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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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FlyinJ said:
That may be what is causing the horrible stuttering after you play the game for more than 30 minutes.

I did notice that Origin was taking 10-20% CPU and Firefox would take between 5-30 CPU at times. Maybe when they both decide to spike the CPU it causes the stutter too.

Pretty crappy.

Can you kill off Firefox once you're in a game?

That's what I'm wondering...


Finally managed to get it working (both sp and multi). Game is off the hook!

Getting a bit of stuttering at times in big multiplayer battles but I can live with it. Any GAF players out there in Asia? Really need to practice cause right now I suck at this game.

My battlelog name is CripterionT.


You are now ready to chat with Surjya.
you: hi?
(5 minutes pass)
you: hello?
you: i just waited an hour and a half for your support. please respond.
Surjya: Yes i am here.
you: thank goodness
Surjya: Could you please explain your exact issue ?
you: okay, so it seems that i've gotten a defective single player disk for Battlefield 3
you: Every time i try to play the campaign, it freezes on the first encounter.
you: i've tried installing it to my Xbox 360 hard drive, and it fails at 45% every time.
you: the disk is brand new, clean, and all that jazz.
Surjya: May I know are you trying to play the game in xbox?
you: Yes.
Surjya: In that case i would like to request you to please please replace your game from warranty
you: How do i do that
Surjya: http://help.ea.com/article/bf3-warranty-address
Surjya: Please contact us again if your issue persist again .
dmg04 said:
You are now ready to chat with Surjya.
you: hi?
(5 minutes pass)
you: hello?
you: i just waited an hour and a half for your support. please respond.
Surjya: Yes i am here.
you: thank goodness
Surjya: Could you please explain your exact issue ?
you: okay, so it seems that i've gotten a defective single player disk for Battlefield 3
you: Every time i try to play the campaign, it freezes on the first encounter.
you: i've tried installing it to my Xbox 360 hard drive, and it fails at 45% every time.
you: the disk is brand new, clean, and all that jazz.
Surjya: May I know are you trying to play the game in xbox?
you: Yes.
Surjya: In that case i would like to request you to please please replace your game from warranty
you: How do i do that
Surjya: http://help.ea.com/article/bf3-warranty-address
Surjya: Please contact us again if your issue persist again .

If u having D.R.E.'s I feel bad for you son.....

I got 99 problems and a disc aint one!


TylerD said:
No, they made them easy points for AA. :)
That's what I've found out. Hopped into a mobile AA on Operation Firestorm and pretty much had the skies clear for my team. It got worse for the opposing team once I unlocked the heatseekers. It was sad to be honest because now I know why I've been locked on so many times when I was in an air vehicle.


Spokker said:
The honeymoon period is great for things like the following.

I'm in the alleyway on the Bazaar map I think it's called. I duck into a corner and deploy an EOD bot. I guess there are a lot of new players who didn't know what the hell it was because I killed a bunch of guys with it. Even when they do wise up it can be a good distraction. A bunch of them focus on the bot (I assume you get points for destroying it) and your teammates can push forward.

I tried to get my team to play along. They were fighting at the choke point in the alley and I told my team to push forward after they see the robot rush in because the enemy team might be distracted by it, but no one did it.

The EOD Bot is awesome for constant hilarity. My favorite moment thus far:

It was Davamand Conquest 64 players. We were holding the central point. There was a tank bearing down on our team and I was roaming around looking for a soul for my little robot of doom to gorge itself on. I went right for the tank figuring I could damage it enough to disable it or hopefully kill it. I turn a corner down one of the halls out of tunnel and I am staring face to face with the tank. I freeze the bot and we both kinda look at each other for a moment. It was kinda like staring at a T-Rex, I believed if I just stood still he couldn't see me.

After about 5 seconds of looking at each other he finally turns the turret and starts firing towards the cap point. I kick the bot into gear and drive right under him. Start destroying him and eventually take the tank out. :lol


NOTICE Be advised: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC game server back-end will be down for a scheduled update 07-08 AM GMT.



vidal said:
That's what I've found out. Hopped into a mobile AA on Operation Firestorm and pretty much had the skies clear for my team. It got worse for the opposing team once I unlocked the heatseekers. It was sad to be honest because now I know why I've been locked on so many times when I was in an air vehicle.

Its frustrating as hell if you've nothing unlocked in the jets and you decide to have a go.

There's always one ace mother fucker with everything unlocked who gets a lock on within seconds of you taking off AND THERE'S FUCK ALL YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT....

Why are flares an unlock? Its ridiculous.
I'm up to the jet point of the campaign and while it is sure pretty, the restrictive nature makes the game feel like garbage. Invisible barriers everywhere/death for leaving the already small boundary area and even endless respawns. It's like they took all the bad stuff with Modern Warfare's campaign and wrapped it with the frostbite engine.


kitch9 said:
Its frustrating as hell if you've nothing unlocked in the jets and you decide to have a go.

There's always one ace mother fucker with everything unlocked who gets a lock on within seconds of you taking off AND THERE'S FUCK ALL YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT....

Why are flares an unlock? Its ridiculous.
It is.

My advice to those trying to unlock flares, play on a Rush map that features a jet (Firestorm, Caspian Border). If you're able to survive in the air (or even get a jet), focus on armor. The main gun on those Rush jets are especially effective against armor. Easy disable points that will get you to the flares fast.


Wait, can console players voice chat with their squadmates and PC can't? That's just not fair.

Anyways, any stipulations to putting [GAF] on your name? :p I'd like to do so and start rabidly adding other people with the [GAF] tag to my friends list so I can get into some squads with people and actually voice chat together.


after a couple of hours of play:

- The assault starting weapons suck more than I remembered them from beta, either that or the m416 is better.
- rocket launchers are starting to get really annoying, might need a nerf against infantry
- Somethings up with the loading times on my machine, their about twice as slow as beta. Some maps take more than 30 seconds to load it seems.
- grenades are so bad in this game, and I actually enjoy that. Never did like grenades in mp.
- Netcode feels really tight, haven't had issues with server lag or rubber banding either.
- The long range shooting is more challenging than I remember it from beta, maybe they reduced the damage. The high recoil made it relatively difficult to begin with.

So far, in my experience, this has been the smoothest BF launch.

gibon3z said:
Wish I would have never bought this game and instead waited for a steam sale and for the game to be fully patched.



After 1 solid night with the PC version, and one night with the Xbox version, I can safely say that the console version is absolute garbage. Shit frame rate, ugly pop-in, lame 3 flag CQ maps, awful UI...the list goes on and on.

Any mid range PC gamer is in for a real treat with this one.


I feel at this juncture that I wasted 50 bucks on just graphics and sound, because the actual gameplay on big maps with 64 players, or smaller player counts and smaller maps is just campers ahoy. The game does a poor job too to let me know where I'm getting shot from until it's too late. I'm also sick to death of getting the drop on a guy, shooting him up first, and then he plops me with 2 bullets.

I swear I'm shooting a tickle ray no matter what I try, and to top it off the class I want to play(sniper) feels like an afterthought to the rest. It's usefulness to the team and its ability to acquire kills is much shittier than in the Bad Company games. What level do I need to be to get a sniper rifle that = 2 shot kill and is semi automatic like the starter? Trying to lead targets and dump 3 bullets into someone who is in motion is a waste of ammo. Plus you have to take into account bullet trajectory depending on if you are higher or lower than who you are shooting at, and it just becomes more of a chore than it should be.

:/ I can get more sniping done with a Scar than the starting snipers.
blahness said:
looks like 360 servers are down again. had some epic games earlier though!

Maintenance. zh1tn0 says 20 mins.
I thought this is why we had Battlelog? So they could push server updates without the need for downtime.


D23 said:
wow the single player is pretty fucking hard.

Huh? Are you playing on hard? I completed it on hard with probably a total of 5 deaths. It's not hard when you realize you just have to take cover 80% of the game, pop up, look for glowing something, shoot at it once or twice, duck, repeat. Your A.I buddies usually take out a few as well.

What part is giving you trouble ?
Steelyuhas said:
According to Battlelog, servers will be down for the next hour. (12-1 PST)

Naturally I had just started playing.

It is 3am to me. I didn't want to stop playing in fear that I wouldn't find another valid game.


Man, I played a round with my cans finally...too much. Too much sounds going on. I'm probably gonna stick to speakers haha.
Karish said:
There's not even a fucking trial for multiplayer without the "online pass"!?!? Wtf!? Gamefly rental wasted.
Damn not even a 48 hr pass? Gamefly is sending this to me now and I'm not excited anymore. I just wanted it to try multiplayer. Oh well, back to Gears.


There's way too much going on when you're capturing a point in CQ. Move the capture dial higher or move it far left or something. Between the score popping up, that dial, the name, the distance and the other control points - that shit cray
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