Man, fuck father Rodin
Fuck that bitch.
Fuck that bitch.
palpabl_purpura said:Man, fuck father Rodin
Fuck that bitch.
Tokubetsu said:How does tortures work? Full magic right? Does that deplete when I get hit/interrupted mid combo?
Believe you are thinking about father balder. Father rodin is by far the toughest thing in bayonetta. He can destroy you before you have time to blink.LiK said:really? he's actually easier than some of the other bosses.
Dreavus said:Shortly after that he'll fly to the edge of the arena to make things explode, and this is where I lose my multiplier since I guess he's out of range?
The camera definitely doesn't help at all in this fight.ultim8p00 said:Fuck this. I think I'll do my pure platinum run on Normal. That shit is impossible on hard. The first Jeanne bossfight on hard is so full of shit. She'll do a wicked weave right in the middle of you beating the shit of her...just like that. And it doesn't help that the camera is shit and I keep sticking to the wall. Whoever thought this walking on walls nonsense was cool is dumb.
ultim8p00 said:Fuck this. I think I'll do my pure platinum run on Normal. That shit is impossible on hard. The first Jeanne bossfight on hard is so full of shit. She'll do a wicked weave right in the middle of you beating the shit of her...just like that. And it doesn't help that the camera is shit and I keep sticking to the wall. Whoever thought this walking on walls nonsense was cool is dumb.
Tranced Shadow said:can you switch difficulties during the first play-through?
Really? :\ultim8p00 said:Fuck this. I think I'll do my pure platinum run on Normal. That shit is impossible on hard. The first Jeanne bossfight on hard is so full of shit. She'll do a wicked weave right in the middle of you beating the shit of her...just like that. And it doesn't help that the camera is shit and I keep sticking to the wall. Whoever thought this walking on walls nonsense was cool is dumb.
Dreavus said:Anyone have some tips on how to get a decent combo score when it comes to bosses?
Oh fuck! :O I tried this and boy was I making playing my first play through more difficult.:lol :lolDahbomb said:The camera definitely doesn't help at all in this fight.
By the way one of the first things that I did in this game was go to Option and Camera and increased the speed of the camera (both X and Y). Way too slow on default, the speed is turned down all the way to slowest. It helped me out a lot.
Alx said:only normal, easy and very easy are available at first.
Also remember that you can turn off the "Automatic" part of "Easy Automatic" by taking off the Marionette accessory.Tranced Shadow said:Thanks! That's fine, I'm only worried that normal might be too difficult :lol :lol :lol
Zertez said:Believe you are thinking about father balder. Father rodin is by far the toughest thing in bayonetta. He can destroy you before you have time to blink.
The Lost Chapter is a series of like 100 fights with groups of angels and bosses. You unlock the Rodin fight by earning (not keeping) 10 million halos.LiK said:ah yes, my bad, was reading too quickly. i haven't checked out Lost Chapters yet. i unlocked it last night by simply playing normally. but yea, i heard he's a tough mofo.
LiK said:ah yes, my bad, was reading too quickly. i haven't checked out Lost Chapters yet. i unlocked it last night by simply playing normally. but yea, i heard he's a tough mofo.
btw, not having too much trouble with Infinite Climax mode, i'm up to Chapter 8 before i went to bed last night. i think playing all the Alfheims really made me good at dodging and parrying. you guys should play those if you plan on playing Infinite Climax later.
even Glory and Grace are sorta easy for me now. the only guys that give me trouble are Glorious and Gracious. they're fast mofos....
I like watching other people play because it demonstrates how many different ways there are to play this game successfully. For example, this guy dodge offsets way less than I do but he parries a fair bit more.Trojan X said:Wow... What happened to you people's skills on this game? Normal mode is just a training ground for you to play the game on HARD and Non-stop Climax, the true modes to play this game.
My friend and I are playing this game using plenty of dodge cancels, combos and parrying. We only play the game in HARD and Non-stop Climax mode. Look, here's a video of my friend playing the game:
Think of it as the Moon of Mahalakalaklamalamlamal equivalent of Bat Within.NIN90 said:How do I exactly execute a counter? It seems like it just randomly happens when I parry.
NIN90 said:How do I exactly execute a counter? It seems like it just randomly happens when I parry.
Damn, I need to learn some air combos.Trojan X said:
Aside from unlockables, the Moon of whatever is incredibly handy. Gaze of Despair is great if you're trying to build combos. That one that heals you when you taunt is pretty much necessary for the Lost Chapter, but not really that handy for the rest of the game. Those beads that replace your witch time with a counter attack are great on Infinite Climax mode since you don't have witch time anyway.Chamber said:So what would you guys say are the most useful accessories to purchase?
NIN90 said:How do I exactly execute a counter? It seems like it just randomly happens when I parry.
Really? :\
That... isn't good. Quite cheap.
eso76 said:true her weave attack comes out of nowhere and quite suddenly, but she generally yells something at you like a millisecond before, so you can more or less dodge it.
I agree that the camera there makes the fight a mess, but i found that fight very easy compared to some of the stuff you have to face before that. Maybe because i was fighting her constantly tapping the stick in her direction to counter her attacks which worked beautifully![]()
Oh, I can be even cheaper than her![]()
Zeliard said:Bayonetta is like the designers took everything people asked for in the genre and stuffed it into one game - like they actually listened to the fanbase. A large amount of mostly-balanced weapons (the hidden ones seem a bit overpowered), and since you can put two different ones on your feet, you have the ability to basically quickly switch between four weapons at any point during combat. Ninja Gaiden 2 came out with a ton of cool weapons but people were rightfully miffed that you couldn't switch between them without the game pausing itself.
There's also a long combo list for every weapon combo you're sporting, and since almost every move can cancel into something else, you can also develop your own makeshift, freeform combos during combat. It feels nearly limitless in possibilities.
The only thing that would make the combat in Bayonetta superior to me is if it put a little bit more emphasis on defense, ala Ninja Gaiden Black. NGB is still fairly unique in that respect - Bayonetta and most other games in the genre generally go with the "offense is the best defense" mentality, while NGB is all "no, defense is the best defense".
God's Beard said:So you complain that ninja gaiden 2 should have had real-time weapon switching, but then praise it for being a defense-oriented game?
God's Beard said:So you complain that ninja gaiden 2 should have had real-time weapon switching, but then praise it for being a defense-oriented game?
God's Beard said:So you complain that ninja gaiden 2 should have had real-time weapon switching, but then praise it for being a defense-oriented game?
Zeliard said:I don't hear that many people talk about the nunchucks at all, though I guess since they require 100 chapters cleared, most people just haven't gotten to that point yet. I wonder just how effective they are.
TreIII said:They're actually quite nice.
I mean, you're not going to get another Pillow Talk-type weapon of sheer raw power, but you instead get a weapon that allows for a lot of hits that can pad your combo score. The "bullets of light" that the Soifong shoots out with each hit go all over the damn place, and the weapon itself can even hit "ENRAGED!" enemies out of their "super armor".
Plus, the 360 attack sends the nunchaku flying around the arena. While it's out of your hands, you can still fight normally (pistol style, just with no pistols).
I still think Rodin is probably the best weapon in the game. Anything that allows you to summon overpowered lasers in the ground or in the air gets my vote! :lol
_tetsuo_ said:Ninja Gaiden 2 needs real time weapon switching, Ninja Gaiden Black is defense-oriented. Even still, you can have a defensive gameplay style and real-time weapon switching.