall. Stupid, but you have to put the code in AND THEN PLAY THE GAME before it'll let you log in. NO SINGLEPLAYER DOES NOT WORK. The multiplayer (can't say for co-op) is NEEDED.
How the heck do you beat Operation Guillotine? I'm on the part right after you destroy the MG Nest, where you're trying to get into the building, I must have died like 6 times so far. They kill me regardless of what happens and they just keep coming.
I tried some co-op tonight. Brilliant first mission, lots of street and building-to-building fighting, shooting rockets at vehicles, etc. The 2nd mission, which you will have to complete to unlock the rest of them, is helicopter piloting/shooting. I crashed nearly immediately 5 times. Then the game somehow switched me into the gunner's seat and my squadmate got his chance to crash. Eventually, he was able to fly for a bit but crashed at what felt like the end of the level. Frustrating and annoying, to the point where we are hesitant to try again. Maybe this was what DICE considers a "helicopter training mission," but making a difficult vehicle level the hinge-pin of the co-op campaign is a design mistake.


Loving the game so far, multiplayer is so goddamn fun it should be illegal. Anyway, I just browsed through the first page.. my goodness what an awesome OP. Well done sir.


Are NA 360 servers down? According to the server browser, everything is Europe region (which I normally wouldn't even bother to care, but I can't connect to any of them).
Spokker said:
Absolutely. If there are criticisms that BF3 is more like the competition, then at least they made that kind of infantry combat amazing.

The point you made about the guns is apt. They also feel varied and different. I actually feel like choosing a weapon is important. There are other games in which there are a lot of weapons but no practical difference between them.

I preferred the gunplay in the beta ( higher damage and higher recoil ) to how it turned out here, but its still pretty good though.


I'd be in the dick
SUBZERO-08 said:
How the heck do you beat Operation Guillotine? I'm on the part right after you destroy the MG Nest, where you're trying to get into the building, I must have died like 6 times so far. They kill me regardless of what happens and they just keep coming.
I got stuck there for a while too. Wait until one of your guys grenades the second MG nest, then loop around it and crawl near the wall picking off guys as they come. Your squad will take out most of them then you can just sprint up the stairs.
adamsappel said:
I tried some co-op tonight. Brilliant first mission, lots of street and building-to-building fighting, shooting rockets at vehicles, etc. The 2nd mission, which you will have to complete to unlock the rest of them, is helicopter piloting/shooting. I crashed nearly immediately 5 times. Then the game somehow switched me into the gunner's seat and my squadmate got his chance to crash. Eventually, he was able to fly for a bit but crashed at what felt like the end of the level. Frustrating and annoying, to the point where we are hesitant to try again. Maybe this was what DICE considers a "helicopter training mission," but making a difficult vehicle level the hinge-pin of the co-op campaign is a design mistake.

Got lucky with this one. I'm a pretty good pilot myself, but I met a prodigy or something lol. He was a master pilot and with his guidance, that mission took us less then 10 minutes. PS3 user by the way. If you need help in co-op and are on PS3, you can add me.


What the fuck is wrong with this game?

Earlier i had issues with my Xbox freezing due to the servers going down.

Booted up campaign, jumped through the window, and bam. Frozen.


What the fuck is wrong with this game? Is it my copy? Is it my xbox? Is it poor ass software? This happened once every 2 or so hours in the beta. Now it's happening again in the retail.

Fix your shit, DICE.
mcrae said:
console or pc?

i can keep a jet in the air, but im fucked as far as strafing runs/actually attacking anything

i can barely keep a heli in the air, unless im so damn stationary a tank could shoot me down.

fucking kb+mouse
Console (360). I can't imagine even attempting to fly a jet with KB+M.
I'm so happy right now. I've finally found my mutliplayer experience I've been craving for so long. I feel BF3 is a big step up from BC2. The maps feel right. Tight and focused. The gunplay is so damn satisfying. I never used engineer in BC2 but i'm dominating with it right now on certain maps. Nothing better than blowing up a tank trying to take a area and score 500 points.


This game is absolutely stunning. Holy shit! :eek:

60fps most of the time too! Great job DICE!

Made the mistake to start a game on Hard... What a joke, last time I saw ennemies with that much accuracy I was playing Far Cry. Started another one on Normal and it's much more manageable. :)
samus4ever said:
I'm so happy right now. I've finally found my mutliplayer experience I've been craving for so long. I feel BF3 is a big step up from BC2. The maps feel right. Tight and focused. The gunplay is so damn satisfying. I never used engineer in BC2 but i'm dominating with it right now on certain maps. Nothing better than blowing up a tank trying to take a area and score 500 points.

It's a sequel to BF2 not BC2, thats why it feels different. Glad you are enjoying it though!


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samdavis said:
On the 360, why do they show me all of the different squad callsigns but not allow me to just pick one to be a part of? I see one squad with 4/4, two squads with 2/4, and the game is telling me that it's "finding a squad for me"...AND IT NEVER DOES.

Why are you showing me the different squads that I can join, not allowing me to join them when I press A, and then taking an eternity to place me in an actual open squad. What the hell is the game doing at that moment?

Combine that with PC matchmaking taking place ONLY in the browser and it's like EA/DICE don't want us to play their game. Why would you make it so difficult? It's not even that the system has its merits and I simply don't agree with it. It's simply terrible in every possible way.

You can join different squads, etc. The problem is it's set to "private" most of the time, so you can't join them unless they set it to public. It's set to private by default.


Also, playing PS3 version, what is this aiming problem everyone is talking about? I did notice that the recoil is insanely high, but aside from that, what's the issue?

I did notice that VOIP was choppy for me and my squad. Might be EA's doing. But I am liking that I can talk to my entire team now if I want to just by toggling in-game.

Any other big issues that needs addressed? Aside from scoreboard bug I've noticed a lot of times happen already.


The honeymoon period is great for things like the following.

I'm in the alleyway on the Bazaar map I think it's called. I duck into a corner and deploy an EOD bot. I guess there are a lot of new players who didn't know what the hell it was because I killed a bunch of guys with it. Even when they do wise up it can be a good distraction. A bunch of them focus on the bot (I assume you get points for destroying it) and your teammates can push forward.

I tried to get my team to play along. They were fighting at the choke point in the alley and I told my team to push forward after they see the robot rush in because the enemy team might be distracted by it, but no one did it.
Ysiadmihi said:
Whose bright idea was it to give the mortar infinite ammo? It feels like trolling.

lol, I haven't locked it but I figured something was up with the mortar

My squad was pinned down by constant mortar fire one round, and it was so frequent I thought it was like a 2 or 3 guys letting of rounds. I get killed by a shell only to see on my kill cam it was one lone guy.
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