I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has unloaded full clips into people only for it not to register and that I'm not going crazy.
Am I the only one to have almost no issues with this game other than that? Seriously, I fucking love this game, so much so that I'm even considering shelling out the money for Battlefield Premium, and I usually don't even consider purchasing things such as Season Passes and such. (I didn't even do it for Battlefield 3, a game which I enjoyed but not quite as much as I'm enjoying BF4.) I got this game for Christmas with my PS4, so I'd imagine many of the launch kinks are probably worked out by now, but still. Yes, I have had some crashes (3 I believe) but 2 of those were in campaign (which I surprisingly enjoyed for what it is), and a friend of mine also experienced having his campaign data wiped, but overall, my experience with this game so far has been so overwhelmingly positive that it's been very easy for me (and my previously mentioned friend) to overlook the problems that this game has, as they overall haven't affected my actual ability to enjoy this wonderful game. After having already logged over a day's worth of gameplay to the online multiplayer, it's still a blast to me. I really enjoy the overall sandbox they've developed, as well as the overall look & feel of the game. It's the game that really says to me "next-gen has arrived" from both a gameplay and graphics perspective.