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Battlefield 3 PC Community Meetup

^About the above ^ We're thinking about installing the following plugins

1)reserved slot plugin
2)an autobalance that does not break squads
3)a plugin that automatically squads a player on initial join
4)and a simple spambot now that the chatbox is unobtrusive
5)+ giving you Admins instructions for use of the In-Game Admin Plugin already in place
6)taking suggestion on plugins to use <- link to procon's plugin forum section

And PLEASE get on the server when you get invited by me<-link to my battlelog so you can add me for invites when the server gets rolling, or when to help get it rolling.
(or at least join us in mumble top see whats up), I only invite people when it's getting populated so we can get it at least close to full...

Since we moved to EOReality from Multiplay last week we have NOT YET been able to fill the server to 64 after several attempts night after night, we need to test EOReality's stability fellas.
C'MON FOLKS GET IN HERE WITH GAF WHILE WE HAVE ROOM TONIGHT(or before it dies out from lack of support)<-link to server's battlelog
(and get in mumble).

I dont want to ever hear anyone complain when the server is full. And if you donated, you have more reason to join because we're testing reserved slots plugins since DICE has not yet enabled Legacy Reserved Slots Support @ the base server level. And if you want to use the reserved slot you're entitled to as a Donator: you're going to have to ask for it while in the server for us to add you. Make it easy: join us in mumble while you're at it.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
^About the above ^ We're thinking about installing the following plugins

1)reserved slot plugin
2)an autobalance that does not break squads
3)a plugin that automatically squads a player on initial join
4)and a simple spambot now that the chatbox is unobtrusive
5)+ giving you Admins instructions for use of the In-Game Admin Plugin already in place
6)taking suggestion on plugins to use <- link to procon's plugin forum section

And PLEASE get on the server when you get invited by me<-link to my battlelog so you can add me for invites when the server gets rolling, or when to help get it rolling.
(or at least join us in mumble top see whats up), I only invite people when it's getting populated so we can get it at least close to full...

Since we moved to EOReality from Multiplay last week we have NOT YET been able to fill the server to 64 after several attempts night after night, we need to test EOReality's stability fellas.
C'MON FOLKS GET IN HERE WITH GAF WHILE WE HAVE ROOM TONIGHT(or before it dies out from lack of support)<-link to server's battlelog
(and get in mumble).

I dont want to ever hear anyone complain when the server is full. And if you donated, you have more reason to join because we're testing reserved slots plugins since DICE has not yet enabled Legacy Reserved Slots Support @ the base server level. And if you want to use the reserved slot you're entitled to as a Donator: you're going to have to ask for it while in the server for us to add you. Make it easy: join us in mumble while you're at it.

Yes, please join the server so more folks can abuse the Tehran highway glitch >.> The server seemed to go from nearly 40 ppl to about 20 ppl pretty fast after that.
Yes, please join the server so more folks can abuse the Tehran highway glitch >.> The server seemed to go from nearly 40 ppl to about 20 ppl pretty fast after that.

Tehran Highway glitch???

I just got home a bit ago and can play for maybe 45 mins, will join soon to help seed. But I did notice the player count dropped from like 48 to 20-something in a few minutes. Was that Tehran?
Tehran Highway glitch???

I just got home a bit ago and can play for maybe 45 mins, will join soon to help seed. But I did notice the player count dropped from like 48 to 20-something in a few minutes. Was that Tehran?

yup. game got real stupid once a bunch of players were able to spawn on the highway.
Yes, please join the server so more folks can abuse the Tehran highway glitch >.> The server seemed to go from nearly 40 ppl to about 20 ppl pretty fast after that.

I told Pennybags and Norua to not do that , especially when we are still trying to fill/seed the server!! For shame, GAFbros.

Nice to see the server full with support even past Midnight EST! We'll be back tomorrow night, maybe with new and improved plugins to better help smoothness of play and promote more teamplay.


We were on the highway, two guys that we shot said something in chat, they spawned in their base to shoot us and a few people from OUR team left the server. Like 3 or 4. That's it. You can ask Penny too.
So Commish I don't know why you are telling this but if this is because you caught one of our bullets, just deal with it man.
A lot of people left at the beginning of the round because of the map in itself though.

Anton : Just uninstall everything man. We need your ass on the battlefield !
Nice to see the server full with support even past Midnight EST! We'll be back tomorrow night, maybe with new and improved plugins to better help smoothness of play and promote more teamplay.

Nice! I really think that the team randomizer plugin that preserves squads, could help sustain player count. No one has fun when it's GAF steamrolling the opposite team round after round. Guess it's time for some hardcore GAF on GAF action.

Anton : Just uninstall everything man. We need your ass on the battlefield !

Ugh, no kidding. It would kick me from the server and not let me rejoin until AFTER I had joined some different server, then came back. Frustrating. Didn't happen Tuesday night, so hope it was just a random occurrence.
You can knock me off the list of admins. I'm simply not active enough these days I'm afraid! Sorry.

That doesn't mean I don't fancy putting in some good hours on the server, however, it's just about finding the time. I played so much BF3 when it was the only game around, but now? Gah. I wish they released it at the start of the year, or next.

I assume B2K will be the only thing on our server for a while next week? Count me in for some serious hours then where you BF2 vets can teach me a thing or two about the maps!


Nice! I really think that the team randomizer plugin that preserves squads, could help sustain player count. No one has fun when it's GAF steamrolling the opposite team round after round. Guess it's time for some hardcore GAF on GAF action.

Cuban help us discover that a squad of myself, pennybags, squidyj and Norua was OP. When we switched our squad over to the other team we were still dominating.

Solution, we must have MORE gaffers playing to have another OP squad on the other team.
So people get out there and play!


Cuban help us discover that a squad of myself, pennybags, squidyj and Norua was OP. When we switched our squad over to the other team we were still dominating.

Solution, we must have MORE gaffers playing to have another OP squad on the other team.
So people get out there and play!

Ill just go on the opposite team, should balance it out.

So are we setting the server to B2K for at least a week once its available? Pretty sure that is what everyone wants. We wont know if 100% tickets or some other variation is best until we play on the maps.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
We were on the highway, two guys that we shot said something in chat, they spawned in their base to shoot us and a few people from OUR team left the server. Like 3 or 4. That's it. You can ask Penny too.
So Commish I don't know why you are telling this but if this is because you caught one of our bullets, just deal with it man.
A lot of people left at the beginning of the round because of the map in itself though.

Anton : Just uninstall everything man. We need your ass on the battlefield !

I'm telling this because it's hard enough to seed the server, and people leave (and did) when they see others abusing glitches or whatever. And I did "deal with it" by leaving the server when my friends did.

Cuban help us discover that a squad of myself, pennybags, squidyj and Norua was OP. When we switched our squad over to the other team we were still dominating.

Solution, we must have MORE gaffers playing to have another OP squad on the other team.
So people get out there and play!

Perhaps you didn't notice that your team had the vast majority of high level players on it :p Pubbies just switch teams to be on the "stacked" team of high level players. That's why that mod is needed imo.

Anyway, leveling up recon is slow going, but soflam is sweet. Until pennybagz tried to drive his plane into me :)


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
A plane is the best kind of guided missile!

I had my soflam on a hilltop right outside A and I was parked inside a building, lasering shit. Then I see a jet barreling towards my building and plows into the building... I was like, wtf. Then Cuban goes, "Commish... Pennybags knows where you are and is trying to ram his plane into you." I LIVED TO LASER ANOTHER DAY.


1)reserved slot plugin
2)an autobalance that does not break squads
3)a plugin that automatically squads a player on initial join
4)and a simple spambot now that the chatbox is unobtrusive
5)+ giving you Admins instructions for use of the In-Game Admin Plugin already in place
6)taking suggestion on plugins to use <- link to procon's plugin forum section

I can't reiterate enough that reserved slots are currently not possible. Chapel can explain the details, but the TL;DR version is that there is no way to create a plug-in for reserved slots using the information that battlelog provides a server admin. It just can't be done right now.

Of the rest listed, we can do the spambot fairly easily (plug-in is already installed). Admins will need to read up on the in-game admins commands for themselves, if they want to use them instead of procon.

I need to finish getting everyone their procon layer accounts, but to do so, I need all of the admins current battlelog names.
I can't reiterate enough that reserved slots are currently not possible. Chapel can explain the details, but the TL;DR version is that there is no way to create a plug-in for reserved slots using the information that battlelog provides a server admin. It just can't be done right now.

Of the rest listed, we can do the spambot fairly easily (plug-in is already installed). Admins will need to read up on the in-game admins commands for themselves, if they want to use them instead of procon.

I need to finish getting everyone their procon layer accounts, but to do so, I need all of the admins current battlelog names.

good point about the reserved slot plugin. We'll just nee poeple to join us on mumble so they can let us know to drop a random when they want to get in.



good point about the reserved slot plugin. We'll just nee poeple to join us on mumble so they can let us know to drop a random when they want to get in.


What was the bit.ly link to the rules again?

(or whichever URL shortening service you were using)
GAF Admins (those whose e-mail I have, at least), check your email. We're gonna use a Google Group for our discussions. Sorry for the switch, but this should help us stay organized.


About time I see the GAF server somewhat full!

Jumping in right now.

i've never seen it full and it's always set for 4-6 players only which is why no one plays ever.

found an awesome server that has under 50ms pings and is always filled day and night. rotates between rush ad conquest on all maps. tonight i saw a new hack, some guy named |||z3r0||| had something that was killing everyone on the opposing team as soon as they spawned.


i've never seen it full and it's always set for 4-6 players only which is why no one plays ever.

found an awesome server that has under 50ms pings and is always filled day and night. rotates between rush ad conquest on all maps. tonight i saw a new hack, some guy named |||z3r0||| had something that was killing everyone on the opposing team as soon as they spawned.

What's the link of that server?


This actually helps get the server populated--it's a plugin.

To expand on that:

The plug-in works by dynamically raising the maximum amount of players in the server, to basically game the quick join system. Quick join works by filling up servers that are already almost nearing capacity. So if you are at 4 max, and you have 2 players, it will see that it's 50% full and send quick joiners your way. When you hit 3, it will go up to 6, and so on and so forth until 64 players have joined the server.

It seems like the server being kind of empty is a self fulfilling prophecy at this point. People see that no one is in there, so they don't join, causing no one to be in there. We've got to get over that hump (hopefully Karkand will help).

Is everyone kind of agreed on switching 100% to Karkand for a while after it launches?


To expand on that:

The plug-in works by dynamically raising the maximum amount of players in the server, to basically game the quick join system. Quick join works by filling up servers that are already almost nearing capacity. So if you are at 4 max, and you have 2 players, it will see that it's 50% full and send quick joiners your way. When you hit 3, it will go up to 6, and so on and so forth until 64 players have joined the server.

It seems like the server being kind of empty is a self fulfilling prophecy at this point. People see that no one is in there, so they don't join, causing no one to be in there. We've got to get over that hump (hopefully Karkand will help).

Is everyone kind of agreed on switching 100% to Karkand for a while after it launches?

Yes karkand. At least for a week


By Karkand you mean the 4 maps, not just karkand correct? If so yes.

Is it at all possible to modify the plugin to only increase to certain intervals: 4/8/12/16/20/24/32/48/64


By Karkand you mean the 4 maps, not just karkand correct? If so yes.

Is it at all possible to modify the plugin to only increase to certain intervals: 4/8/12/16/24/32/48/64

Yes but now that you mention it, 24/7 Wake Island 1000tix knife only no vehicles.


By Karkand you mean the 4 maps, not just karkand correct? If so yes.

Is it at all possible to modify the plugin to only increase to certain intervals: 4/8/12/16/20/24/32/48/64

Sure it's possible. Not sure why we'd do it though, since it wouldn't effectively work the quick join system to our advantage.

Oh, and yeah, all the Karkand maps.


Sure it's possible. Not sure why we'd do it though, since it wouldn't effectively work the quick join system to our advantage.

Oh, and yeah, all the Karkand maps.

What about modifying ticket counts? Not right away for Karkand, but we should know by the end of tuesday if the maps play better with higher ticket count.


He was thinking maybe not everybody likes normal mode? Pretty simple thought really, but that's just me.

I can handle both modes, but options are good.

I figured there was no reason to have two servers with identical setups. You're just jealous that my server is almost full. :p


I figured there was no reason to have two servers with identical setups. You're just jealous that my server is almost full. :p

I love it so keep it going. I used to play only normal but now I've learned to love HC even more since it takes away a lot of the BS. The only thing I hate about HC is the poor people in the air can never see ground targets without the spotting without flying 10 feet off the ground.

Question about the other server: Does it scale to how many people are in there? I keep seeing it say 4/8, 10/14, etc. for player counts and it's confused me and stopped me from going in there a lot of times. If I didn't know and just saw that in the browser, then I'd go to another 64 player server after seeing the low player count. I'm a little confused and just my opinion. :D
Trying to get some seeding going on the Alpha server, join up! 10 peeps and rising!

EDIT: Grabbing a bite to eat, will be on within an hour.

EDIT EDIT: Bah, everyone's gone. I installed the Insane Balancer, which will autobalance during a round based on last player to join, and balance at the end of the round based on SPM, while keeping squads intact. Let one of the admins know if things start acting strange--with an empty server, I can't really test.
HC 1000 Ticket servers are no good for GAF nights. First, think about what kind of servers to GAFers join when they are playing BF3PC regularly? 1000 Ticket servers (HC or not) are usually populated by those who are grinding weapons/vehicles/kits, exploiting the game's weaknesses for points (camping, vehicle whoring,etc), and are the favorite place for hackers/griefers to test/grief because they are always full with targets.

They may keep our server populated during the day but they BREED the wrong kind of gameplay and BRING the wrong kind of players when instead: GAF would like to relax and "have fun" playing BF3.

I'll explain more in detail tomorrow if anyone is curious because I have to go to bed now. :)


AM I too late!!!!????

Seriously...... couldn't seed alpha on a friday? I am disappoint =(

I will not let this happen tomorrow night......

EDIT: Side note, support is drunk mode. Awesomesauce.
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