Visually, Flood Zone doens't look all that exciting. It looks REALLY fun though.
Levelcap is also insanely good at Battlefield.
Levelcap is also insanely good at Battlefield.
The wait for the PS4 footage from Jack is killing me, lol.
he just wrote on reddit that he cant upload it
has to wait till october 29
he also wrote that one of them definitely looks better than the other (x1 and ps4)
Visually, Flood Zone doens't look all that exciting. It looks REALLY fun though.
Levelcap is also insanely good at Battlefield.
he just wrote on reddit that he cant upload it
has to wait till october 29
he also wrote that one of them definitely looks better than the other (x1 and ps4)
he just wrote on reddit that he cant upload it
has to wait till october 29
he also wrote that one of them definitely looks better than the other (x1 and ps4)
You'd think with X1 having an exclusive at launch that it would be the one that would look better. But if that was true they would've purposely gimped the PS4 version
Can you link that if it isn't too much trouble? Navigating reddit to find something is like finding a needle in a haystack.
he just wrote on reddit that he cant upload it
has to wait till october 29
he also wrote that one of them definitely looks better than the other (x1 and ps4)
Visually, Flood Zone doens't look all that exciting. It looks REALLY fun though.
Levelcap is also insanely good at Battlefield.
Somebody help me out on my logic.
Both NFS rivals and BF4 are powered by FB3.
Rivals is shown this week to look the same on PS4 and PC. At 30fps.
Is it safe to assume that BF4 will look very close to the PC running at 60fps? Or will ps4 take a significant visual downgrade to get it running at 60fps? I guess goes for Xboxone too.
Somebody help me out on my logic.
Both NFS rivals and BF4 are powered by FB3.
Rivals is shown this week to look the same on PS4 and PC. At 30fps.
Is it safe to assume that BF4 will look very close to the PC running at 60fps? Or will ps4 take a significant visual downgrade to get it running at 60fps? I guess goes for Xboxone too.
Link to videos of ALL the games maps.
Link to videos of ALL the games maps.
In before TheSeks says that Flood Zone is the worst map ever
Im not gonna watch any new maps vids... wanna experience them on mah PS4 :3No, that's still Metro which was a good idea on paper but in practice bad.
I'm going to have to watch the Jackfrags video later or wait a few days. I'm trying to go in blind before I rate the maps but I did look at the "Levolution" (ugh) moment on that map and it's kinda underwhelming, yeah. But at least you don't die from it like you would bailing from the Skyscraper in Seige of Shanghai if you were jumping out RIGHT as it started to collapse.
Confirmed.So, is there any word on them providing an option for BF3 vehicle controls?
I haven't noticed this before, do the maps have less of a deadzone in conquest 64?
In other words, are they bigger?
he just wrote on reddit that he cant upload it
has to wait till october 29
he also wrote that one of them definitely looks better than the other (x1 and ps4)
Have only let myself see Shanghai and Flood Zone, the rest I'm going dark on until release day.
So, is there any word on them providing an option for BF3 vehicle controls?
I like that when you sneak up behind someone and knife them, there is actually an animation of stealing the dog tags off their neck. That is hilarious.
Although apparently that was in BF3, as well, and I just never noticed it.
Milennia said:I haven't noticed this before, do the maps have less of a deadzone in conquest 64?
In other words, are they bigger?
I'll watch any multiplayer footage I can find, I'm only trying to save myself from spoilers on the single player campaign.
Jack Frags video has much nicer visuals, as well as being a slightly better player, imo. Both videos are amazing and I am thoroughly impressed by the map. Looks like so much fun.
I think LevelCap is better with vehicles, and JackFrags is a better shot.
No, that's still Metro which was a good idea on paper but in practice bad.
I'm going to have to watch the Jackfrags video later or wait a few days. I'm trying to go in blind before I rate the maps but I did look at the "Levolution" (ugh) moment on that map and it's kinda underwhelming, yeah. But at least you don't die from it like you would bailing from the Skyscraper in Seige of Shanghai if you were jumping out RIGHT as it started to collapse.
Hey guys! This dude cares about the singleplayer!
*everyone laughs at antitrop*
I'll watch any multiplayer footage I can find, I'm only trying to save myself from spoilers on the single player campaign.
Modern Military Shooters are my favorite genre in video games.
It's too bad the campaigns always suck ass. Only CoD4 and Spec Ops have really impressed me in the last half-decade or so. I enjoyed MW2, as well, even if not as much as MW1.
BF3, MW3, and MoH: W being the lowlights of the last few years. I at least hope that BF4 will be better than BF3, which isn't very difficult.
Levolution is a pretty big deal on Flood Zone. The boats don't spawn until you trigger it. And it seals off a lot of passages, as well as open up new ones.
Modern Military Shooters are my favorite genre in video games.
It's too bad the campaigns always suck ass. Only CoD4 and Spec Ops have really impressed me in the last half-decade or so. I enjoyed MW2, as well, even if not as much as MW1.
BF3, MW3, and MoH: W being the lowlights of the last few years. I at least hope that BF4 will be better than BF3, which isn't very difficult.
Actually being able to go underwater in Battlefield is so insane. One of my favorite additions to BF4.
The way they mentioned it in the feedback made it sound more like they wanted to just inform people that the Veteran layout is similar to BF3's, not that they've actually changed anything since the beta.Confirmed.
They made a post about the Beta changes, and this was one of 'em.
But at least you don't die from it like you would bailing from the Skyscraper in Seige of Shanghai if you were jumping out RIGHT as it started to collapse.
If something like that actually happened in real life, that would be a story that would get you free drinks at the bar for the rest of your life.I think they should fix that. Standing on top of a collapsing building shouldn't kill you. You should be able to stay on top and ride it down. If you're still standing when it hits the ground, I can understand the game killing you. But you should be able to jump into the air halfway down to engage your parachute.
Usually the Conquest Large versions of the maps have an extra 1-4 flags spread out across parts of the map that are otherwise out of bounds in the Conquest Small versions like in the videos.
For example. Operation Locker will probably be a grind fest in conquest small. But here is the Conquest Large version (supposedly)
"It's in the cards." - DICE
AKA: Don't hold your breath.
It was in BF3. It was hard to see on consoles but on PC it's able to be seen easily above the 720p resolution. I think there's even snapshots that players have done where they have the dogtags in hand photos.
Yes. Maps zones are extended by a bit to add 2 flags (generally for BF3, dunno about BF4) for "Conquest Large."
Consoles/Conquest: 3-4 flags
Conquest Large/PC only "mode": 4-6 flags.
Hey guys! This dude cares about the singleplayer!
*everyone laughs at antitrop*
Usually the Conquest Large versions of the maps have an extra 1-4 flags spread out across parts of the map that are otherwise out of bounds in the Conquest Small versions like in the videos.
For example. Operation Locker will probably be a grind fest in conquest small. But here is the Conquest Large version (supposedly)
If something like that actually happened in real life, that would be a story that would get you free drinks at the bar for the rest of your life.
If something like that actually happened in real life, that would be a story that would get you free drinks at the bar for the rest of your life.
Probably get you a prison sentence if you just happened to be standing on top of a building wearing a parachute when it got destroyed.
Yeah, you wouldn't survive, but I wish they wouldn't just randomly kill you even if you're just standing in the proximity of the building. But I guess the day DICE implements proper physics in multiplayer is the day they'll actually make a decent singleplayer.If something like that actually happened in real life, that would be a story that would get you free drinks at the bar for the rest of your life.
I think they should fix that. Standing on top of a collapsing building shouldn't kill you. You should be able to stay on top and ride it down. If you're still standing when it hits the ground, I can understand the game killing you. But you should be able to jump into the air halfway down to engage your parachute.