Just like P90X though, there's nothing stopping you from pausing and learning the moves at first. None are so difficult to learn that your heart rate will drop significantly while you work them out, and after a few weeks you'll know them all by name and be doing them as soon as you see the names flash on screen.
PS: Where's that food list!
Something about how Insanity is setup makes me feel like pausing just isn't an option, but I know you're right. The move that's sort of like pike pushups, but with your fingers facing each other and your elbows out really messed me up, form wise, on yesterday's workout. I feel like slowing down just defeats a lot of the purpose... but I'll try that next time.
Either way, good lord do I sweat a ton doing these. I'd like to see 188.6 go to 170-something by the end of the sixty days, and I think I have a legit shot of making that happen.
Food list!
Lean1 shakes (2-3 scoops + 12-16oz of lactose free skim)
Quest Bars (no more than two in a day)
Chicken breast
90-95% lean ground beef patties
Canned tuna
Protein shakes post workout, even for cardio (usually 2 scoops of ON or Syntha-6 + 16oz lactose free skim)
Green leafy vegetables (usually eat a bag or two of raw green beans or snow/sugar snap peas per day)
Occasionally cheese allowed in small amounts
Avoiding processed grains, so no wraps, no bread, no pasta.
Allowing myself diet soda sometimes & coffee + splenda and half and half, but trying to drink more water.
Things I'm not allowing myself:
Sweets, all kinds
Fast food, all kinds
Pizza, Chinese
Booze? Not sure. Not a big drinker, but am going to try and avoid it all the same.
Consider that a rough draft, and I know my food list is pretty boring/limited, but I can get by most days with that. Any feedback is as always appreciated!