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Battlefield 4 |OT2| Is it fixed yet?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

:/ :\ :/ :\ :/ :| Not really. I'm not enthused by going back to the World Wars. Plus, there is no gameplay shown. And I have no clue if they actually listened to Rush players complaints and will have better map designs. :|

I'm completely luke warm for a main-line DICE-DICE built Battlefield for once. Which is just crazy. In fact the setting has me going and messing about with my Steam copy (despite owning the Origin version as well) of BF2 to see if I can get that running and going through the ranks of that over pre-ordering "Battlefield 1." Crazy.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I'm pretty stoked. Glad they went against the tide of future shooters. Been longing to see a AAA take on those properly gritty settings.

Wonder if/how horseback combat is going to work.
:/ :\ :/ :\ :/ :| Not really. I'm not enthused by going back to the World Wars. Plus, there is no gameplay shown. And I have no clue if they actually listened to Rush players complaints and will have better map designs. :|

I'm completely luke warm for a main-line DICE-DICE built Battlefield for once. Which is just crazy. In fact the setting has me going and messing about with my Steam copy (despite owning the Origin version as well) of BF2 to see if I can get that running and going through the ranks of that over pre-ordering "Battlefield 1." Crazy.

i was being punny


Battlefield Juan.

I'm pretty pumped for it. I was just praying it wasn't modern or future. No more lock on missiles or bullshit like UCAVs.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Dragon's Teeth is also free 'til Tuesday. You get to keep it and all that. It's not the best map pack, but it's something.


I just tried getting into this on PC (played it a bit on PS4, always liked 3 more though) and I'm just absolute garbage. I feel like I can't move without getting killed immediately. Never had this issue with 3, but it's turned me off of 4 both times I've tried getting into it. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I just tried getting into this on PC (played it a bit on PS4, always liked 3 more though) and I'm just absolute garbage. I feel like I can't move without getting killed immediately. Never had this issue with 3, but it's turned me off of 4 both times I've tried getting into it. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

You're new and you don't quite know the maps, weapons, or general strategies. Keep your head on straight, maybe stick with your team and try support roles before offensive roles.

You're up against some folks who have been playing this for two and a half years.


You're new and you don't quite know the maps, weapons, or general strategies. Keep your head on straight, maybe stick with your team and try support roles before offensive roles.

You're up against some folks who have been playing this for two and a half years.

Is there a nice all in one getting started guide somewhere?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Is there a nice all in one getting started guide somewhere?

1. Smash that Q button
2. Throw out your fucking kit items.
3. Go for the objectives.
4. ????????

Yes. Most people stick to playing vanilla maps nowadays and they're pretty good.

Even then, rumors are circulating that EA/DICE are planning to release the others over the next few weeks/months for Hardflop and BF4. We'll see. I bought Hardflop's DLC on Origin and am waiting to see how that pans out. Watch them pull a Titanflop and just make the Premium edition of those the new $20 price making them giving these out for free redundant.


Is there a nice all in one getting started guide somewhere?

There are some good ones out there on Youtube.

However, first thing first is that you should stick with your squad (the guys in green) at all times. You will learn a lot just by following them and helping them out.
Just bought it and am downloading all the expansions.

The quick match menu is a bit of a mess.

Can someone tell me which of the 20+ options I choose to get into official conquest rotations of all maps including DLC?

Thanks a lot!! :)
Man I haven't played BF4 in like 6 months... will give it a try later. I've been playing The Division only, over 200 hours in that thing already :p


Just bought it and am downloading all the expansions.

The quick match menu is a bit of a mess.

Can someone tell me which of the 20+ options I choose to get into official conquest rotations of all maps including DLC?

Thanks a lot!! :)

Large Scale Battles includes Conquest Large maps from vanilla and all the DLC.

Also why are the top three orange options bringing up a DLC menu when I'm already a premium person. I'm so confused.

Make sure you download all the DLC. On PSN you have to go to the store and manually download each DLC, I'm pretty sure it works like that on XBL too (not sure if it works like that on Origin tho).
Even then, rumors are circulating that EA/DICE are planning to release the others over the next few weeks/months for Hardflop and BF4. We'll see. I bought Hardflop's DLC on Origin and am waiting to see how that pans out. Watch them pull a Titanflop and just make the Premium edition of those the new $20 price making them giving these out for free redundant.
Rumors? They say exactly on their blog post.
What are people's favourite guns?

I want to love the g36c but it's just so weak. I find vehicles OP against javelins (they've unlimited smokes / jammers just by hiding behind a hill then coming back) etc so absolutely no point rocking engineer.

Which assault rifle would you say is best?

Make sure you download all the DLC. On PSN you have to go to the store and manually download each DLC, I'm pretty sure it works like that on XBL too (not sure if it works like that on Origin tho).

Figuring out what to buy in a AAA game and how to download it all is such a weirdly confusing process.


Is anyone else having issues on Xbox one? Server list is showing all the wrong information and games are laggy.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Rumors? They say exactly on their blog post.

Then what was the point of buying Premium? I could've just waited two years and gotten the damn weapons for free. :/ They honestly should just do free map packs all over. Splitting the base hasn't helped them out at all and Premium isn't really worth it beyond the 2XP weekends.
Getting back into the action after not playing since China Rising. Battlelog lists me as a Premium soldier, how ever I can't install any of the DLC packs outside the ones that are currently free for everyone. it tries to make me purchase them. Is this a common issue or am I just really lucky?


Getting back into the action after not playing since China Rising. Battlelog lists me as a Premium soldier, how ever I can't install any of the DLC packs outside the ones that are currently free for everyone. it tries to make me purchase them. Is this a common issue or am I just really lucky?
Try buying them still, they may be listed as zero dollars. I've had that issue in the past.
Then what was the point of buying Premium? I could've just waited two years and gotten the damn weapons for free. :/ They honestly should just do free map packs all over. Splitting the base hasn't helped them out at all and Premium isn't really worth it beyond the 2XP weekends.

playing the maps 2 years ago is the point.

and yes, all maps free from the start would be great for the player base.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
playing the maps 2 years ago is the point.

Yes, I know. My point/joking was that it was a waste of $60 when I could've waited 2 years, been late to the expansions (since NOBODY plays them on the modes I play on PC) and saved $60. :p
yeah they need to make the premium maps free everyone now so I can actually play the Premium playlists

I say this as someone who's had premium since day 1

and holy hell I still haven't unlocked the f2000 :(


yeah they need to make the premium maps free everyone now so I can actually play the Premium playlists

I say this as someone who's had premium since day 1

and holy hell I still haven't unlocked the f2000 :(

Yeah, there are still many Premium maps that I've yet to play due to server availability.


If on PS4 or Xbox you can just use the Airburst and Incendiary Grenades to get the assists really fast.

If on PC I imagine most servers ban those tho.
A light machine gun with a large clip and tossing C4 bricks around usually does the trick for me on Metro.
Does the PS4 version still have a bunch of players? Thinking about picking this up on PS4, last time I played was like 1st month when this game came out on PC. That BF1 hype is getting me lol


Does the PS4 version still have a bunch of players? Thinking about picking this up on PS4, last time I played was like 1st month when this game came out on PC. That BF1 hype is getting me lol
It's still extremely active. Tons of full servers running pretty much any time of the day.

How do i get premium for free on xbox? its trying to charge me!
Premium is not free.

The Final Stand DLC will be free starting on the 18th, this Wednesday. The Dragon's Teeth DLC they were giving away is not available for free anymore. That was up May 3rd through May 10th.


Does the PS4 version still have a bunch of players? Thinking about picking this up on PS4, last time I played was like 1st month when this game came out on PC. That BF1 hype is getting me lol

Pick it up. The community will continue to be active until BF1 hits. Even then I suspect it will live longer.
Does the PS4 version still have a bunch of players? Thinking about picking this up on PS4, last time I played was like 1st month when this game came out on PC. That BF1 hype is getting me lol

Player count is actually higher than usual.

According to BF4stats.com (which isn't official), there's been 50,000 unique players in the last 24 hours. That's more than the usual 35,000 or so for the past several months.

It's a great community.
Player count is actually higher than usual.

According to BF4stats.com (which isn't official), there's been 50,000 unique players in the last 24 hours. That's more than the usual 35,000 or so for the past several months.

It's a great community.

Still the best MP out there this gen with halo5 imo.
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