I'm smoking my other rack of St. Louis. I'm giving it 8 hours since that's what the last one took. I also have a small 3lb CAB chuck roast that I'm thinking of throwing on. Anyone here smoke a small one like that? I'm curious if there will be enough time for a bark to form.
Edit:Update. I put them both on and am hoping for the best. The ribs are closer to the charcoal and are natrurally thinner so I'm expecting them to finish first.
It seems Weber/iDevices updated their app. Old on the left, new on the right:
I think it looks better. Also I'm finally able to get it to play Funkytown when my food is ready. Best alarm ever.
Edit 2: Ribs are (over)done.
They might be in fall off the bone territory. We'll see.
The chuck is on a bed of diced onions and sweet yellow peppers we got from the Amish auction, with garlic, a touch of jalapeno, some chicken broth, soy sauce, and a stout that a friend homebrewed. Now that it's smoked to 165 I'm going to braise it until it pulls effortlessly.
Final edit:Nearly 11 hours since I started the PSB is done/
It tastes great and got a beautiful smoke ring. I'm going to serve it tomorrow for dinner.
Bonus shot. Big ass smoke ring on ribs. Everyone liked them this tender.