64 player conquest working on ps4 now
I'm pleased that PS4 players now have the opporutnity to finally engage in 64 player Conquest...
...only to discover that NOT ONE SINGLE Conquest map in BF4 was designed with 64 players in mind.
I'm pleased that PS4 players now have the opportunity to finally engage in 64 player Conquest...
...only to discover that NOT ONE SINGLE Conquest map in BF4 was designed with 64 players in mind.
Rogue Transmission?
PS4 BF4 has become awesome for me now
Jackfrags' assessment of Second Assault:
Metro and Caspian are good updates, good changes to make them feel different
Firestorm is basically the same map, a bit "lazy"
Oman was already a good map, also "lazy"
Meh. Looking forward to China Rising.
>>64 player maps<<
Not really, at best Golmud Railway could be decent as a 64 player map ( oh and Shangai I guess ). Thought it really lack cover for infantry ( thought less than Transmission ).Rogue Transmission?
Fuck yes! I'm not leaving the couch all weekend
did they seriously remove the ability to form a squad prior to joining a server? Why on earth would they think that was a good idea?
coupled with broken queues its impossible to get my friends into a game with me without joining a nearly empty server
I bought the ps4 and am upgrafing with the $10 upgrade and its taking forever to install the multiplayer. Been an hour and its only at 43%. Is this normal?
My updated web plugin for Battle Log just doesn't install at all or Battle Log doesn't recognize that I have installed it. Anyone have a solution? Tried googling tons of answers, but nothing is working.
Not really, at best Golmud Railway could be decent as a 64 player map ( oh and Shangai I guess ). Thought it really lack cover for infantry ( thought less than Transmission ).
The whole thing screams lazy to me, but I think that was the point. They wanted to get content out quickly, and recycling maps from the same engine is the best way.
Man, I don't remember the last game that had this amount of crashing. I was only able to finish maybe 5 rounds from 3 pm to Midnight. This is getting beyond frustrating, especially since BF4 fixed a lot of what I didn't like in 3 and I actually want to play!
The Planetside 2 Alpha crashed less than this.
I meant for Galmud, I find Galmud and transmission to mostly be grinder because you always have to move without cover ( heck I can't even like Transmission at 48player because you are only meat for tank and sniper in that map ).Also dont understand the lack of cover for infantry on Shanghai. Infantry dominate vehicles on the map with so many angles of attack possible.
Basically this, is double XP still happening too? I'm ready to just leave work with a sudden flu.
It's 33gigs, took me quite a fair bit of time to download to the extent of being able to play multiplayer.
This has probably been mentioned but there's a 1 bullet kill bug present at least in the PC version.
This has probably been mentioned but there's a 1 bullet kill bug present at least in the PC version.
How? It doesnt look like an easy to spot bug.That is just fucking insanely stupid...
I saw that vid tweeted by a DICE dev so im sure they're gonna fix it.
How? It doesnt look like an easy to spot bug.
Could be hitboxes, could be server sync, weapon config. A bunch of stuff.
I'm in three closed alphas/betas right now and they are far more stable than this.
The next PC update is in the works, and we are tracking to fix a few items you have given us feedback on.
Specifically, we are looking at the Commander EMP blur effect that you have noticed, as well as the intermittent sound bug that happens most frequently on the Golmud Railway map.
While we don’t have a solid date for this patch just yet, we just wanted to let you know some of the things we’re looking at right now (besides increasing stability overall.)
Finally, Youtuber jackfrags sent us a great video where he demonstrates the so-called ”1 shot kill bug” [youtube.com], where it looks like weapons sometimes deal too much damage (although the real issue might be more complex.) We are reproducing this bug and working to fix it as soon as possible.
Stay tuned to the Battlefield 4 Control Room for more updates as they happen.
Haven't been able to check all morning but how are Xbox One users experiences?
Is there a Party system?
Does Conquest work?
How does it run?
At least they acknowledge the 1-hit kill problem and don't go all "its a feature!" on us.There is now a Control Center section on the Battlelog forums with subsections for each version of the game : PC, PS3/360 and PS4/Xbone. Each contains updates on what the devs are doing/working on.
From the PC section :
2 hours total now and its only at 53%. 2k installed in about 30 minutes and its >40gb. Is it a battlefield issue or is it my ps4? This is just the install, I had it download last night.
If you plan on playing a lot, then without a doubt.Alright Gaf I know a lot of you are having issues and whatever but my limited time spent with BF4 on my X1 last night was glorious. I'm seriously considering Premium...is it worth it?
Just the fact that it shipped with that atrocious sound bug that cuts out during certain maps at a near 100% chance is something that should absolutely have failed submission. The crashes (and more frustrating, the low fps dips and macro-stuttering that almost result in a crash) are just terrible on top of awful.
F-- would fail 1st party submission under normal conditions. Really unprofessional work.
Numbers have dramatically dwindled on PS4, I wonder if Dice has lost them
PC numbers continue to be very impressive
Currently online players:
You are correct, it says 26gb/34gb. Guess it installs the rest while downloading. Good thing I have unlimited internet. I hope other downloadable games don't take this long in the future.
Thank you very much.