I hate to ask this type of question, but does anyone know how a Phenom II X4 955/560ti w/ 4GB of RAM will run this game? What settings can I expect to run BF4 on, and what should I be looking at upgrading first (component wise)?
My updated web plugin for Battle Log just doesn't install at all or Battle Log doesn't recognize that I have installed it. Anyone have a solution? Tried googling tons of answers, but nothing is working.
I had that exact issue and im on windows 8.1. The solution for me was to disable windows defender, after i did that it let me install it and play a game. I just switched it back on when i was in game.
My updated web plugin for Battle Log just doesn't install at all or Battle Log doesn't recognize that I have installed it. Anyone have a solution? Tried googling tons of answers, but nothing is working.
All this talk about Locker when Zavod is easily one of the worst maps in Battlefield history .
Is there a page in this thread with some gameplay and equipment tips? I've checked with little success.
If not, has anyone played enough to have some good advice?
Currently my assault kit has defib and health packs equipped. I just found out that holding the trigger charges the defibrillator more for more health.On what? I've been playing a ton of obliteration so I'll just give you two cents from my experience
If you're playing operation locker on obliteration, go assault and have a defibrillator. The only way you will ever deliver a bomb is if you keep your fellows alive and not constantly respawning.
For Obliteration on maps with vehicles, if you can manage to get your bomber in the helicopter: Do it, even if you suck at landing. Never let the bomber try to cross a map on foot, it never works.
Can someone explain to me why I can't switch the trigger buttons? I want to aim and shoot with L1/R1. Why is this not an option?
Currently my assault kit has defib and health packs equipped. I just found out that holding the trigger charges the defibrillator more for more health.
Anyone know, got some help?
Currently my assault kit has defib and health packs equipped. I just found out that holding the trigger charges the defibrillator more for more health.
This has probably been mentioned but there's a 1 bullet kill bug present at least in the PC version.
This has probably been mentioned but there's a 1 bullet kill bug present at least in the PC version.
I only have the scar h unlocked right now. I've been trying to unlock the basic equipment for each class before working on guns. Needed mines and the stinger as engineer. Would like to unlock the spawn beacon for recon, but that is the class I play least. I'll probably have time to play more this weekend. It would go so much faster if I could actually get in a squad with friends list people, but haven't managed it yet.Yeah same here, but I normally just default to defibing the guy quick, then throwing a medpack. Whenever I try to do a full charge I get my face shot off. Going with difib and heal pack only does get kinda awkward when you're running away from vehicles, which considering I'm constantly using assault atm, that's all the time. What assault rifles are you finding useful? So far my best experiences have been with the Sar and M4 but they don't seem to quite pack the punch I'd like.
Yeah same here, but I normally just default to defibing the guy quick, then throwing a medpack. Whenever I try to do a full charge I get my face shot off. Going with difib and heal pack only does get kinda awkward when you're running away from vehicles, which considering I'm constantly using assault atm, that's all the time. What assault rifles are you finding useful? So far my best experiences have been with the Sar and M4 but they don't seem to quite pack the punch I'd like.
I hate to ask this type of question, but does anyone know how a Phenom II X4 955/560ti w/ 4GB of RAM will run this game? What settings can I expect to run BF4 on, and what should I be looking at upgrading first (component wise)?
Is there some sort of double XP going on right now on pS4? I'm getting bonus points every match.
This has probably been mentioned but there's a 1 bullet kill bug present at least in the PC version.
Does anyone know if there has been any amd driver updates in the past month for this game? It's still laggy and I still get crashes frequently.
Does the Xbox One version work?
"NEED ONLY ONE"'s busted. Did the C4, DMR, and Shotgun 3 times and it doesn't show up in Battlelog.
Guess I have to get the sniper ribbons first when the other stuff didn't require that.
Obliteration is easily the game mode I'm enjoying the most and nonetheless on Locker! Just love using the XM25 on that map.
To be fair, hes crashed twice and we should probably wait for the servers to get crushed before concluding.
"NEED ONLY ONE"'s busted. Did the C4, DMR, and Shotgun 3 times and it doesn't show up in Battlelog.
Guess I have to get the sniper ribbons first when the other stuff didn't require that.
Works for me, got the l96.
I've crashed more this morning than all other days combined.
Also, what are the chevrons that are on the server list for?
Those indicate the server type: Official, Custom, Ranked.
Jackfrags' assessment of Second Assault:
Metro and Caspian are good updates, good changes to make them feel different
Firestorm is basically the same map, a bit "lazy"
Oman was already a good map, also "lazy"
Meh. Looking forward to China Rising.
Jackfrags' assessment of Second Assault:
Firestorm is basically the same map, a bit "lazy"