Battlefield V |OT| EA (doesn't) want YOU!


The queue times for Firestorm are really atrocious. It takes 2 or more minutes to get into a lobby.... on release day.

Been longer than that too. The BFV user base is just to diminutive. We’ll see if it picks up in next few days as people dust off their discs or even pick up the game for the mode.


It really is taking that long? I am kinda shocked... I wonder if this is just poor programming on matchmaking. I will play it when I get home from work tonight.


It really is taking that long? I am kinda shocked... I wonder if this is just poor programming on matchmaking. I will play it when I get home from work tonight.
Yeah, for me at least and I just checked Twitch. It took DrDisrespect almost 5 minutes at one point. Don't know if console is different.


It took me around a minute to get in matches this morning but I don’t really mind a slight delay. I’m usually getting a drink or using the bathrooom between rounds anyway. Managed to get a couple of wins in my first few matches playing random squads.

I really enjoyed what I played so far, though.

Winter John

It's ok but they really have to work on the TTK and inventory system. I shouldn't have to spend time trying to figure out how to heal. I'm really surprised it's not free to play. If Dice want a large player base they need to put it out as a seperate thing. At the moment though Apex has nothing to worry about.
According to VGR, we've got two more Tides of War chapters on the way! Trial by Fire has been pretty cool, except picking up the loot is a bit annoying.
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I'm really surprised it's not free to play. If Dice want a large player base they need to put it out as a seperate thing. At the moment though Apex has nothing to worry about.

They don't want a larger playerbase, at least not one exclusive to a BR mode. That's just it, it is another mode in BF, a bit more variety, a bit more value for the entire BFV package. It gets them closer to parity with CoD.

Don't forget that this was farmed out to Criterion, btw.
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No it’s actually pretty fun! You probably just aren’t very good...
Rofl are you freaking serious? I carried a squad into Win... so dont tell me im not good lol. Stop assuming someone doesnt like a mode because of skill.

And no Firestorm is awul. So many baffling decisions im shocked this went out at its current state.
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I finally got a few rounds in. Definitely feels different from standard BF5. The only things I guess that are the same are the models for everything. Then that is where it ends for me. The armor throws me in for a loop. The gunplay feels less "refined." The general image quality for some reason to me just feels lower than the mainline game. The game has some cool moments but tanks really feel underpowered(I know people were afraid of them being OP but its the exact opposite). They are essentially a shield for you and your teammates that will absorb some damage until they get wrecked. Nothing really seems special about rarity weapons in this BR as well. Granted, I cannot imagine a person turning down a pink or whatever rarity weapon for the base one. It is also odd that they kept the weird spotting system(that almost nobody uses in BF5) in this game mode. It works like a gimped Apex legends ping system... in fact it works gimped compared to the one in the main game. The helicopter is hilariously bad.

I get this this was developed by critereon and that differences were obviously going to happen(I expected them).

I like it but it feels archaic after sinking so much time into Apex. Feels like Apex really evolved the genre. I will put some more time into it but I feel like I need more incentive for playing it other than just adding to my "tides of war" experience... cause I can get far more accomplished in that by just playing TDM or conquest.

All in all, in my eyes this is a welcome addition to the game. I imagine it is here to stay... unlike the other game modes. DICE really needs more servers for this game.
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I disagree that it's awful or not very good. It has issues, but I had fun with some friends playing it last night for a couple hours. As far as streamers not liking it...DisRespect, Viss, Jack Frags, Level Cap and Westie all liked it very much, but pointed out some of the issues listed as well.

-Inventory system needs to go to "deathbox" style or refined alot - Dev said this is 1st priority
-Player count needs to go up or the starting ares need to be smaller
-Needs more iconic places to land or character on the map
-Duos need to be added ASAP
-Que times need to improve

I agree with all of the above. The gunplay feels great, the graphics are great, it runs smooth. It's very close to a smooth PubG on console so I am a happy camper as long as they continue to improve it.
Yeah, for me at least and I just checked Twitch. It took DrDisrespect almost 5 minutes at one point. Don't know if console is different.

Its not. At least not when i played.

It feels like the rest of the game. Released in an unfinished state cause they ran out of time and they hope to fix it while we (the community) do their QAs job for them. Cause, why not? We do it for every other BF game. Why not this one too?


Gold Member
Played a few rounds last night with my brother Solarstrike Solarstrike of Firestorm. We finished top 10 in all the games we played(about 10) on PC.

I'll try the console versions later tonite as I own the game on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.

The PC version felt fine. Looked good and ran pretty damn smooth. I averaged over 80fps a second during play everything maxed on my 2080 Founder's Edition.

We liked it. It needs some work and I'm sure Dice will address the mode in future patches but we had fun, especially when we could get a 4 person squad going.


The praise for it is pretty vague. Kind of a red flag. What's so great about Firestorm?

Kind of want to buy it but feel like I'd be disappointed after playing so much Apex. Feel like I'd just be annoyed by the typical BF half-finished half-arse stuff. I'm on the fence. I am a big BF fan though. Just had to pass on BFV so far because it annoyed me so much in the Alphas and Beta and trial. Bought every previous BF game.
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I just want the map in the base game. Just plop some flags on it and lets go.

I enjoy the looting part of BR's, but can't get into the 1 life mechanic.

I agree that you can feel the game is developed by someone different. When you ADS you know this isn't DICE's BF.

Overall I think if there was some sort of respawning mechanic in the game it would go over more. Never played APEX but it sounds like it basically stole the thunder of all the other BR's out there and innovated the genre.

I bet if this launched with the game against Blackout and PUBG/Fortnite it would probably be better received, but APEX seems to have RIGHTFULLY stolen its thunder because its implemented a lot of systems BR players didn't really know they wanted till it came around.
All the current offerings in the BR genre feel different and battlefield in my opinion is the most intense. With the firestorm surrounding tearing down everything in his path, state-of-the-art sound, on top of destructible enviornments with less loot, Firestorm is my favorite variants of the Battle Royale genre.

My least favorite aspect is how long it takes to get into another match once you have died. I hope they improve that and add some different variants that allow respawning


Overall I really like the game... my dislikes probably mirror everyone else's here. One thing I really dont like right now is when you go down to bleed out... it's so agonizingly slow I never even get a chance to aim at an enemy I'm usually dead before I even hit the ground and get in a ready to defend state.


A Sheep
Rofl are you freaking serious? I carried a squad into Win... so dont tell me im not good lol. Stop assuming someone doesnt like a mode because of skill.

And no Firestorm is awul. So many baffling decisions im shocked this went out at its current state.

Ok drama Queen,,,


Firestorm is great. Much enjoying the slow methodical Sim like feel. Also feels easy somehow after the crazy speed of apex.


Doesn't seem to be that "hot" anymore looking at where it is on the Twitch list. Finally releasing BOINS and making Firestorm F2P is probably the best way to keep this mode active in my opinion. If you think about it, they are holding back so much cosmetic stuff you could see in alpha/beta footage and it's 5 months after release already.


This shit again...
Looking at the BFV sub-reddit, it's 2019... they year where gamers are excited about micro transactions getting patched INTO a game.



Had 45 min spare today. Couldn’t get a game. Seems the free Blackout month combined with the already free Apex has taken its toll.

Hopefully the SJW’s at dice don’t blame ‘their’ toxic customers and take notice.
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firestorm not being F2P it's utter madness, and basically killed it before it left the gate

Which is a massive shame, because it's a great BR, apart from looting and V1 being included


firestorm not being F2P it's utter madness, and basically killed it before it left the gate

Which is a massive shame, because it's a great BR, apart from looting and V1 being included
Hopefully the digital $ release will make a free option viable.


Hopefully the digital $ release will make a free option viable.

I just feel sorry for criterion, yet again they release something decent, and its being done over by EA/dice

If it doesnt go F2P soon it'll die very quickly

Plus the BOINS are a joke, there's nothing to buy, since bfv has some of the worst content in modern games, second only to anthem, i see a pattern
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Why do people keep saying firestorm should go free to play? For fuck's sake people, it is just another mode in a battlefield game. How many modes in previous battlefield games have gone free to play?

It isn't intended to go head to head with the juggernauts of the BR genre, it is there to round out the BF package.
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Why do people keep saying firestorm should go free to play? For fuck's sake people, it is just another mode in a battlefield game. How many modes in previous battlefield games have gone free to play?

It isn't intended to go head to head with the juggernauts of the BR genre, it is there to round out the BF package.

Not really, they made firestorm to compete, hence the different dev team developing it

Cosmetics were build around it in a way

You think dice wanted it just as another "mode", they were chasing the money train.

Bfv player base is dying, adding more and more mode just adds to that

Look at the figures for firestorm, release days was about 57k streaming in twitch, now barely 6k

If it was free, those numbers would potentially higher and build a player base, but no, because its locked behind a pay wall unfortunately


Not really, they made firestorm to compete, hence the different dev team developing it

Cosmetics were build around it in a way

You think dice wanted it just as another "mode", they were chasing the money train.

Bfv player base is dying, adding more and more mode just adds to that

Look at the figures for firestorm, release days was about 57k streaming in twitch, now barely 6k

If it was free, those numbers would potentially higher and build a player base, but no, because its locked behind a pay wall unfortunately

I’m giving up, 150+ ping servers. Not enough plebs in my region and it’s pushing me out to Zimbabwe or some crap. Maybe if they do a free release I’ll be back. Goddamn shame.


Not really, they made firestorm to compete, hence the different dev team developing it

Cosmetics were build around it in a way

You think dice wanted it just as another "mode", they were chasing the money train.

Bfv player base is dying, adding more and more mode just adds to that

Look at the figures for firestorm, release days was about 57k streaming in twitch, now barely 6k

If it was free, those numbers would potentially higher and build a player base, but no, because its locked behind a pay wall unfortunately

Nope, different dev team to do it because DICE didn't have time (or interest).

Every BF playerbase dies at one rate or another after release, nothing new there. It is probably going quicker with BFV---if it is---because of how poorly it did at release.

I don't care about the figures for firestorm on Twitch, any more than I care about the figures for any other BFV game mode on Twitch. It isn't going to compete with the f2p games and it was never intended to do so. If it were intended to do so it wouldn't be a mode in BFV, it'd be a standalone game. Don't forget that EA has already been down the free to play road with Battlefield Heroes. If they wanted to do it again they would have.

As a mode in BFV it came too late to help sell BFV. As a mode in BFV its chance of success in and of itself is directly proportional to how BFV did at release: poorly.
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Why do people keep saying firestorm should go free to play? For fuck's sake people, it is just another mode in a battlefield game. How many modes in previous battlefield games have gone free to play?

It isn't intended to go head to head with the juggernauts of the BR genre, it is there to round out the BF package.
Pfff and no one in the BF community asked for. We all want new maps and what do we get? A fucking BR mode 😔


7 Euros for a fucking weapon skin you can only buy with boins. Ridiculous. 3 Euros for white face paint. RiP...

I have tried to like firestorm, but the ridiculous network issues are killing it. I get that I'm no great gamer, but some of the firefights lost have just been pure bullshit. You'd think they would have this shit down by now.


I swear this game is being run by a sekeloton crew. We’ve had ONE new map in 5 months..........
They aren't charging for map packs anymore so they probably don't see the monetary incentive to push them out especially because I believe this game sold less than previous installments. If you had more people that bought the game and were buying stuff in game we would likely see more maps. Oh well, hopefully they learn from their mistakes. They crippled battlefront 2 and bfv with their decisions. Battlefield 1 was very good in my opinion and fairly popular.


Why do people keep saying firestorm should go free to play? For fuck's sake people, it is just another mode in a battlefield game. How many modes in previous battlefield games have gone free to play?

It isn't intended to go head to head with the juggernauts of the BR genre, it is there to round out the BF package.
EA does't care about rounding out the package and never has. They added the mode in hopes of drawing more purchases in the BR era. The game missed sales targets, and the new mode is not likely to result in a major long term uptick in purchases. Guaranteed that EA is considering making it FTP, for the same reason consumers are saying it should be, which is to draw in players who will not spend the money for the whole game but who might spend money on micro-transactions if they like it.
EA at E3: everything can be earned by playing

EA today: youll have to pay for some shit.

never expected that.

Rofl are you freaking serious? I carried a squad into Win... so dont tell me im not good lol. Stop assuming someone doesnt like a mode because of skill.

And no Firestorm is awul. So many baffling decisions im shocked this went out at its current state.

Youre shocked that something battlefield was released in a bad state? Im shocked that youre shocked.
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I guess im in the minority, Firestorm is the most fun out of all the BR games. For the record, Ive had no lag and quick loads for finding squads and matches. Driving through a house with a tank to kill someone trying to hide is simply something you cant do in any other game.


firestorm not being F2P it's utter madness, and basically killed it before it left the gate

Which is a massive shame, because it's a great BR, apart from looting and V1 being included

Being LTTP and Apex killed Firestorm. If this would of been there at release it would of crushed Blackout and PUBG and there was no APEX back then.

But in a post APEX world, a game that nailed a lot of BR mode and is FREE, Firestorm had no chance.

Like you said its a lot of fun but no one is playing it.

I actually in a sadistic way hope Firestorm does die out and EA to recover the money spent repurpose the map into variouse Operations and conquest maps. Really like the map and the heli but its going to waste in a BR mode that has a dwindling player base.


totally loving this new grind mode. I would recommend it to anyone that has the game. Granted this mode is right up my alley. Sometimes I just want more mindless combat with some chaos and this total provides it. Grind = Domination with 64 players instead of 32. I love it, shame it is a temp mode.
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