What does it take to get the Veteran items? I should have Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 tied to my account, but the Vet items remain locked. I got the M1911 in Battlefield 3 though, and that was supposed to be a Veteran reward.
Is it just some launch issue again?
Here's my emblem.[/QUOTE]
It's bugged, and not yet fixed, so your best bet is to wait 'til they think it's fixed.
Thats a mighty twisted and bullshit recollection there bud. Might work in some places, but here on the internet, the words are pasted right there on the screen to be seen by all, so you're not gonna pull no wool over anybody's eyes like that. Lord. lolThen I came up with a way to get BF4 for a mere $25 at any retailer on Black Friday. Then one dude was like, "that's immoral! Why would you buy the PS3 version!" I simply pointed out that I can easily buy the PS3 version with the intent of going the upgrade path which would have cost me $35 in the end. What did that guy do? "Wahh he insulted me!" What, are you all 8 to 12 years old? Get over it guys.
Thats a mighty twisted and bullshit recollection there bud. Might work in some places, but here on the internet, the words are pasted right there on the screen to be seen by all, so you're not gonna pull no wool over anybody's eyes like that. Lord. lol
ANYWAYS, yes, I only have BF3 to compare to, but I think that BF4 is the bees knees. Really enjoying the maps, apart from maybe 64 player Locker.
A veteran post.
Reminds me of Over
Patch date is still just a nebulous, "this week", right?
It still needs some work, but its gotten a lot better. I wouldn't call it 'fucked' anymore, at least. Quite playable.Hi,
I'm stopping by the Battlefield 4 GAF thread to ask:
Is this game still fucked on the PC?
I'm stopping by the Battlefield 4 GAF thread to ask:
Is this game still fucked on the PC?
It still needs some work, but its gotten a lot better. I wouldn't call it 'fucked' anymore, at least. Quite playable.
It is fucked on every platform, but yes.
It is still crashing daily for a lot of people in this thread, there are multiple balance-breaking glitches, and the net-code is still far from ideal.
But yeah, this netcode is atrociously bad. The only consolation I've found thus far is that Battlelog on PC shows ping, so if you join a server from your PC you can try and mitigate the damage.
You are correct. Turn your network interpolation down and play on <35 ping servers and you will have a significantly better experience.
Is everyone else having the "Erasing saves" problem or is it just me?
You are correct. Turn your network interpolation down and play on <35 ping servers and you will have a significantly better experience.
FWIW, I found best results, for me, with it set to 10. 0 causes too much animation jittering.
I'm Hearing there is an Origin bug for BF4 on PS4?
Are these stutters on 64 man servers for the next gen consoles a server issue or console issue? I'm hoping it is the former...
When will the China Rising DLC be available to premium members? I'm on PS4.
December 3rd all platforms, and Premium Members have two weeks exclusivity.
Note: If you pre-ordered the game and received China Rising, you were gifted a 'Premium Copy.' Theoretically, you should have access on Dec 3rd as well.
The M136 CS is a pretty useless battle pickup, but this time it was useful
The M136 CS is a pretty useless battle pickup, but this time it was useful
I'm stopping by the Battlefield 4 GAF thread to ask:
Is this game still fucked on the PC?
Pop-in on the PS4... found on r/battlefield_4
Pop-in on the PS4... found on r/battlefield_4
Pop-in on the PS4... found on r/battlefield_4
Pop-in on the PS4... found on r/battlefield_4
Pop-in on the PS4... found on r/battlefield_4
Battlefield developer DICE apparently posted on a Facebook discussion that there are no plans to add squads at main menu. In the discussion a fan asks when it will be added. DICE then replies they felt it detracts from the game and have no plans to add it because of the new auto - squad feature they added. Basically when you join a game it auto squads you when you join that team.
On PS4 this doesnt work or am i oblivious to it.
Leveling in this game is so slow. It has to be at least twice as slow at BF3. Bullshit microtransaction future.
Uh, maybe not? Where do you manage those?Really? I'm a decent player and I'm level 42. It feels much faster than BF3 thanks to the XP boosts. Are you using your boosts?