Battlefield V |OT| EA (doesn't) want YOU!

all alleged "campers" in this video was support class players with LMG, MG.... it's a normal thing for them to prone..... for most big LMG is a must. The question is what will this moron tell us with that video?
That Supports players playing like for this class intended?

Or that in BF5 only 1% camp vs. COD MW Grundwar 99% campers heaven.... + reddots hunting + 100% of the time killstreaks..
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I don't mind Levelcap but heck all of the BFV / EA gamechanger guys have been trying their best to shill this game but DICE just keep letting them down, I think they are starting to realize the the game is a flop.
The only one I trust is JackFrags and he’s obviously not liking it nor liking the direction the game took
I don't mind Levelcap but heck all of the BFV / EA gamechanger guys have been trying their best to shill this game but DICE just keep letting them down, I think they are starting to realize the the game is a flop.

It is but the base gameplay is good, I mean if it had the map support that BF4 or BF1 did then it would be perfectly fine.

I mean China Rising was released within 3 months of BF4's launch and all subsequent expansions were released within a 3 month time period with the exception of Final Stand which took half a year. But Final Stand was really, really fucking good and had some of the best maps out of all of the expansions.

Even BF1 had way better support with new maps introduced far quicker. They Shall not pass had four maps and was released within 6 months of BF1's release date. In less than six months BF1 had five large scale maps added. Within 1 year it had eleven maps because In The Name of the Tsar had six maps.

Yet here we are with BFV and all we've gotten is three large scale maps and BF1 had eleven in the same time frame.

The lack of maps to start with plus the lack of maps added has been absolutely abysmal.
The only one I trust is JackFrags and he’s obviously not liking it nor liking the direction the game took
JackFrags, Levelcap, Matimio they are all the same, they will always play whatever they are sponsored to play and not say one thing critical(its probably in the clauses they sign). Only after the fact it will be the worst game eva!


JackFrags, Levelcap, Matimio they are all the same, they will always play whatever they are sponsored to play and not say one thing critical(its probably in the clauses they sign). Only after the fact it will be the worst game eva!
I don’t watch LevelCap but JF always criticises what he doesn’t like and so does Matimio. JF criticises BFV a lot and Matimio does that too especially in Siege..
I don’t watch LevelCap but JF always criticises what he doesn’t like and so does Matimio. JF criticises BFV a lot and Matimio does that too especially in Siege..
Fair enough, they might have changed since I last watched them, but I remember their BFV EA Sponsored videos.
Well there is some things BFV does better. There's no nade spam like BF1 nor mortar spam. There's no stupid drone spam like BF4 where people are tossing drones in the main spawn area racking up kills completely protected.

The map support just wasn't there.

The whole "build shit and defenses" was a terrible fucking idea though that really disrupts the flow of the game. It can start matches off way too lopsided if too many people hang back and make late game come backs way too hard.

edit: In theory building defenses works if everyone is on the same page but in situations with randoms it just makes the game far worse.
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Neo Member
I don't own Battlefield V but I'm excited for this new map pack as I loved these maps in the past.
Sorry for maybe asking a dumb question but I'm thinking about getting EA Access to try out the new NFS and Star Wars games.
Will I get BFV and the Pacific Map Pack included in EA access?
If so I think that will persuade me to get it.


I don't own Battlefield V but I'm excited for this new map pack as I loved these maps in the past.
Sorry for maybe asking a dumb question but I'm thinking about getting EA Access to try out the new NFS and Star Wars games.
Will I get BFV and the Pacific Map Pack included in EA access?
If so I think that will persuade me to get it.

It's included and battlefront is in a fantastic place right now after all the bad shit that happened.

I've been trying to play BFV as well and frankly the game just feels awful and I don't understand why. There's no autobalance. No way to kick the innumerable cheaters. It's really damn rough.


update 5.2 killed it again :messenger_loudly_crying:
what are they doing?? I am not even mad, just incredibly sad....

The Pacific Update / Maps brought me back after 8 months and I had an absolute blast up until 5.2.
So sad....
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update 5.2 killed it again :messenger_loudly_crying:
what are they doing?? I am not even mad, just incredibly sad....

The Pacific Update / Maps brought me back after 8 months and I had an absolute blast up until 5.2.
So sad....
I'm reading the patch broke the community. What did it do?


update 5.2 killed it again :messenger_loudly_crying:
what are they doing?? I am not even mad, just incredibly sad....

The Pacific Update / Maps brought me back after 8 months and I had an absolute blast up until 5.2.
So sad....

No idea. It's terrible. If they think this helps noobs, I think they are wrong. A longer TTK only prolongs the death of bad players. Who's going to land their 5-10 shots at distance? a highly skilled player or a bad one?


I'm reading the patch broke the community. What did it do?

- changed TTK again, in short: you need more ammo to kill someone and in some cases pistols are more powerful than assault rifles now...
- on consoles: sticky aim is back, I play on consoles, don't like sticky aim at all... a little "help" is cool, but this is too much...
- auto-spotting enemies... its bad, everywhere red dots, can't be stealthy anymore, flanking is way harder, people shoot through fences, cause you light up like a christmas tree behind it

those are the main problems now, while old problems still exist... its a shame, the game could be great, really great, but they seem totally disconnected to the community these days.... oh well, back to BF4 until this mess is fixed I guess....
- changed TTK again, in short: you need more ammo to kill someone and in some cases pistols are more powerful than assault rifles now...
- on consoles: sticky aim is back, I play on consoles, don't like sticky aim at all... a little "help" is cool, but this is too much...
- auto-spotting enemies... its bad, everywhere red dots, can't be stealthy anymore, flanking is way harder, people shoot through fences, cause you light up like a christmas tree behind it

those are the main problems now, while old problems still exist... its a shame, the game could be great, really great, but they seem totally disconnected to the community these days.... oh well, back to BF4 until this mess is fixed I guess....
This new update killed the game for me. How tf a AAA video game studio can nerf all guns except snipers at range when the game and it's map were designed to accommodate more long range gameplay. I have fought to have fun in this game for a whole year and I have finally given up. What a shame, I really wanted a kickass WW2 Battlefield game


This game is worse than Hardline. Even team deathmatch is designed for long range gun play. I can't run from A to B without getting sniped. There is little to non close-mid range gun fight. Guns are boring, places are too colourful and distracting. Servers are empty, i couldn't find any rush, domination or frontlines server. Firestorm is dead already. I don't understand how everyone loves that snipe fest "breakthrough".

I played this game like 40 hours, tried really hard to love it and buy it before latest sale ends. In all that 40 hours, i got 15 minutes of joy at most. I didn't drop it before because i was curious about which gun will be available next(and take advantage of my free origin access trial :pie_moneyface:). I thought there will be something for my taste but no. So i decided to skip this game. Yeah, 40 hours not that long in a multiplayer shooter:)

This game was bad before update, and still same after that big update. In fact, worse after update: enemies don't die and thats a problem in a game designed for killing enemies.

For the first time, COD fills bigger part of my multiplayer time. Gunfight is godsend. But when i want to scratch that BF itch, i won't load "ground war", instead i will continue with BF4>3>1. I hate horses but that's ok.


Did anyone ever get the chance to play Firestorm? I’ve been trying to find one damn game but there’s nothing :/


Did anyone ever get the chance to play Firestorm? I’ve been trying to find one damn game but there’s nothing :/
Yes I loved it. Had an amazing survival, desolate feel to it. Then the game searches started getting longer and ping times higher, so had to give up. Shame, amazing mode.

Winter John

Why did it die so quick?

Horrible inventory management and just an overall lack of player interest. I'd guess there's more to it but I played a few rounds and never went back. Trying to pick up items and sort through them was a real shit show. It killed all the momentum, but they might have fixed that now


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
I am looking for a company to play coop missions, anybody? PM me


Hipster Princess


Gold Member
I downloaded this game as I have Origin Access, played it for an hour or two, and really did not like it at all. I felt the same exact thing with BF1. Something went seriously wrong in this series, I mean on the surface it all looks correct but it's not fun to play.


Gold Member
Been a BF player since the original BF 1942 hit pc. Still have the discs! Anyways, I just couldn't get into BFV. Hit detection, time to kill, etc all felt off to me.
I'd get the drop on an enemy, unload shots in them(to the head, etc) they turn around and shoot me with like 1 or 2 shots: dead. It's just frustrating for me.

I guess I'm still in the minority but I'd love to see a return/remaster of BF: 1942. That was some of the most fun on a multiplayer pc game I've had in a long time.

IMO the future is bleek for BF. I hope Dice proves me wrong but I doubt it.


They really fucked this game up with no premium pass. Say what you want but at least they delivered maps. Once the game tanked they were never going to support it properly. Battlefront all over again.

I disagree about BOTH of your points. Battlefront 2 has had a TON of support. Just go play the game. They even added a new mode recently that has become such a hit that they have put out 2 more maps for it in like a couple months. Also there is nothing to substantiate your initial statement of the premium pass doing the game a bigger service than without.

So much for their live service.


So much for their live service.
Premium pass =/ live service. I still stand by the fact that premium pass not going to be what "saved the game." Also their GaaS model failure was their own fault. Between the launch debacle and then changing TTK the moment they had garnered positive feedback after the America update. Constantly going against community feedback. Dice can go screw themselves. Also BF5 isn't disappearing, they are just going to stop supporting the game. People can still play it.

Also I bought the game half off 2 weeks after launch. Got 200 hours out of it. I said farewell to the game after the last TTK change.
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So BF fans, the game is finally being brought out the the back yard to be put down. I have NEVER seen a AAA game this miss handled on every single level. So much so, I literally feel embarrassed to be a BF fan right now. What a fucking sad game man, I had such high hopes they could eventually turn it around but I guess they got tired of all of the BS. Say what you will about Ubisoft but at least they don't give up on their games. DICE has disrespected their consumers at every turn with this game and I believe they deserve all of the hate for this pathetic shit show.
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