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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Don't tell Tony you did Crossfit ;)


Those have to be some of the ugliest pull-ups I've seen. I'm not a crossfit hater, but damn those are bad.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Done with my version of P90X2 for a few weeks. Entering a cut phase.

I started thin, and I gained lots of muscle and a bit of fat. Cutting the fat now.

Working out makes my appetite veracious, so focusing on cardio and Dukan-like diet for a while. I shall return for more phase 2 workouts.


Readjusting to my diet after a two week diet break has been... interesting. Diet break for me meant sweets all day, every day, aka carb, fat, and thus calorie city. I actually put on some serious weight -- likely due to water retention from the huge increase in carbs, some of it has come off already -- but when I first weighed myself after I came back from vacation last week, my first reaction was to go find another scale because I thought the one I was using was broken.

So yeah, going from that back to a calorie deficit four days a week has been fun. XD And my birthday is on Halloween so I'm guaranteed to receive a bunch of candy.

Yesterday also wrapped up the end of my 12 week consultation process with the owner of RippedBody.jp and I feel like I'm in a good position to see my cut through to the end with the information gained. For people who are feeling a little lost and want to get into the LeanGains model, I'd highly recommend getting in touch with him.
Hit a milestone this morning... I started back in March at 204 something, and today I had my lowest weigh-in at 183.6, meaning I've officially passed 20 pounds lost through these programs.

Also, BM, three weeks in the bank for the no cheat meals thing- today is day 22. While I will likely allow myself something after day 30, my current idea is to keep this going as long as I can.

Good for you! Awesome. It really seems like you have been doing quite well


This stuff is amazing


6g carbs
How much does it go for, price wise? How long does a loaf last you?

I'm still eating whole wheat bread. I have to look out for high fructose corn syrup though, some brands still like to pack that into the bread. I'm (mostly) happy with what I have, but a change in pace does a body good sometimes.


I've been doing P90x and P90x 2 on and off for the better part of 3 years. Right now I'm just so damn bored with the workouts that I have no motivation to continue doing them. I haven't worked out much at all the past 6 - 8 weeks and I'm feeling like a lazy piece of shit. But I just can't get up for these workouts anymore. Any advice?

I was in the same state of mind at the beginning of the year. I was feeling lazy so I started taking some days off. Then I would just do the elliptical, then I would just do some weight training. Then I would just do nothing. I was making excuses to not workout or excuses for why I didn't need to workout that much. Then my doctor said I was fat, and that pushed me a little. But what really motivated me was going to a trail Jiu Jitsu class (I used to train 6 days a week) and I couldn't move for crap. I was getting winded really fast and was worthless. Failing at something you used to be good at is a great motivator, and that is what made me get back into it. At the beginning of Summer I was 220+ lbs, as of this morning I am 193 lbs. I'm running faster, I'm stronger, and I'm kicking butt in Jiu Jitsu.


Don't tell Tony you did Crossfit ;)

Good time to post this:

An excerpt:
4. Their pullups suck. A pullup goes up, and then down. Crossfit likes to teach people to do these god damn "kipping pullups" which involve propelling yourself up and down using hip generated momentum, like some undulating fish flopping from an iron bar. THIS IS NOT A PULLUP. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED. Here's a guy who did 100 "pullups." Yeah real impressive but those ARE NOT REAL PULLUPS. Yes, they are something. But not pullups.

One of Crossfit's trademark workouts is "Fran," which involves doing sets of 21, 15, and 9 pullups. Now: a very, very small percentage of the population is able to do a single set of 21 proper pullups, without stopping. I guarantee you that the majority of NFL football players cannot do this. But since it's so god damn important to make the numbers in the workout, Crossfit people do 21 kipping pullups instead, and then they're all, "Yeah, I just did 21 pullups right there." Yeah, and I can dunk a basketball as long as I'm jumping off a trampoline. Those are not pullups.

How much does it go for, price wise? How long does a loaf last you?

I'm still eating whole wheat bread. I have to look out for high fructose corn syrup though, some brands still like to pack that into the bread. I'm (mostly) happy with what I have, but a change in pace does a body good sometimes.

It's actually not a loaf, they're wraps. I think there's 8 of them in a package. I found them at a local Italian market for around $3. Great for throwing on some lean turkey, avacado, etc.


Hang out with Steve.
Kipping gif is hilarious. One thing I am trying to do in X2 is focus on form, range of motion and control in my pull-ups and chin-ups. It's harder and my numbers are down but I think it's worth it.

Thoughts on the first week of X2 tomorrow.
Now that my daughter is starting to sleep in longer chunks than an hour and my wife isn't carrying her inside of her, I'll have time to commit to a good workout routine again, and that's got to be P90X. Since I did well for a month on it before (but got occupied by a virus that made pooping a workout), I'm confident I can step it back up again.

The down side...I've gained some weight. Currently what I'd like to do is lose fat FIRST, then build muscle. Thinking of doing the lean routine, then the standard. Has anyone here done anything like that?

Also, lol at that crossfit gif.


The down side...I've gained some weight. Currently what I'd like to do is lose fat FIRST, then build muscle. Thinking of doing the lean routine, then the standard. Has anyone here done anything like that?
I did lean first then a classic/doubles hybrid, and I've seen good results. Admittedly my diet wasn't the strictest, but I'm down to 202 or so from a starting weight of 220. The biggest change has been in my overall body shape. Even when I had only lost a few pounds, my pants fit much looser and I could tell a big difference from a purely visual perspective.

My main issue with lean is that it's too easy. Kenpo isn't much of a workout, and the fact that it leaves out plyo is a big negative IMO. I'd recommend doing Classic and replacing Kenpo with Cardio X.

Just keep in mind that the emphasis of P90X isn't weight loss, but overall fitness and strength. You'll definitely lose weight doing it (especially if your diet is sufficiently strict) but don't be discouraged if the weight loss doesn't come as rapidly as you'd like.

I've always heard that slow, steady weight loss is more sustainable anyways.

Also, I started to see more rapid weight loss by cutting my carb intake down to ~100 grams/day, so I'd definitely recommend that as well.
I did lean first then a classic/doubles hybrid, and I've seen good results. Admittedly my diet wasn't the strictest, but I'm down to 202 or so from a starting weight of 220. The biggest change has been in my overall body shape. Even when I had only lost a few pounds, my pants fit much looser and I could tell a big difference from a purely visual perspective.

My main issue with lean is that it's too easy. Kenpo isn't much of a workout, and the fact that it leaves out plyo is a big negative IMO. I'd recommend doing Classic and replacing Kenpo with Cardio X.

Just keep in mind that the emphasis of P90X isn't weight loss, but overall fitness and strength. You'll definitely lose weight doing it (especially if your diet is sufficiently strict) but don't be discouraged if the weight loss doesn't come as rapidly as you'd like.

I've always heard that slow, steady weight loss is more sustainable anyways.

Also, I started to see more rapid weight loss by cutting my carb intake down to ~100 grams/day, so I'd definitely recommend that as well.

The overall goal here is fitness and wellness, and the first part of that for me is weight loss. Full disclosure I'm running at 194 lbs, where in summer of 2011 I was at 169. I can still do a few pullups, I just don't feel like I think I should. And I certainly don't look it with my shirt off (skinny fat, yo).

Anyway, diet changes should be pretty easy to stick with...I prefer fresh fruits and vegetables with/for breakfast and lunch, as well as non-fat yogurts. It's dinner and late night that kills. Revising that in combination with a good workout routine will hopefully do the trick. Next Monday begins, as the remainder of this week will be spent cleaning the cupboard.


I did lean first then a classic/doubles hybrid, and I've seen good results. Admittedly my diet wasn't the strictest, but I'm down to 202 or so from a starting weight of 220. The biggest change has been in my overall body shape. Even when I had only lost a few pounds, my pants fit much looser and I could tell a big difference from a purely visual perspective.

My main issue with lean is that it's too easy. Kenpo isn't much of a workout, and the fact that it leaves out plyo is a big negative IMO. I'd recommend doing Classic and replacing Kenpo with Cardio X.

Just keep in mind that the emphasis of P90X isn't weight loss, but overall fitness and strength. You'll definitely lose weight doing it (especially if your diet is sufficiently strict) but don't be discouraged if the weight loss doesn't come as rapidly as you'd like.

I've always heard that slow, steady weight loss is more sustainable anyways.

Also, I started to see more rapid weight loss by cutting my carb intake down to ~100 grams/day, so I'd definitely recommend that as well.

I think people underestimate how quickly weight should come off. You lost 18 pounds in 180 days, while gaining some muscle, tendon and bone weight. That is a fairly quick rate of fat loss, and considering you said your diet is 'not the strictest' I'd say it's pretty effective for that purpose.


The overall goal here is fitness and wellness, and the first part of that for me is weight loss. Full disclosure I'm running at 194 lbs, where in summer of 2011 I was at 169. I can still do a few pullups, I just don't feel like I think I should. And I certainly don't look it with my shirt off (skinny fat, yo).

Anyway, diet changes should be pretty easy to stick with...I prefer fresh fruits and vegetables with/for breakfast and lunch, as well as non-fat yogurts. It's dinner and late night that kills. Revising that in combination with a good workout routine will hopefully do the trick. Next Monday begins, as the remainder of this week will be spent cleaning the cupboard.
That was my issue too--something that might help is working out in the evening/after work. It's much easier to resist dinner/late night temptation if you're exhausted from just working out.

Good luck!

grumble said:
I think people underestimate how quickly weight should come off. You lost 18 pounds in 180 days, while gaining some muscle, tendon and bone weight. That is a fairly quick rate of fat loss, and considering you said your diet is 'not the strictest' I'd say it's pretty effective for that purpose.
Definitely. While it's much more satisfying to lose weight more rapidly (which I've done before), I also think my current path is much more sustainable.


Kipping gif is hilarious. One thing I am trying to do in X2 is focus on form, range of motion and control in my pull-ups and chin-ups. It's harder and my numbers are down but I think it's worth it.

Thoughts on the first week of X2 tomorrow.

Absolutely. This is what I started doing recently (going all the way down in pull ups and chin ups with no kipping). My numbers decreased by a half, but I'm feeling the workout much more.


If Tony hates kipping pull ups so much why did he put them in X2?
While I can see why he hates them (it doesn't make you work your back muscles properly), I guess he still put them in X2 because they're very close to the kind of move you would do in real life (if you're trying to pull yourself up somewhere, you will naturally try to use momentum). I can't really think of any other reason TBH


Hang out with Steve.
So week one of P90X2 is in the books. My overall impression is that it is awesome.

Week 1 biggest takeaways:
1. Stability ball gets really, really slippery with sweat.
2. I am a Rumble Roller convert.
3. My balance needs work but it got better through the week.

Definitely feeling these workouts. Great core work & back work. For the first time through P90, P90X, Insanity and Asylum Volume 1 I really feel like my glutes & lower back are getting some work, and I'm certain it's due to using the stability ball.

There are a lot of really cool moves, and unlike X-Stretch I really enjoy & feel like I get a lot out of Recovery & Mobility.

I had originally planned 3 weeks of Phase 1, but I may add a 4th simply because it is such an awesome set of workouts. We'll see how I feel about it in a couple weeks. Even if I add a 4th week of Phase 1, I still plan on 6 weeks of Phase 2 and 3 of Phase 3 (with 3-day recovery breaks after each phase or 3 weeks).


I don't post in this thread too much (if at all), but it was the place that got me inspired to finally try P90X. Anyway, today is Day 90 for me, one more Yoga X routine and I graduate.

All I can really say is 'Wow'. This is definitely a program where you earn whatever you put into it. I was already working out prior to starting it, but needed a different regimen because I felt like I had plateaued. Started it, got my butt kicked in the first week, but powered through it. Changed my diet and stuck to it and the results have clearly paid off (don't have final pics to show any comparisons yet) but I was 159 lbs this morning (started at 174) and lost 4" off my waist (I haven't worn 30" pants in almost 20 years.) My self esteem is stronger, I haven't had back issues in 3 months and I just plain feel healthier now.

I'm thinking of taking 1-2 weeks off and then either dabble in making my own routine from P90X or maybe make a second run through it. I unfortunately don't have much floor space and don't have a door to use the pull up bar I bought (been using bands), but I'm very interested in either trying Insanity or X2 after my next series of X stuff.

This may seem silly to say, but you regulars that keep this thread going are awesome for providing a resource to us and at least giving me some inspiration to just dive in and get it done.


Good stuff man, nice to hear you are enjoying the X and Tony Horton journey.

Here's a tip though: don't take two whole weeks before starting a new program. If you want some rest, work out at least 4 or 5 times per week. This way you'll be able to pick up right were you left.


Good stuff man, nice to hear you are enjoying the X and Tony Horton journey.

Here's a tip though: don't take two whole weeks before starting a new program. If you want some rest, work out at least 4 or 5 times per week. This way you'll be able to pick up right were you left.
Yep, agree with this wholeheartedly.
Good stuff man, nice to hear you are enjoying the X and Tony Horton journey.

Here's a tip though: don't take two whole weeks before starting a new program. If you want some rest, work out at least 4 or 5 times per week. This way you'll be able to pick up right were you left.

How much do you weigh now? I'm 129 :(


How much do you weigh now? I'm 129 :(

Me? Right now I'm at 183. Around 4 months ago I was at 169. Consider getting some weight gainers man, they are pretty inexpensive and can ad up to 1000 extra decent calories for your day.

I don't know if this is the placebo effect or what, but I feel that after I got a natural colon cleanse, I've been seeing better results. Maybe I had parasites or something, but now I seem to process food much better.
just finished my first day, about an hour ago. My arms are killing me.

That was me 2 days ago :D

Sometime later, Tony's like, "lift your legs in the air nice and straight", and I'm like, "oh shit, I can't straighten my legs fully like that, there must be something wrong with my knees!", but then Tony's like, "don't worry if you can't, you'll be able to do it properly with time", and I'm like, "thank fuck, gods bless you Tony".
Me? Right now I'm at 183. Around 4 months ago I was at 169. Consider getting some weight gainers man, they are pretty inexpensive and can ad up to 1000 extra decent calories for your day.

I don't know if this is the placebo effect or what, but I feel that after I got a natural colon cleanse, I've been seeing better results. Maybe I had parasites or something, but now I seem to process food much better.

What's the point of weight gainer? Putting up some mass? I just bought new sets of clothes lol

183 sounds good man. Oh and the colon cleanse, what did you do for it? I have been pretty healthy, do i need it?


Yeah, the weight gainer + the resistance workouts from P90X and X2 have helped me gain good weight (as in mass). As for the colon cleanse stuff, I did it only because I had the suspicion that I had parasites even though I've been eating good stuff for over a year. I think it definitely paid off.

I mean, you should look into it. There's nothing to lose certainly.


It's actually not a loaf, they're wraps. I think there's 8 of them in a package. I found them at a local Italian market for around $3. Great for throwing on some lean turkey, avacado, etc.

Don't know how I missed this... I'm going to pick that up today if I can find it.

Day 70 of X2...

I would normally be working out right now, but I have to do some lovely mandatory overtime work in about an hour.


just finished my first day, about an hour ago. My arms are killing me.

Wait for legs. Holy shit, I couldn't walk the next day. I can still barely walk now. :(

Weekend is going to be rough, I normally eat a tonne of shit and now need to get myself out of that routine. I might have to buy 1001 games from steam to keep myself from going to the kitchen. :V


So week one of P90X2 is in the books. My overall impression is that it is awesome.

Week 1 biggest takeaways:
1. Stability ball gets really, really slippery with sweat.
2. I am a Rumble Roller convert.
3. My balance needs work but it got better through the week.

Definitely feeling these workouts. Great core work & back work. For the first time through P90, P90X, Insanity and Asylum Volume 1 I really feel like my glutes & lower back are getting some work, and I'm certain it's due to using the stability ball.

There are a lot of really cool moves, and unlike X-Stretch I really enjoy & feel like I get a lot out of Recovery & Mobility.

I had originally planned 3 weeks of Phase 1, but I may add a 4th simply because it is such an awesome set of workouts. We'll see how I feel about it in a couple weeks. Even if I add a 4th week of Phase 1, I still plan on 6 weeks of Phase 2 and 3 of Phase 3 (with 3-day recovery breaks after each phase or 3 weeks).

Glad you're enjoying it that much! I really liked how my core felt after phase 1 and agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts on that.

I don't post in this thread too much (if at all), but it was the place that got me inspired to finally try P90X. Anyway, today is Day 90 for me, one more Yoga X routine and I graduate.

All I can really say is 'Wow'. This is definitely a program where you earn whatever you put into it. I was already working out prior to starting it, but needed a different regimen because I felt like I had plateaued. Started it, got my butt kicked in the first week, but powered through it. Changed my diet and stuck to it and the results have clearly paid off (don't have final pics to show any comparisons yet) but I was 159 lbs this morning (started at 174) and lost 4" off my waist (I haven't worn 30" pants in almost 20 years.) My self esteem is stronger, I haven't had back issues in 3 months and I just plain feel healthier now.

I'm thinking of taking 1-2 weeks off and then either dabble in making my own routine from P90X or maybe make a second run through it. I unfortunately don't have much floor space and don't have a door to use the pull up bar I bought (been using bands), but I'm very interested in either trying Insanity or X2 after my next series of X stuff.

This may seem silly to say, but you regulars that keep this thread going are awesome for providing a resource to us and at least giving me some inspiration to just dive in and get it done.

Awesome stuff man! Even if you just read the thread, I hope it continues to help you feel stronger and healthier in whatever you decide to do next.


day 2 of week 4. I'm going to the gym today instead of doing core synergistics at home. Hopefully no one will be on the equipment I want to use. Well I know no one will be doing pullups. It's very weird that I never see gymrats or bodybuilders doing pullups or chin ups. Tony has shown me the light.

I don't post in this thread too much (if at all), but it was the place that got me inspired to finally try P90X. Anyway, today is Day 90 for me, one more Yoga X routine and I graduate.
... My self esteem is stronger, I haven't had back issues in 3 months and I just plain feel healthier now.
Congrats man! Those are the best results.
I think after I get done with P90x, I'm going to try and get into the Les Mills Combat.


Hang out with Steve.
Well, crap. Plyocide today, and I hurt my back doing Spartan Lunges. Stopped & got on the rumble roller for about 20 minutes, and a long, hot shower helped but I have pain when I stand up straight.

I'm going to try a modified recovery week so I'm not sitting idle but as it stands now I need to take it easy until this improves.
Got 2 weeks left of Body Beast. Noticed a lot of growth in my arms, lats, legs and shoulders, bottom abs are finally poking through but thats down to body fat % not a differing ab workout. Will be posting pics in the coming weeks.

I definitely recommend this program to anyone here whos wanting to improve muscle definition or build mass, it focuses a lot of areas P90X misses.


Got 2 weeks left of Body Beast. Noticed a lot of growth in my arms, lats, legs and shoulders, bottom abs are finally poking through but thats down to body fat % not a differing ab workout. Will be posting pics in the coming weeks.

I definitely recommend this program to anyone here whos wanting to improve muscle definition or build mass, it focuses a lot of areas P90X misses.

Nice, I was just about to ask if anyone else here is doing Body Beast.

I'm on day 4 right now, technically should be doing the Build: Shoulders routine today, but I might skip it. I am so unbelievably sore right now. My chest is still sore from day 1, and I can hardly bend my arms today after that back/bi workout. Those 1-1-2 hammer curl sets were pure torture.

My only complaint so far is that the instructor guy is nearly insufferable. After I get the routines down I fully plan on muting the video, whereas I almost never mute Tony, even though I've done each routine dozens of times.
So I did P90X earlier this year for the first time and found it to be an awesome experience. I lost about 25 lbs and had a really good time. Unfortunately due to stress/school/work/travelling I kind of petered out in phase 3, which was kind of frustrating.

I'm thinking now is a good time to give it another go. I know I'm not in as good shape right now, though I haven't really put any of the weight back on, which is really nice. I still would like to lose about another 10-15 lbs and really get my aerobic stamina up.

Anyone been through something similar? Did you have success? Do anything differently the second time?


What's the instructor like?

Well, this should give you an idea of he speaks:


English definitely isn't his primary language, his accent bugs me, and he always refers to himself in 3rd person as "the beast" which also annoys me. He's also really bad at trying to get you pumped up. It always comes off completely flat, almost like his enthusiasm is fake or contrived.

Most importantly though the dude never really gives you any useful insight or tips for the routine - at least so far. Whereas Tony can seem almost telepathic in pointing out potential problems, and then gives you solutions or little tweaks to help you out. Basically I get the feeling that Tony truly understands fitness in all capacities, whereas this body beast guy just lifts the heaviest weight he can find.

Grade A Jersey Shore douche.


Yeah, that's a good way of putting it too


So I did P90X earlier this year for the first time and found it to be an awesome experience. I lost about 25 lbs and had a really good time. Unfortunately due to stress/school/work/travelling I kind of petered out in phase 3, which was kind of frustrating.

I'm thinking now is a good time to give it another go. I know I'm not in as good shape right now, though I haven't really put any of the weight back on, which is really nice. I still would like to lose about another 10-15 lbs and really get my aerobic stamina up.

Anyone been through something similar? Did you have success? Do anything differently the second time?

If you don't mind spending some more money, I absolutely and utterly recommend to pick up P90X2. You'll lose all the pounds you don't want, plus you'll make other amazing gains (balance, strength, flexibility, performance).
If you don't mind spending some more money, I absolutely and utterly recommend to pick up P90X2. You'll lose all the pounds you don't want, plus you'll make other amazing gains (balance, strength, flexibility, performance).

You think that would be better than giving P90X a go again? I'm probably only about half as fit as I would like to be. I'm not sure how intense P90X2 is in comparison to the original.
You think that would be better than giving P90X a go again? I'm probably only about half as fit as I would like to be. I'm not sure how intense P90X2 is in comparison to the original.

I leaned down a lot more with X2 than i did with the original. Its not so good for muscle building however. Your choice.
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